Healthy Christian Men
Healthy Christian Men is a site aimed at sharing knowledge, ideas and supporting each other in every facet of our health as God-fearing men. Health is defined as the optimal state of your relationship with God, those with your loved ones, the state of your mind, body and other assets.
Healthy Christian Men
1M ago
You are squatting and deadlifting. There is a very high probability that you are bench pressing. If you are serious, you are also overhead pressing and doing pull-ups. You are doing all this consistently. Congratulations. You have laid a solid, strong foundation for your overall strength development. The moment you need to swing an axe […]
Het bericht What your training is lacking and how to fix it: Rotation verscheen eerst op Healthy Christian Men more
Healthy Christian Men
6M ago
I was once present at the beginning of a new relationship. Standing at a bus stop as a youngster, I saw a man and a woman meeting each other. Apparently they hadn’t seen each other for some time, and after the usual greetings, a conversation started. As this happened decades ago, and I wasn’t consciously eavesdropping on their conversation, I can’t relay the first part of the conversation, but at some point the man figured out that the woman was single at that moment.
He promptly asked her to start a relationship with him. Right then and there. No hesitation. She laughed, but surprisingly to m more
Healthy Christian Men
7M ago
You lose weight by eating less than your body needs. Pretty simple, actually. In ‘technical’ terms, you need to consume fewer calories than your body needs to function. It will then switch over to burning the excess stored fat and, at some point, muscle tissue. The end result is that your body weight will go down if you do this long enough.
So now you know how to lose weight.
All jokes aside, the above is in layman’s terms, how you reduce your body weight. The logic is pretty straight-forward, but that is not the reason why achieving a lower body weight is a challenging goal for the majority o more
Healthy Christian Men
2y ago
In the previous article, two groups of exercises are proposed to help create a healthy habit of working out daily. The routine mentioned is aimed at providing a full body work out, while maintaining a busy life with lots of responsibilities and a minimal amount of available time.
The routine consist of 3 days in the week spend doing one hard set of the exercises programmed for that day. In between these 3 work out days, you have 3 cardio days, you spend working on your cardio in a functional manner. This can be by activities, such as boxing, working on your ground fighting techniques, swimmin more
Healthy Christian Men
3y ago
In the previous article, we talked about our physical temple and a proper definition of health. From a Christian perspective that is. One that still would be objective, so true for even non-Christians and measurable to prove that point.
I stated that health is best defined as functional and metabolic efficiency. In the last article we talked about functional efficiency and what that entails. Now we will shift the focus to that other type of efficiency our body should achieve as much as possible.
Metabolic Efficiency
If functional efficiency is the ability to use your body to the full extent of more
Healthy Christian Men
3y ago
Five years ago the journey began of blogging on the subject of being a Christian man with a healthy lifestyle. If you think about it, being a Christian should actually mean being as healthy as circumstantially possible, as it is part of our faith to take care of all that we receive from the Almighty. This most definitely includes our bodies.
The first ever article was about a daily routine a man can do to sustain a base level of physical fitness. This while also maintaining normal life responsibilities and functions such as; having a job and doing it to the best of your abilities, studying, be more
Healthy Christian Men
3y ago
A post on Reddit little over a year ago was a painful example of how young men in the church and Christian communities nowadays, are suffering because there is no adequate mentorship. In the post a young man (probably still more of a teenager) was asking for prayer, since he had asked a girl (he had met her at a camp or something) to be his girlfriend. She had responded that she wanted to think about it (yes, that dreaded female escape route).
He was asking for the fellow members on that particular forum to pray that she would make up her mind and say yes. In his mind she was the one the Lord more
Healthy Christian Men
3y ago
Do you remember the first time you saw the scene where a super cool looking Laurence Fishburne as ‘Morpheus’, presents an almost baby face Keanu Reeves as ‘Neo’ with the choice between the Red and the Blue pill?
Blue represented a life where things stayed the same; you knew what you were getting. The red pill represented, getting the veil pulled from your eyes; the harsh reality. It is implied that only the strong, the courageous, the bold can handle taking the Red pill. At some point later in the film the coward/traitor even utters the words: ‘Ignorance is bliss’.
You might not know this, but more
Healthy Christian Men
3y ago
When you look around an average Christian congregation (it depends a bit on the denomination). Well let me rephrase that; If you looked around in any given Christian congregation before COVID, you would notice that the obesity pandemic predominantly attacking the developed world, does not stop at religious lines. Many of us haven’t been able to look around a fully packed church in a long time.
Watching a YouTube video, I ones heard a very fit fifty something explain that disease is nature’s way of testing us and subsequently culling the unfit. A seemingly constant harsh reality.
Looking at the more
Healthy Christian Men
3y ago
Have you ever watched one of those shows where they help obese people lose weight in a record amount of time? They may even pay for a tummy fix if they manage to lose a certain amount of weight which qualifies them for the procedure.
I have always watched with a sense of increasing horror. In all of the different shows I saw, whether it was the US versions or some local version, one thing was always true: These people would get seriously tortured. And I am not saying this in a figurative sense. These people would be literally tortured for the entertainment of the viewer.
Their torture would no more