PraXis Blog
PraXis combines evidence-based wellness practices with ancient Christian tradition. We want to bring the healthy body and mind back into daily prayer life as a way to glorify God.
PraXis Blog
1y ago
PraXis Movement, Mindfulness and Prayer sessions return to Brookside Community Church this September. The three-part series runs Wednesday, Sept. 7, 14, and 21, 6:45 pm to 8 pm.
Classes will include our regular light Hatha yoga flow, prayers and scripture readings. We’ll also take folks through a series of breath-work style meditations designed to help calm the mind and slow down invasive thoughts.
If you missed our Summer Online Series, you can see the sessions on our channel.
These will be the only in-person classes offered this fall at Brookside. So if you haven’t had a chance to check out more
PraXis Blog
1y ago
Jamie and Cornelius take you to through the third and final flow and meditation in our three-part summer series.
This flow includes breath work and 2-minutes of silence at the end for Centering Prayer. We begin with the Christ Hymn from Colossians 1. As we do, meditate on how you are reconciling ourselves to Christ today. This movement and mindfulness practice helps to create flexibility in the chest and shoulder muscles. The flow also builds strength through safe isometric resistance. It’s ideal to practice silent prayer or mindfulness after a short easy movement practice like this. The move more
PraXis Blog
1y ago
Jamie and Cornelius take you to through the second flow and meditation in our three-part summer series.
This flow features a reading from Chronicles 16:8-13, a gentle 25-minute haha-style flow and four minutes of silence at the end for Centering Prayer or other contemplative practices. This flow is good for those experiencing tension in hip flexors, psoas muscle, and the TFL. You might want to use a block, strap or bolster if you normally have one for your practice.
We also have two more live online meditation classes left this August.
Join us on Zoom, 6:30 am, EST on Monday August 21 and 28 more
PraXis Blog
1y ago
We’re back! Join PraXis online this summer for pre-recorded sessions of Movement, Mindfulness and Prayer. Posts go live on July 25, August 8, and 22.
Your first one-hour session is waiting for you on YouTube Channel RIGHT HERE.
The video above is our first go at pre-recorded sessions. We are still getting the hang of the technicals parts. Expect the videos to improve quickly.
Join Cornelius and Jamie LIVE, every Monday morning for an online Contemplative Prayer Group. On Zoom, at 6:30 am. Start your Monday off right with a 20-minute session of Centering Prayer and contem more
PraXis Blog
2y ago
But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.
–Job 32:8
This Wednesday our winter/spring series continues with 40 minutes of power yoga focused on the solar plexus followed by a series of breathwork exercises. These breathing exercises, especially when practiced after movement, help to reduce stress and improve your mindful silence.
A new study conducted through university research centers in the United Kingdom and Spain found that breathwork was associated with lowering stress. The meta-analysis, or study of other studies, comprised more
PraXis Blog
2y ago
Peace Be With You!
We are delighted that a new season of PraXis will open this week right at the doorstep of Great Lent. This year we part of the Integrated Spirituality program at Brookside Community Church. So, if you are new to PraXis, please come at 6:30 pm for an orientation.
This week we will set out our intention on Wisdom, or knowledge of the Good and True that comes from God.* Think on what is good and true and from God in your life.
The class runs every first and third Wednesdays, Feb 15 – May 18, 6:45 pm to 7:45 pm. More details here.
Sign up on EventBrite, or see the full schedu more
PraXis Blog
2y ago
“Christ will exalt in my body” Phil. 1:20
PraXis movement, mindfulness and prayer sessions return to Brookside Community Church starting Feb 15.
PraXis provides mind, body, spirit coaching at the intersection of evidence-based wellness and Christian spiritual practice. For over a year, Cornelius Swart and Jamie DeRuyter have led the PraXis class at Brookside. And now, we are very excited to be part of the Integrated Spirituality program.
Classes will be every first and third Wednesday, 6:45 pm to 8 pm, from Feb. 15 to May 15.
Sessions include 30-40 minu more
PraXis Blog
2y ago
Here is a 2-minute guide on what to expect at a PraXis movement, mindfulness and prayer session. This short video takes you through all the elements of a 1-hour session.
This month we started another cycle of FREE PraXis sessions at Brookside Community Church. Best to take advantage of this free class now as might start charging soon.
Every Tuesday, Oct 11-Dec 13
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Brookside Community Church
Join us on ZOOMZoomies, please arrive about 10 minutes early so I can bring you in from the waiting room.
More at
http more
PraXis Blog
2y ago
This is a new podcast interview with about PraXis: Christian Wellness, spiritual athletes, the oneness of the body/soul, health as a process, and prayer as mental silence. Big thanks to Moses Rhys Pasimio for approaching us and asking Cornelius to participate in his series on mental health, addiction recovery and ancient Christian spirituality.
This is a long-form, in-depth discussion. It will lay out, in fairly easy to chew soundbites, underlying theology behind PraXis and how fitness, diet, and mindfulness fit together in the great arch of the ancient and endure spirit of the Eastern Churc more
PraXis Blog
2y ago
Treasury of blessings and Giver of life- come and abide in us…” (Trisagion)
“Suddenly, a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Acts 2:2 NIV
The Spirit comes like a violent wind, that blows where it wills (John 3:8). But it also dwells in silent pauses that come to us amid the clamor of our stormy lives.
Pentecost is always an invitation to meditate upon the nature of the Holy Spirit. In the ancient prayers of the Eastern Church, the Holy Spirit is prayed to directly and invoked thusly in the Epiclesis: “O Heav more