SoulSpeak Connects w/ Author Willow Ford
by Rachel
2y ago
How does author Willow Ford merge race, spirituality, socio-economic issues and horror all into one book? Tune in to SoulSpeak this Saturday October 23rd as we discuss Willow’s latest Speculative Fiction/ Sci-Fi novels The Fadian Experiment & The Fadian Escape and much, so much more more
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Allow Me To Reintroduce Ma' Self
by Rachel
2y ago
Healing from trauma is my life's water.  It isn't a fad for me...find out why more
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Learning How To Let Go
by Rachel
2y ago
Join me on my first solo episode as I discuss how I've learned to build the essential tool sets for letting go. more
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DeCoding Financial Literacy in the Black Community
by Rachel
2y ago
Join Grace and I as we address the Financial Literacy Gap in the Black Community more
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The Counter Intuitive Act of Surrender
by Rachel
2y ago
In a world that heavily emphasizes control and self do we practice surrender in our lives? How do we work out what is within our control and surrender to what is not?   Join Grace and I as we discuss the nuanced, game changing verb- Surrender more
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The Importance of Being Vocal
by Rachel
2y ago
Being vocal is critical to develop. Though building the courage can be intimidating, being vocal keeps us honest, accountable  and mostly resentment free.  Join Grace and I as we discuss being vocal and some of the caveats that come along more
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How to Build a Support System...From Scratch
by Rachel
2y ago
Unfortunately, not all of us were afforded a healthy support system out of the womb.  Join Grace and I as we discuss how to choose healthy/safe people to have in our corner and how to be one more
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Manifesting and Other Bulls&%! Narratives on Social Media
by Rachel
2y ago
Join Grace and I as we discuss the different faces of "manifesting" on social media as opposed to what it actually means to us more
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Black Mental Health
by Rachel
2y ago
Join us as we discuss what stigmas HAVE and HAVE NOT changed generationally within the African/African American mental health arena more
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The Entanglement Web We Weave
by Rachel
2y ago
Join us on SoulSpeak as we discuss the dangers of entanglement and how the messages we've receive from music to media entices us down a destructive rabbit hole more
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