A quiet week
Playing Trains
by Bob Hughes
20h ago
My mother has been visiting this week so there was little work done on the railway. She’s gone home now so this morning saw the removal of glazing from former railcar 34 and its trailer, allowing the bodies could be ..read more
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Playing Trains
by Bob Hughes
1w ago
Way back when I was an active member of the 5.5mm scale modular group I built a double sided module. The main scene was Eskdale Head and the flip side was Colby Level. The former based on a fictional extension ..read more
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Saturday morning at Queso Shed
Playing Trains
by Bob Hughes
1w ago
No.3 removes the empties from the fuelling point then stables clear of the coal stage so No.1 can fill up for the day. No.4 was fuelled last night and moves off shed as soon as No.1 is out of the ..read more
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Playing Trains
by Bob Hughes
1w ago
It has been a while since I posted a “Front End Friday” photo. In fact I’d stopped following them so I’m not even sure if they’re still a thing. Anyway, how’s that? Ivo’s Bentley with a short freight train in ..read more
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Take two
Playing Trains
by Bob Hughes
1w ago
The railcar with the protruding snout, described yesterday as possibly being ephemeral, was just that. In fact neither of these proposed freight railcars lasted 24 hours. The Bedford cab is now on the shorter chassis. I do like this one ..read more
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Trimming dead wood
Playing Trains
by Bob Hughes
1w ago
There was a discussion recently on the NGRM forum with regard to a railbus having a long protruding snout due to the engine being carried outboard of the main chassis. I have no doubt that such vehicles are not uncommon ..read more
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New coaches for the TLF
Playing Trains
by Bob Hughes
1w ago
I have just ordered a pair of coach kits for use on the Tranvía Lago Fernandez. (eBay vendor’s photograph) They’re from the same source as the wagon kits that have been used to create the Inglenook shunting puzzle for San ..read more
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Playing Trains
by Bob Hughes
1w ago
First up, the decision has been made to cancel this month’s operating session. It is too cold to stay in the garage for any length of time. That said, I have been running a few locos about in the yard ..read more
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Not fit for publication
Playing Trains
by Bob Hughes
2w ago
There are some things that should never be shared on the interwebby. Such is the internal bodgery that supports the wriggly tin cladding on the loading tipple at Green End Mine. Just looking at the roof outline shows that the ..read more
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Guillermo y Benjamín
Playing Trains
by Bob Hughes
2w ago
Guillermo y Benjamín are not official names for locos 69 and 79. Among the FCPyF’s motive power fleet only Llama is actually named but the Bill and Ben reference reflects their origins as being built on mechanisms from Hornby’s Thomas ..read more
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