The site is designed for millennial dads from every walk of life. Come be inspired and share in what it means to be a dad.
3y ago
A father is a male parent who aids in the creation of a child. But merely bringing a child to the world doesn’t make an individual a father. There are several things you’d have to do to be a father in the real sense. So, what is the definition of being a father?
A father is someone who will give you unconditional love without a doubt and be there to pick you up when you fall. He will point out your wrongs and guide you towards doing what’s right. A father will always have your best interest at heart. He is the rock of the family and will always try to direct you towards becoming your best self ..read more
3y ago
Becoming a parent is said to be one of the most amazing things you will ever experience in your lifetime. As a father, you are prone to feel a certain level of detachment from it all as you are often not sure what to do or how you fit into the pregnancy/birthing equation. The first few hours of being a father can feel very chaotic, with many people not fully aware of how the experience will change them.
Yes, fatherhood does in fact change a man. Changes in men occur after the birth of their own children, through adoption, and even through becoming a stepfather. Many studies have confirmed that ..read more
3y ago
You have been dating this girl for a few months, years, or maybe just a few days and you are sure this might be the best woman that you have ever met in your entire life. The stress of being away from her even for a few days has gotten too much, or you just find yourself unable to imagine not having her at your house or in your life. So, you want to know if you should move in with your girlfriend or have her move in with you.
You should move in with your girlfriend only if you are both on the same level, having tested the waters with living at each other’s houses for at least a week or more. I ..read more
3y ago
There are various items to consider before deciding to actively try for a second child. These considerations are very important as bringing another baby into your home is a huge deal. In this post we will deep dive these considerations and explore how these apply to my family.
Fears: The fear of having prenatal or birth complications and what this means for your family
Timing: When is the best time to welcome a new addition?
Finances: What financial burden will another child place on our family?
Lifestyle: How will our lifestyle be affected by a second baby?
These topics will get you ..read more
3y ago
Becoming a dad at any age can be a daunting task and is one of the hardest yet most enjoyable moments of life. However, a question that I commonly hear from men wanting to be dads is they fear they’re too old or young to have children. This is totally normal, and I’ve decided to answer that question for you.
The best age to become a dad is 25 to 35 years old. Becoming a father requires maturity, fertility, health, and stability which are all factors that typically require a man to be over the age of 25 yet younger than the age of 40 when fertility begins to decrease. Though it is still v ..read more
3y ago
Pregnancy and parenthood is an exciting yet scary time for both moms and dads alike. Being new to pregnancy and parenting is an even scarier experience because there is no way to understand something that you have never experienced firsthand. In this post I will explore a few things I feel every first time dad should know.
You will be sleep deprived
Do your part and help out wherever possible
Mistakes will happen but learn from them
The early years are precious
Make time for your partner
It is ok to be emotional
Your role is important
We have a lot to unpack with each of the points above. Th ..read more
3y ago
Thinking of taking your relationship to the next level is huge! But with this step there is a lot to think about and many questions you should consider beforehand. In this post we explore five important questions to discuss with your partner before marriage.
How do you deal with stress or disappointment?
What are your short term and long term goals?
What are your thoughts on having kids?
How do you manage your finances?
What are your deal breakers?
We will deep dive each of these questions at length in this post so buckle up and keep reading on to the first section.
1. How Do You Deal With S ..read more
3y ago
My wife and I have fun debates on who is the better parent. In this post I will be explaining why dads really are better than moms.
Dads report more joy during time with their children which makes them better. This directly correlates with the types of activities dads choose, the inclusion of other adults, and other daily life factors. Every family is different, however, both parents do in fact have an important role.
As dads we work hard and play even harder which helps when it comes to our families and especially our children. Let’s explore what makes us, well, us, and help in understanding ..read more
3y ago
How to be a dad is a question that many of us ask ourselves even when contemplating having children. For millennial dads specifically this is sometimes an unknown and unchartered territory due to the fact that many of us grew up without a father in our homes. In this post I will be exploring some key aspects to being a good dad.
Love Unconditionally
Be Present
Listen to Understand
Make Sacrifices
Lead by Example
Let’s explore each topic in detail and get you on your path to becoming and remaining a great dad.
Love Unconditionally
A great dad loves unconditionally no matter the circumstance o ..read more
3y ago
Contrary to popular belief, new dads have feelings and emotions too! Depending on how ‘new’ a dad is to parenthood, he could be in dire need of a compliment or two. This post will be dedicated to what to tell a new dad.
Simply tell them congratulations
If willing, let them know that you are able to babysit
Ask how they are doing or feeling
Let them know that they were built to weather the storm
Give them parenting hacks
Though there are multitudes that you can say to a new dad here is my deep dive at a few to help you get the conversation going.
A simple congratulations goes ..read more