Dog Forums
All dog breeds and dog breeders are welcome to join the community. This place is where all dog lovers meet and discuss their pet issues, talk about their behavior change, ask for dog training tips, post dog pictures, and much more.
Dog Forums
14h ago
My English is bad., sorry about that. Is it a pure breed?
Dog argentine ..read more
Dog Forums
22h ago
Hey all. Today was my family's puppy Koda had his second vet visit and I came along. However, there were some things that I felt were wrong, and I wanted to talk about my concerns here to get more perspectives. The vet and vet assistant were quick to meet with us which I liked, and seemed pretty friendly although they were handling him kind of roughly when he was jumping up which I didn't appreciate. Anyway, after the exam the vet was talking about behavior and he was saying that we have to...
Should we Change Vets ..read more
Dog Forums
3d ago
I think this is my number 1 problem with my 4 year old Pekingese, Rosie. I drive 2 hours (one way) to my dog training classes, and last week during class, she saw a ball and heard a squeaky toy squeak. She will ignore the toys on the ground when I say "leave it", but her brain is gone. She will not calm down because she gets frantic. She will ignore all her obedience training and even her favorite treats. She wants the toy! Redirecting does not work. I picked her up to calm her, and she was...
Need help with a dog and squeaker noises/toys ..read more
Dog Forums
3d ago
Hi, I have owned 2 Rough Coated Collies, but they are gone now. My primary breed is Pekingese. I have owned Pekes for over 45 years.
Both Pekes were bought as puppies and were Conformation dogs that are now retired. I started looking for something to do with the dogs that they can physically do. Pekes are very smart, but training has to be their idea. Plus, training such a low to the ground dog is like me trying to hold my ankles while walking! Hard on my back!
Loki is male, neutered, 3...
Hello! Sorry for the long post ..read more
Dog Forums
3d ago
Hi all! New to this forum. I just rescued a 6 month old Chipin who is wonderful. i, generally, work from home, so, I am around her most all of the time. I do, however, bartend at a local restaurant 1 night a week from 4 pm to about 11 pm. Is it ok to keep her in my large master bathroom for the evening? Vinyl flooring, so no worries about peeing or pooping. No cords, nothing for her to get into. I know my other dog, a Chipin as well, can be left alone in the house for 8 hours with no...
New puppy /leaving the house ..read more
Dog Forums
5d ago
I'm really new to dog training, but I saw that you can create "chains" (I'm not sure if that is the right term) by doing something in a certain order. For example, my puppy bites me and I start playing tug with him so he will want to bite me in the future to get my attention. How true is this and what can you do to prevent it? Thanks so much ..read more
Dog Forums
5d ago
I found out today that my nearly 8 year old Siberian Husky Kodi has liver cancer.
He hadn't been eating normally over the last week and had not been his normal self. Well anyways, today the vet told me the results of his blood work and it was pretty bad. He has fluid near his stomach which hinted towards liver cancer and his blood work confirmed it. Last night he would not eat and when I got up this...
My Husky has liver cancer and I have end of life questions ..read more
Dog Forums
6d ago
Ok so i have 2 great dogs a year and half year old cockapoo her name is Dahlia, she is a little girl only 10lbs but she has a strong alpha mentality and has no fear! I also have a 6 month old Beagle, his name is Tucker. The beagle recently went through an obeidence class, and Dahlia taged along for some of his classes once we got past the basic stuff. Ok so now onto the little problems we're having. They're recall is great when we are at our local dog park (its more like a big field with a...
General dog training question ..read more
Dog Forums
6d ago
In today’s world, ensuring the safety of your home and loved ones is more important than ever. While traditional security systems and alarms provide a level of protection, nothing compares to the instinct, intelligence, and training of an elite protection dog.
At Elite Protection Dogs, we specialize in training world-class personal and family protection dogs, ensuring they are prepared for real-life security situations. These dogs are not just pets; they are highly skilled guardians...
The Role of Elite Protection Dogs in Family and Home Security ..read more
Dog Forums
6d ago
I've used Revolution to control fleas on the parade of small dogs we've owned over the years. It's always worked perfectly. This summer, it just stopped working. After an application, I'll start seeing fleas in about 5 days!
I just want to know if anyone else has seen a dramatic drop in effectiveness. Did Pfizer change the formula ..read more