The-Crafty-DM Blog
RPG Blog where the Crafty DM will talk on all manner of RPG bits and bobs. From dice to characters and as well as reviews of books, etc.
The-Crafty-DM Blog
3y ago
In this article I will detail how I would build each of the three fighters from the previous article Fighters. Each will be using a different fighter archetype at 3rd level, so the way I will set up their stats and skills will vary a fair bit. Because 3rd level is such a big turning point for characters in 5E I try to think about it at 1st level. If you plan ahead that little bit then you can align the skills etc with the character you want at 3rd and beyond. Furthermore the choice you will make at 3rd can inform the character you play at 1st. As an example, if you want to take Eldritch Knight more
The-Crafty-DM Blog
3y ago
Intelligence is a stat used mostly by Wizards. It also governs a number of skills of an academic nature. The PHB defines Intelligence on page 177 as.
Intelligence measures mental acuity, accuracy of recall and the ability to reason.
Intelligence Skills.
Their are five skills that rely on Intelligence. They are Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature and Religion. All of these apart from Investigation are about a character knowing facts about a subject. Investigation is more about using logic and reasoning to deduce clues. Examples of it use are digging through texts or reading a crime scene more
The-Crafty-DM Blog
3y ago
Time for another instalment of my creature feature. This article will focus on that eternal villain the Lich. The Lich is a supremely powerful creature with a whopping CR of 21 (22 if in their lair). Unlike many of them monsters I will review this undead fiend is not something you should just drop into an adventure. Battling a Lich could well be the focus of a long running campaign. Players need not only to hunt down and slay them, but also track down and destroy the creature soul in its Phylactery. Anything less would result in the Lich returning to unlife to exact its revenge.
The Long Game more
The-Crafty-DM Blog
3y ago
Welcome to another instalment of the creature feature. For this piece I will be looking at a critter from the Tome of Beasts available at Amazon and many other retailers. The creature in question is the Drakon. This beast is a winged serpent that bears a striking resemblance to a Wyvern. With a CR of 5 it makes for a good low level sort of dragon hunt.
As always I will be looking at how this creature can be used from a story point of view as well as how it would work tactically.
The Plot.
This creature is a coastal dweller that lives above and below the waves. Because of this my idea for the more
The-Crafty-DM Blog
3y ago
Spellcasters Vs Players II
This is the second instalment of my series of posts about how NPC Spellcasters (a wizard in this case) could be used to create fun and challenging encounters/adventures in D&D 5E. As before I will be using a wizard named E-Vil Wiz-Ard. This second adventure would take place around a year after the first one. The Players have risen to 6th level and their evil antagonist to 11th. In the time between the player party could have been on a series of unrelated adventures, or been coming up against the minions of E-Vil.
The Set Up
Our hero’s find themselves in the city more
The-Crafty-DM Blog
3y ago
Today it seems that you can get anything on a monthly subscription. T-shirts, socks, board games and even software is now on a monthly rolling subscription. So I was unsurprised when I saw an advert for a monthly miniatures deal. However, I had seen a few RPG Loot Crate style offers and they were a bit above what I wanted to pay. This one looked to be much more affordable. The site was called
The Monthly Offers.
I found the mobile website somewhat cumbersome and in need of streamlining. But the models looked good and the deals looked reasonable They have 4 options (at p more
The-Crafty-DM Blog
3y ago
One of the trickiest things to get right as a DM is using spellcasters. Often a Spellcaster is used as a damage booster who dies quickly in combat. With low hit points and poor AC the Spellcasters are often easy prey for players. In this series of posts I will take a dive into how you can use Spellcasters as serious bad guys. For the purpose of this article, I will use an NPC wizard called E-Vill Wizard. He will start at 5th level against a 2nd level party.
Spellcasters Crafty by Nature.
The first thing I want any DM to consider is that Wizards are by nature highly intelligent characters and more
The-Crafty-DM Blog
3y ago
The Crafty DM’s Guide to Monster Tactics.
This is my very first article where I will give DM’s a guide to how they could use various monsters. In this first post I will take the humble Bullywug. I will cover tactics and roleplaying suggestions alike. These will be based on the information written in the monster manual etc. However I will also be adding my own ideas into the mix.
The subject of this article is the not so noble Bullywug. As readers will likely know Bullywugs are an amphibious race of frog men who dwell in swamps and other damp places. They are described as being “tho more
The-Crafty-DM Blog
3y ago
This the last of the three articles on fighters will detail how I would progress each to level 5. Within this post I will cover what options to take and how they will fit with the concepts laid out in the first two articles. As mentioned before I will focus on building around the theme of each fighter. This will not always be the road to the most powerful fighter but rather a means to create the style of each.
The Tank at Level 5.
As with all fighters Fecklar gets Action Surge at 2nd level. This is a nice increase of attacks for one round. It is at 3rd level that the character diverges from th more
The-Crafty-DM Blog
3y ago
The Fighter Class.
Fighters are maybe the most popular and varied class in the game. With the choice of any combination of weapons and armour. Plus the 5E fighter class is packed with useful abilities like extra attacks and fighting styles. Fighters are a must for any D&D party. For this series of articles I will be creating 3 fighters from the same base stats. Using different archetypes and giving each a different flavour. There are heaps of posts online about what skills are better and the ones not to bother with. I will not be doing that kind of article. Rather I will try to make 3 uniq more