“Necron”, por Magnus – Tai Editora
Tito RPG
by titorpg
2y ago
Quadrinhos italianos tem um lugar especial para mim. Quando eu comecei a ler quadrinhos, ao lado das histórias coloridas de Marvel e DC, os quadrinhos “branco e preto” me atraíam por parecer mais misteriosos e adultos. Nesse campo encontravam-se Conan e Tex. Esse último é integrante de uma linhagem muito bem definida: são fumetti, quadrinhos italianos geralmente associados à Sergio Bonelli Editore. Existe muita coisa legal explicando o que são fumetti, quem foi Sergio Bonelli e o impacto no mundo das HQs, então não vou explorar esse aspecto mais histórico. Se quiser saber mais, comec ..read more
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Berserk image bank
Tito RPG
by titorpg
2y ago
I’ve been reading “Berserk” by Kentaro Miura, and caught myself thinking that several images could be handy in a RPG game. These images are not those directly related to the main protagonist or the fights he faces, but the landscapes, backgrounds and support characters. Because of that I’ve been building this free image bank, where I collect these pieces for future non-commercial use. My criteria for choosing and/or cropping an image is simple: No dialogue or japanese characters in the image: some of my players would get distracted by those; No focus on the better known characters – you’ll no ..read more
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Appendix T – Going Home, by Grant Morrison
Tito RPG
by titorpg
2y ago
The famous “Appendix N” holds a special place in RPG history – a collection of works chosen by yesteryear’s luminaries, and a joy for those inclined towards literary archeology. However, the Appendix N doesn’t cover everything, and is a product of it’s time and book availability. There were, and there are, many books that are excellent for the gaming table or other creative pursuits. Moreover, apart from books, there’s movies, comics and even art pieces that may summon the inspiration to create something new. That’s why I file things I find interesting under “Appendix T” – all the stuff that m ..read more
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Flying mountains and pig hybrids
Tito RPG
by titorpg
2y ago
After Epaminondas gained two rows of shark’s teeth, dark and rainy clouds appeared on the sky (see the last adventure report here). The rain, a mere drizzle at first, picked up and soon drenched the group. Whenever a raindrop touched the stone, it turned to snow. The group debated a little, but decided to head back and sell their goblin scalps and mycolol. They kept near the road, but using the trees as cover. The road however, was nothing more than a muddy river, soft and soggy. Some areas were deep enough to cover a dwarf. After a while the group a gravestone in a small clearing, and upon cl ..read more
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Tito RPG
by titorpg
2y ago
Lá nos idos do G+ surgiu um papo sobre “Hexflowers”, e desde então isso vem pipocando aqui e ali. Uma das pessoas que mais trata do assunto (que atende pela alcunha de “Goblin’s Henchman”) falou comigo para traduzir o material criado por ela, e eu achei que a comunidade ia gostar. hex-flower-cookbook-traduzido-por-tito-b.a-2022Download O que é uma Flor de Hexes? É uma tabela que “guarda” o seu último resultado. Ela tem um fundamento matemático interessante, e visualmente é muito bacana. Você pode manipular a tendência dos resultados, pode inserir resultados especiais ou colocar mais de um “jog ..read more
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Ogre: Objective 218 review
Tito RPG
by titorpg
3y ago
First of all, I’m sorry for being absent for quite some time. The good news is that I’m working on some cool projects, one of them is almost done, and I’ve been playing games and painting minis. The bad news is that while I’m doing lots of things at the same time, they all move quite slowly! Anyway, I had the chance of playing a couple of games of “Ogre: Objective 218” and I gotta say: it’s deceptively strategic. It’s a card game with a closed deck, meaning that all the cards you need come in the box. The layout of the game is simple, as two conflicting outposts sit across each other with a hu ..read more
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Possum Pigeons
Tito RPG
by titorpg
3y ago
James over at Olde House Rules posted a delightful piece of art depicting a group of “Trash Gryphons” by EJS Creations (also on Instagram), and I just had to stat one of these creatures. Very cute! Labyrinth Lord Possum Pigeon: Nº Enc.: 1d10 (if on Venice, roll 4d10) Alignment: Neutral Movement: 150′ (50′) Fly: 120′ (40′) Armor Class: 6 Hit Dice: 1 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d4 Save: 0 Human Morale: 6           Hoard Class: none XP: 6 They are disease carriers, and any time a character is bitten by a Possum Pigeon there is a 5% chance the character co ..read more
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Noir RPG inspiration – “The Third Man” (1949)
Tito RPG
by titorpg
3y ago
If you gonna play something and want to go past the most superficial tropes, you gotta go straight for the better sources. I’ve been thinking a lot about my own trend of avoiding fantasy RPGs. While I still participate in two PbP games, my desire to start another game in this style is gone. Starring Orson Welles! Since I’ve returned to my Vampire the Masquerade days, I’m looking for inspiration in noir and European cinema. Thus “The Third Man” seemed to fit the bill. A noir movie set in post-war Vienna, with good actors and good screenplay writing. This movie is interesting because from the st ..read more
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Grey Area RPG
Tito RPG
by titorpg
3y ago
Grey Area is a series that debuted in 2000 AD, and features a scenario that readers may find similar to the District 9 movie – an alien ghetto on Earth. In Grey Area, on one of the first instances being visited by aliens, humanity was “greeted”. Their technology, however, as based on tecnobacterias. Thus, a good chunk of mankind got infected and suffered mutations from it, including hereditary ones. Because of that, all other contact with aliens should be limited. This limitation comes in the shape of a designated landing spot on Earth – a walled city/spaceport where all aliens (xenos in the c ..read more
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Ready to use Hex – Snowcap Mole people
Tito RPG
by titorpg
3y ago
Hexmaps are nice, but sometimes an eye candy that could fit easily on a hexmap makes them even better. Check this picture of Nevado Sajama, in Bolivia. A dormant volcano standing proudly A single dormant volcano, surrounded by a flat desert on all sides, with hot springs nearby. Seriously, if I came up with a map like this, people would accuse me of being unrealistic and demanding more mountains and hills beside it. Also, the whole thing occupies roughly a 6 mile hex, which can be inserted in any desert/mountain map. Another option is downloading the map without marks and run from that. I have ..read more
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