Women's Bible Study
Lisa Laizure teaches a Women's Bible Study in Phoenix Arizona. Her greatest desire is to have women connect the dots between their everyday life and their faith in Jesus. She believes strongly in the sovereignty of God and in the Bible as our final authority. Her passion is getting fellow Christians to understand the importance of reading and studying God's Word on a daily basis...
Women's Bible Study
2d ago
When life changes sometimes we feel so sad. We know all the right answers in our head but sometimes our heart has a hard time catching up with our head. Today we will talk about why we don't need to get stuck ..read more
Women's Bible Study
4d ago
Do you follow the Bible or do you follow rules given to you by your church? Jesus never approved of religion or legalism but He was born into a time when there were Pharisees and teachers of the Law who didn’t like what Jesus was offering: Freedom FROM Religion and Legalism ..read more
Women's Bible Study
6d ago
Living water. Jesus tells the woman at the well that this is what she is missing in her life so what is this? Join us today for the answer ..read more
Women's Bible Study
1w ago
The Holy Spirit has so many roles. Comforter. Strengthener. He leads and guides us. But it’s in the difficult days that so often God feels distant. Today we will talk about those times when we just don’t feel His presence and we will talk about what we can do to get our eyes refocused on Him ..read more
Women's Bible Study
1w ago
Christians aren't perfect. Some people have a past. So how do we treat them? Are we a Judge or are we a Doctor? Are we judging or trying to help them heal ..read more
Women's Bible Study
2w ago
If you are a Christian that means someone was courageous enough to have shared the gospel – the good news of Jesus with you. Do you remember who that person was? Because you will spend all eternity with God because they cared enough about you to tell you this amazing news. Are you THAT person for others ..read more
Women's Bible Study
2w ago
When life gets difficult it’s easy to become fearful. We spend so much time asking the “what if” questions: What if I lose that person? What if I get sick? What if my child gets in an accident? That is no way to live life. Today we continue in Acts as we talk about who the Holy Spirit is and why He is so important in our life especially when it comes to worry ..read more
Women's Bible Study
2w ago
Sometimes people get stuck and don’t want to follow Jesus because they have a past. They feel ashamed. They feel God could never love them. But that’s not true and we will learn today from a man named Levi who had to put his past behind him so he could follow Jesus ..read more
Women's Bible Study
3w ago
John the Baptist had the right motive for following Jesus, and it was this: Jesus must become greater and I must become less. He must increase and I must decrease. Today let’s see what making Jesus greater in our lives should look like ..read more
Women's Bible Study
3w ago
Imagine Peter, a good Jewish boy telling his parents he was going to follow a Jewish carpenter who claimed to be the Messiah! I bet that didn’t go over very well! But after Jesus arose from the dead everything changed for Peter and now he couldn’t stop telling people how Jesus changed his life! The same should happen to us. How do we tell others about Jesus? Today we will give you some tips ..read more