Treasured Truth
Treasured Truth is a 24-minute radio program, airing daily. Each day, Pastor James Ford presents clear, powerful Bible-teaching adding godly wisdom and guidance to listeners' daily walks with Christ.
Treasured Truth
5h ago
On the next Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will explain about the power of faith. Faith lets us live in the right now, but believe in the not yet. That’s because we understand that faith moves us from insufficiency to sufficiency, because of Christ’s all-sufficiency. Learn more about how we believers walk by faith and not by sight when you join us for the next Treasured Truth.
Treasured Truth is a listener supported program on Moody Radio. To join our team of supporters, click here.
To learn more about Pastor James Ford, Jr., click here.
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Treasured Truth
3d ago
When you join us for the next Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will explain how believers can have confidence that the tragedy of death has been overcome. And in His resurrection, that Christ is the “first fruits” of those who will be raised from the dead. He’ll further explain that although death can seem tragic, for the believer, it’s really just transportation from this life to the next. Join us as Pastor Ford continues his message “Turning Tragedy into Triumph” on the next Treasured Truth.
Treasured Truth is a listener supported program on Moody Radio. To join our team of sup ..read more
Treasured Truth
3d ago
On the next Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will continue our study from Acts 11 about how to thrive when criticized. And he’ll explain there are specific steps you need to take to understand the criticism you encounter. So, if you’re going to thrive when you’re criticized, you have to have meaningful evaluation of the criticism, then you have to have the absence of retaliation. Because often, the first thing we want to do when we are attacked is to do what? Attack the other person back! If we can learn to resist the urge to retaliate, then we’ll be able to move beyond the ..read more
Treasured Truth
4d ago
On the next Treasured Truth, as we continue this message from Matthew 27, Pastor Ford will encourage us to realize that God provides for us even through the tragedies in our lives. It’s easy for us to not see how that can be true sometimes, but God can really turn tragedies into triumphs. How can we know that’s true? Because the Bible tells us that all things work together for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. To learn more from Pastor Ford about dealing with life’s tragedies join us for the next Treasured Truth.
Treasured Truth is a listener supported program o ..read more
Treasured Truth
5d ago
On the next Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will share an encouraging message about how tragedies—like the deaths of our loved ones—can be turned into victories. As we look at Matthew 27, he will explain that the theme of this chapter indicates death can be transformed into triumph because of the death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Learn more from Pastor Ford about how to turn tragedy into triumph when you join us for the next Treasured Truth.
Treasured Truth is a listener supported program on Moody Radio. To join our team of supporters, click here.
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Treasured Truth
6d ago
On the next Treasured Truth, we’ll continue our study in Joshua 22 about the danger so spreading rumors. And as a way to deal with rumors, Pastor Ford will encourage us to hold the person spreading the rumors accountable. It’s one of the best ways to stop the mess that rumors create. He’ll explain we should do our best to squelch the rumors before they cause problems in the body of Christ. Learn more about about to shut down the rumor mill when you join Pastor Ford for the next Treasured Truth.
Treasured Truth is a listener supported program on Moody Radio. To join our team of supp ..read more
Treasured Truth
1w ago
Rumors are dangerous because they change our focus from God to what’s going on around us. And on the next Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will remind us that instead of our focus being on idle rumors, our focus should always be on the goodness of God and the glorious victory that He has given us through His Son, Jesus Christ. Learn more about the danger of spreading rumors when you join us for the next Treasured Truth.
Treasured Truth is a listener supported program on Moody Radio. To join our team of supporters, click here.
To learn more about Pastor James Ford, Jr., click here.
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Treasured Truth
1w ago
Do you sometimes feel held back by criticism? Does it really bother you when someone criticizes you? On the next Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will remind us that there are too many of us who are stuck on a lower level of success in life because we can’t stand to have somebody be critical of us. For us to thrive when we are criticized, we must accept the criticism then discover if there is any truth behind it. To learn more about how to evaluate the criticism you may encounter in life, be sure to join us for the next Treasured Truth.
Treasured Truth is a listener supported program o ..read more
Treasured Truth
1w ago
When you join us for the next Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will explain that a rumor is just secondhand gossip. It’s hearsay. It’s reporting something to someone without consulting the original source to validate or to substantiate the facts. It gives all the details without having all the facts. And it’s definitely something we should all avoid spreading. Learn more from Pastor Ford about the dangers of spreading rumors on the next Treasured Truth.
Treasured Truth is a listener supported program on Moody Radio. To join our team of supporters, click here.
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Treasured Truth
1w ago
On the next Treasured Truth, as we conclude this message from Jeremiah 18, Pastor Ford will encourage us to quit looking at other people, thinking we need to be where they are. We need to realize that we need to be right where God has placed us and then we need to let God take us where He wants us to be. And we need to strive to just be ourselves in the process. [To hear more about how God is the Potter and we are His clay, join us for the next Treasured Truth.
Treasured Truth is a listener supported program on Moody Radio. To join our team of supporters, click here.
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