Living a Legacy
Living a Legacy is a weekly 24-minute Bible-teaching program featuring Dr. Crawford Loritts with a goal to bring about spiritual awakening and maturity in the body of Christ through a clear message from God's Word.
Living a Legacy
22h ago
- Col 1:27-29 / How does one become spiritually mature? Crawford Loritts says it begins with having our lives dominated by the Fruit of the Spirit. The result is a passion for Jesus and a passion for his mission.
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Living a Legacy
1w ago
- Col 1:27-29 / The Apostle Paul made it quite clear in the book of Colossians that his passion for the Gospel and his love for Jesus Christ motivated everything he did. Crawford Loritts examines the nature of that passion and encourages us to pursue Christ with that same degree of diligence.
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Living a Legacy
1w ago
Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans"
- Romans 12:3-8 / What has God primarily given to you to use and develop? Effective service for Him begins with understanding the tools that naturally fit into your hands. Crawford Loritts introduces two of three points to use in identifying the ability God has given to you to develop.
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Living a Legacy
1w ago
Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans"
- Romans 11/ God always finishes what He starts. It was true for the nation of Israel and it’s true for each of us today. Crawford Loritts says we need to examine 3 key statements in Romans 11. The first, Israel has not been rejected. The second, Gentiles have been included in God’s plan. The third statement, God has a future focus.
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Living a Legacy
1w ago
Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans"
- Romans 10:14-17/ God has given us the privilege of sharing the Gospel. And as we’re learning in Crawford’s current series in the book of Romans, we’re to have a mindset of communicating the Gospel with urgency. Life is uncertain. Death often comes at the most unexpected times. People need to know of God’s rescue plan of salvation.
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Living a Legacy
1w ago
Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans"
- Romans 6,7,8 / The way to great joy and freedom is to understand that apart from God’s pathway, we’re in prison. We have to be desperate. Are you looking for joy and freedom? Do you feel imprisoned? Let’s explore this condition of desperation.
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Living a Legacy
1w ago
- Genesis 1:26-28 / Why did God prioritize the family? Because the family is God's primary model for illustrating his principles to the world. Crawford Loritts reminds us that as parents we must guard against abdicating our role as the primary facilitators of spiritual input with our kids. Let’s see how we can overcome that tendency in our continued study of Genesis chapter 1.
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Living a Legacy
1w ago
Series: "Rock Solid Confidence"
- Hebrews 10:35-36 / It’s not our natural tendency to think it’s a gift when God withholds or delays fulfilling our prayerful requests. We want him to honor them NOW. When God withholds things from us, it’s not because he’s mean; it’s because he knows what’s best for us. Delay helps us see his timing and builds stability.
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Living a Legacy
1w ago
Series: "Rock Solid Confidence"
- Romans 4:16 / What is enduring faith? How does that relate to having rock solid confidence in who you are as a child of God? Crawford Loritts takes a look at that in his series, “Rock Solid Confidence.”
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Living a Legacy
1w ago
Series: "Be Disciples. Make Disciples."
- Joshua 1:1-11 / Do you have courage? Biblical and spiritual courage? Crawford Loritts examines the life of Joshua to discover the source of his courage in leading the nation of Israel.
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