Fresh Start Ayurveda
Hi! My name is Kay. I teach women how to get happy, healthy and physically fit. My passion is showing women how to get out of their own way and make big lifestyle changes to improve both health and life.
Fresh Start Ayurveda
2y ago
Why You Want To Calm The V*TA Down
My Ayurvedic teachers all agree that high vata dosha is the number one health issue of our time. 20 or 30 years ago they said they saw equal numbers of vata, pitta and kapha imbalance and they rarely saw the extreme derangement of vata that has become the new normal today. In other words, extreme vata disturbance is an epidemic of our times.
You are made of the five great elements, the same five great elements as every single thing in the world around us. These elements are earth, water, fire, air and ethers or space. They combi ..read more
Fresh Start Ayurveda
2y ago
Knowing what to change is very different than knowing how to change. Arriving at the point where you commit to making lifestyle changes is a very complex process but often when it comes down to it, making the changes themselves are actually very simple. The hardest part is making up your mind that you actually, totally, 100% want to change something. The second hardest thing is picking the right tools to help you keep that resolve while you are establishing the new habits.
Like many people who have struggled with bad habits and addictions, I experienced mixed feelings about whether or not I ..read more
Fresh Start Ayurveda
2y ago
In years gone by, I tried to bribe myself into changing by promising myself various rewards for achieving milestones. Sometimes it kind of worked, but mostly it didn’t. What I’ve come to realize is that I don’t have to create rewards for changing, karma actually just happens automatically and it is actually pretty instantaneous. Let me explain what I mean.
Karma is simply the cause and effect of an action. If I do something it will have an effect. If I drop an egg, it will break.
If I overeat, (and I have done plenty of that), then I feel yucky and I gain extra weight. I am also more likely t ..read more
Fresh Start Ayurveda
2y ago
One of the most fundamental Ayurvedic principles is the importance of synching up with the natural rhythms of the world that we live in. Natural rhythms exist all around us and within us. Without the rhythms of our breath, our brainwaves, our heartbeat and our lymphatic system pulsing through us, we would cease to exist. Women are especially affected by the daily and monthly hormonal cycles that determine their energy, moods and sleep. Learning to tune into and go with these cycles helps women really appreciate and understand the wisdom of their own bodies.
These natural and universal rhythm ..read more
Fresh Start Ayurveda
2y ago
Having a basic understanding of how your own brain chemicals are affecting your choices can put you firmly in the driving seat of your own life. Once you understand this, you to stop blaming yourself for not being able to stop or change your habits. Neurotransmitters are so incredibly powerful and can make you crazy, depressed, compulsive, impulsive, distracted, obsessed or all of the above. However, if you know how they work, you can start hacking them rather than allowing them to control you. Here’s a a very rudimentary quiz for you to start seeing which chemicals are impacting on your happ ..read more
Fresh Start Ayurveda
3y ago
Learning to soothe yourself is fundamental to health and healing. It means that you become more non-reactive and you can deal with the anxieties and stresses of life much better. You will be less prone to addictions and attachments and will cultivate more equanimity. Vata dosha will calm down and you will be less overwhelmed and overloaded by what is going on around you.
Unfortunately, self-soothing skills are rarely taught and learned as we grow up. Fortunately, Ayurveda and Yoga offer a number of ways that we can learn the art of regulating our own emotio ..read more
Fresh Start Ayurveda
3y ago
I’m doing a thing!
So I’ve decided to do 108 sun salutations a day for 108 days. I decided I really needed to give myself a bit of a shake up as I begin some new projects. Knowing that I can do hard things on the mat will help me do hard things off the mat too.
I started on the 19th February and I’ll finish on June 7th. 108 days is 15 weeks or 31/2 months, that’s a big challenge.
The postures that make up the sun salutation or surya namaskar sequence move the body in so many directions, giving you a very comprehensive practice. It is a balancing sequence and involves all of the chakras. I flow ..read more
Fresh Start Ayurveda
3y ago
Are you thinking about doing a spring detox this year? 2020 and 2021 have been challenging years for so many people and a good old system reset might be just what you need to freshen up ready for summer. Join us for a likeminded group of people for a gentle but powerful Ayurvedic cleanse from the comfort of your own bubble!
This is for you if:
You are just not feeling as good as you could be feeling
You have specific health issues that you want to improve
Feeling a bit yucky has become the new day to day norm
You want to be the best you can be
You want to be proactive about being he ..read more
Fresh Start Ayurveda
3y ago
It can be very confusing to choose how to approach a detox or cleanse, there is so much conflicting information out there. Everyone is jumping on a bandwagon or two and not all approaches are safe, healthy or even useful in the long run. A bit like New Year's resolutions, stand alone short term cleanses are unlikely to have lasting effects. But when they are done with careful planning,, the benefits are life-changing and indeed long lasting.
When planning your cleanse or detox it is so useful to think about what you want to achieve during the weeks of the cleanse, but also w ..read more
Fresh Start Ayurveda
3y ago
Changing Addictions and Habits- The Ayurvedic Way
Anything can be habituated, ANYTHING. And it is in today’s world.
But the good thing is, if you can form bad habits, you can form good ones. This holds true for addictions which is a good thing because in this digital day and age, addictions are rife! You may be wondering if some of your really stuck habits are indeed addictions and how you would know the difference.
What is the difference between a habit and an addiction?
A habit is something that becomes part of your routine and becomes more difficult to give up the longer you repeat th ..read more