Continuing Education Answer Sheet For Volume 68, No 2
SAGE Journals » Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
2M ago
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Volume 68, Issue 2, Page 147-147, January 2025. <br/> more
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Continuing Education Answer Sheet For Volume 68, No 1
SAGE Journals » Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
3M ago
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 74-74, October 2024. <br/> more
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Assessing Evidence-Based Disability Inclusion Policy and Practices to Promote Employment of People With Disabilities in the Workplace: Scale Development and Validation
SAGE Journals » Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
by Fong Chan, Kanako Iwanaga, Timothy N. Tansey, Nicole Ditchman, Paul Wehman, Jia Rung Wu, Xiangli Chen
5M ago
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Ahead of Print. <br/>There is a strong commitment in the United States and the European Union to better support people with disabilities in the competitive labor market, where disability inclusion is widely viewed as a social imperative and underscored in policies, such as the European Union’s Disability Inclusion Policy and Strategy 2020–2030, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. However, there is a lack of readily available strategies and tools for rehabilitation counselors to collaborate effectively more
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Evaluating an Expanded Health Action Process Approach Model of Health Promotion to Predict Physical Activity Levels of Individuals With Chronic Health Conditions and Disabilities
SAGE Journals » Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
by Jia Rung Wu, Fong Chan, Timothy Tansey, Nicole Ditchman, Norman Berven, William Hoyt
6M ago
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Ahead of Print. <br/>Physical activity is associated with reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. This study evaluated autonomous motivation and social support for exercise in addition to the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) model as predictors of physical activity among people with chronic health conditions and disabilities. This is secondary data analysis. Participants were 982 U.S. individuals with chronic health conditions and disabilities. Hierarchical regression analysis (HRA) was used to assess variable impact sequentially, and a serial mu more
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A Content Analysis of Professional Development in Social Justice and Diversity in Rehabilitation Counselor Education
SAGE Journals » Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
by Allison Levine, Toni Saia, Mari Guillermo, Allison R. Fleming, Eunjeong Ko, Dewi Qisti
6M ago
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Ahead of Print. <br/>The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) Code of Ethics has historically emphasized the importance of cultural competency for rehabilitation counselors. The newly revised Code explicitly delineates the ethical imperative of Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs) to maintain personal awareness of anti-ableism, antiracism, social justice, cultural humility, and other central facets of socially just practice. Rehabilitation counselors must be exposed to social justice and diversity content during their train more
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A Path Analysis of Burnout of Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors
SAGE Journals » Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
by Junfei Lu, Emily M. Lund, Teresa A. Granger
6M ago
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Ahead of Print. <br/>Burnout of rehabilitation counselors has a negative impact on counselor’s well-being and the quality of service delivered to clients. Understanding the process of counselor burnout is critical as it can illuminate intervention development. Conceptual models of burnout exist within the literature; however, these are not unique to the counseling profession. To fill this gap, we tested and verified a model of counselor burnout (given five key dimensions in the Counselor Burnout Inventory) using path analysis based on responses from 14 more
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Supervision Impact on Rehabilitation Counselor Job Satisfaction and Intent-to-Quit
SAGE Journals » Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
by Scott A. Sabella, Trent J. Landon, Jared C. Schultz
6M ago
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Ahead of Print. <br/>In the public vocational rehabilitation (VR) program, recruitment and retention of rehabilitation counselors remains a persistent concern that has broad implications for employee working conditions and the capacity to effectively serve individuals with disabilities. Rehabilitation counselor supervision models have commonly included clinical supervision, administrative supervision, and supervisory working alliance (SWA) variables, though there is limited empirical research exploring how these factors relate to counselor outcomes. A more
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A Survival Model of Work Life Expectancy After Spinal Cord Injury: Relationships With Race/Ethnicity, Education, Injury, and Aging Factors
SAGE Journals » Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
by James S. Krause, Clara E. Dismuke-Greer, Karla Reed
6M ago
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Ahead of Print. <br/>Our purpose was to use a survival model to identify the relationships of race/ethnicity, education, aging, sex, and spinal cord injury (SCI) severity factors with work life expectancy, defined by number of years worked after SCI. Data were collected on current employment status and total number of years employed after SCI. Adults who were employed at least 1 year after SCI onset (n = 1,447) participated. A Cox model was generated to identify the characteristics associated with work life expectancy. Those currently working were cens more
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Exploring Employer’s Successful Hiring and Retention Practices of Individuals with Disabilities
SAGE Journals » Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
by D. George Strauser, Richard A. Price, Chelsea E. Brehmer, David R. Strauser
6M ago
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Ahead of Print. <br/>Individuals with disabilities remain underrepresented in the workforce compared to those without disabilities. It has been explored that employer perceptions of their employees with disabilities directly impact this participation in the workforce, specifically hiring and retention. However, the use of primarily quantitative methods in demand-side research to date may limit the development of a fuller understanding of the hiring practices of employers. This study aimed to explore the hiring and retention practices of employers who a more
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Employer Perceptions of Hiring and Initial Support of Employees With Disabilities
SAGE Journals » Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
by Alissa Molinelli Brooke, Joshua P. Taylor, Katherine Inge, Travis Wright, Paul Wehman, Jennifer McDonough, Valerie Brooke
6M ago
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Ahead of Print. <br/>Much of the literature to date on disability employment has focused on preparing and supporting individuals with disabilities seeking and retaining jobs (i.e., supply side). A growing body of demand-side research has revealed the importance of employer’s experiences, attitudes, and perspectives in promoting successful employment outcomes. Much remains to be learned about employers’ decision-making process around the hiring and initial onboarding of employees with disabilities. The current study consisted of interviews with 35 super more
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