4 expert tips to propel your neurodivergent superstars
Suzi McAlpine
by Suzi McAlpine
3M ago
Did you know that 15-20% of the population globally are neurodivergent? Chances are, you’ve led, will lead or are currently leading someone neurodivergent. Or maybe it’s you personally that finds it challenging to work in a traditional or neurotypical way? Recently I asked The Leader’s Digest subscribers what leadership topics they wanted me to explore.… The post 4 expert tips to propel your neurodivergent superstars first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership ..read more
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Meeting smoosh: what it is, why it’s bad and how to avoid it.
Suzi McAlpine
by Suzi McAlpine
3M ago
Some things are great on their own, but smoosh them together and it turns into a grim combination. For instance, take the robust flavours of a spicy beef chili and the delicate sweetness of vanilla ice cream. Both are great as separate dishes. But combining them into one might result in a clash of tastes… The post Meeting smoosh: what it is, why it’s bad and how to avoid it. first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership ..read more
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What we can learn about the importance of joy in the workplace from a dude who loves trains
Suzi McAlpine
by Suzi McAlpine
3M ago
Meet Francis. Francis loves trains. I don’t give a hoot about trains. But when I watch him watch trains, I feel happy. The world might seem a bit frazzled, fractured and fraught with tough stuff. Francis’s Instagram page, on the other hand, is pure unbridled joy and enthusiasm. You might be wondering: what on earth… The post What we can learn about the importance of joy in the workplace from a dude who loves trains first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership ..read more
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Decision-making made easier: Design and use your own Decision Tree
Suzi McAlpine
by Suzi McAlpine
3M ago
The average adult makes between 33,000 and 35,000 decisions a day. If you’re in a leadership role, you probably make even more than that. McKinsey research found that if you’re an executive, you could be spending nearly 40% of your day making decisions. Decision fatigue is a thing. It’s when our ability to make decisions… The post Decision-making made easier: Design and use your own Decision Tree first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership ..read more
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5 must dos + pitfalls to avoid when it comes to leading change
Suzi McAlpine
by Suzi McAlpine
3M ago
Change is the only constant; it’s a cliché because it’s true. If you feel like the rate of change in your organisation is accelerating, you’re not imagining it. The research now supports it. In 2022, employees experienced an average of ten planned enterprise changes – things from restructures, to culture transformations, to technology switches. And,… The post 5 must dos + pitfalls to avoid when it comes to leading change first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership ..read more
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Why we’re failing our emerging leaders – and what we can do about it
Suzi McAlpine
by Suzi McAlpine
3M ago
This recent study by Deloitte found that good leadership is the top priority for a healthy business, according to 80 percent of the respondents. But only 25 percent of them said their organisation was actively building leaders to meet new challenges. It seems like many organisations simply aren’t investing enough in the next generation of… The post Why we’re failing our emerging leaders – and what we can do about it first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership ..read more
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Make like a chameleon – why situational leadership is key in 2024
Suzi McAlpine
by Suzi McAlpine
3M ago
You no doubt know of leaders who are good in a crisis. Or others who you turn to when collaboration is what’s called for. Maybe there’s a boss you’ve had who was super empathetic but didn’t get sh*t done when the stakes were high. The best leaders though? They’re intentional about what leadership approach is… The post Make like a chameleon – why situational leadership is key in 2024 first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership ..read more
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How to ask for feedback and increase your self-awareness
Suzi McAlpine
by Suzi McAlpine
3M ago
One of the biggest mistakes leaders make is not taking the time, or calling on the courage required, to increase their self-awareness. Increasing our self-awareness not only means getting clearer on things like our values, strengths and ‘how we see the world’, it also means understanding ‘how the world sees us’. To see yourself clearly,… The post How to ask for feedback and increase your self-awareness first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership ..read more
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5 things that take 5 minutes and will make you a better leader.
Suzi McAlpine
by Suzi McAlpine
3M ago
You don’t need lots of time to practice good leadership. In fact, there are a number of super effective leadership practices that take less than five minutes. You might think that if something takes so little time, surely it can’t have a super big impact. Not true. Practiced consistently, these speedy leadership initiatives pack a… The post 5 things that take 5 minutes and will make you a better leader. first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership ..read more
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4 ways to solve problems creatively
Suzi McAlpine
by Suzi McAlpine
3M ago
As humans, we’ve got more than a handful of complex challenges facing us right now. To name just a few: Weather and climate-related events cost the global economy US$313 billion in 2022  A report by Gallup and Workhuman discovered turnover and lost productivity due to employee burnout cost businesses around US$322 billion globally  According to a report… The post 4 ways to solve problems creatively first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership ..read more
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