Get the Fullchain certificate with CRT file
by Nicolas PARIS
9M ago
You might need the crs file, you might generate one with the following command. openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout myserver.key -out server.csr -utf8 You want to download the intermediate certificate : GandiStandardSSLCA2.pem TO obtain the fullchain, you have to concatanate the crt with the intermediate. cat GandiStandardSSLCA2.pem > fullchain.pem You might check if the crt file correspond to the .key file with the following command. $ openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in mydomain.crt| openssl md5 MD5(stdin)= 11b598f22723c3c51582693e66ed1e82 $ openssl rsa more
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Search Words with Google Cloud Logs Explorer
by Nicolas PARIS
9M ago
This is a quick way to filters words in the Google Cloud Platform Logs Explorer, I used to struggle with this one. Just add the "~" after the equal sign will open the RegExp world. With this example, you will filter out warning to get only php errors with ERROR severity. resource.labels.container_name="my application" -textPayload=~"PHP Warning: Undefined property" textPayload=~"php:error" severity>=ERROR The example speak to himself more
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Is It Still Worth Learning DevOps in 2023
by Nicolas PARIS
10M ago
In 2023, in a fast-moving world, one might wonder if learning DevOps is still valuable. While nobody can predict the exact state of the tech industry in 10 years, here are some thoughts about the future of DevOps from my perspective as a DevOps enthusiast. Kubernetes, Docker # Between 2015 and 2020, Kubernetes experienced a remarkable rise in popularity. Although Kubernetes is still widely used, there have been some changes around it. First, the Kubernetes layer has been hidden in certain cases, such as Kubernetes autopilot in GCP or Cloud Run, where dropping a container allows the cloud provi more
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Which Cloud Provider to Start With in 2023
by Nicolas PARIS
10M ago
If you are starting to learn about cloud providers in 2023, you may be contemplating which one to choose. To be honest, the main contenders are GCP, AWS, and Azure. It's best to avoid lesser-known providers. Five years ago, I believed that Google Cloud could outperform other major providers, but reality showed that it couldn't surpass AWS and Azure. However, GCP does offer some appealing advantages, like Kubernetes, which clearly won the race in container orchestration, though it didn't provide a significant boost to cloud providers overall. Every other provider had to adopt Kubernetes to rema more
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Install dotnet on a Debian based Docker Image
by Nicolas PARIS
10M ago
On a apache buster image, a Debian based image, I need to install a specific version of dotnet. I also need to install a MSSQL driver. They are both available on the same repository, no need to add an extra repository. You can add the following on your Dockerfile. FROM php:8.2-apache-busterRUN curl | apt-key add - \ && curl > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list \ && apt install -y dotnet-runtime-6.0 Hope the quick tips can help someone more
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Dockerfile for a Laravel application with SQL Server (MSSQL)
by Nicolas PARIS
10M ago
Let's install the MSSQL driver for a Laravel application on php:8.2-apache-buster docker image. FROM php:8.2-apache-busterRUN apt update && apt install -y unixodbc-dev gpg libzip-dev \ && curl | apt-key add - \ && curl > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list \ && apt update \ && ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt-get install -y msodbcsql18 \ && pecl install sqlsrv \ && pecl install pdo_sqlsrv \ && docker-php-ext-install pdo opcache more
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Unit Test Laravel Application with MSSQL on Gitlab
by Nicolas PARIS
10M ago
On the Previous Dockerfile Let's add a gitlab CICD stage that will lauch unit test on a docker MSSQL image test_laravel:stage: testimage: ${IMAGE}:${TAG}services:- name: mssqlvariables:MSSQL_PID: DeveloperMSSQL_SA_PASSWORD: yourStrong.PasswordACCEPT_EULA: Ytags:- gcp-dockerexcept:- tagsbefore_script:- ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt-get install -y mssql-tools18- curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer- cd /var/www/html- composer install- php artisan route:clear- /opt/mssql-tools18/bin/sqlcmd -S mss more
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Note Taking App Emacs Roam Worth to Try Even in 2023
by Nicolas PARIS
10M ago
I'm the kind of tech guy that like to play with note taking apps. I used Obsidian, Notion, Dendron, OneNote, Logseq and much more. I'm familiar with the PARA method. My last try is Emacs Roam (Org Mode). I played with it for maybe 3 months and like it. I'm a vim user for 15+ years for sure. I played with Emacs a long time ago but did not commit to it. I heard about Org mode but never give a decent try. For those who don't know Emacs, it's been around forever! (1976) You know, Stallman, GNU Projects... I have not installed the emacs "vanilla" but the Doom Emacs"framework" instead. This is much more
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Azure Availability Set vs Azure Availability Zone
by Nicolas PARIS
1y ago
Simplest answer: Availability Set < Availability Zone Meaning that Availability Set gives you a better resiliency on your server, SLA speaking is 99.95% for Availability Set vs 99.99% for Availability Zone. Availability set automatically distribute your VMs across multiple fault domains. This avoid Single point of failure. That's no more that what Azure said on the SLA page. If you need to ensure that at least two VM are available if a single Azure datacenter becomes unavailable means that you needs to deploy each virtual machine in a separate Availability Zone. Availability zone, physicall more
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3 Things in Azure I Wish GCP Have
by Nicolas PARIS
1y ago
I passed the GCP professional certificate last year and I'm now studying for Azure for work. I'll will not cover here the obvious Windows part, as I guess I would like to have some out of the box Windows 11 VM in GCP that they dont have. Storage SMB # Azure Files share works with SMB and NFS protocole. It is like a bucket that you don't need to provision first, you pay on what you use. If the service can become expensive quickly, for small usage it's a very cheap solution. I even implement a solution with the note taking app Obsidian for file sync between devices. On GCP, you have Filestore, b more
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