Diapoint » Type 2 Diabetes
Diapoint is the place for people touched by diabetes. We are the leading diabetes support hub in the UAE. We provide diabetes health coaching, products and accessories, resources, events, networking and education.
Diapoint » Type 2 Diabetes
1y ago
Your diabetes information hub, DiapointME.
It’s that time of year again where I am getting a check-up. Pretty much every year I encounter a disheartening obstacle in this journey – my insurance’s refusal to cover one or more basic health marker tests that are quite common and necessary. This year, it’s the refusal of an A1c test, a fundamental marker […]
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Diapoint » Type 2 Diabetes
1y ago
Your diabetes information hub, DiapointME.
Recently, I found myself in a thought-provoking discussion among fellow healthcare professionals about the indispensable need for physicians and healthcare providers to retain their humanity amidst the ever-evolving landscape of technology and automation. It couldn’t have been more timely, especially considering my current focus on developing another diabetes coaching workshop tailored for physicians and […]
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Diapoint » Type 2 Diabetes
1y ago
Your diabetes information hub, DiapointME.
What Is Sustainable Diabetes Care? The COP28, or the 28th UN Climate Change Conference, is currently happening in Dubai. This year, COP had the first-ever climate-health ministerial. Many health issues relate to climate change, but the last few days have had me thinking about sustainability in a diabetes context. 2 Ways […]
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Diapoint » Type 2 Diabetes
1y ago
Your diabetes information hub, DiapointME.
Diabetes is a complex and chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Yet, many individuals with diabetes experience discrimination, stigmatization, and otherness. What Is Otherness? I was first introduced to the concept of “Otherness” about 15 years ago during one of my photography classes. “Othering” is a method of grouping people by their differences rather […]
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Diapoint » Type 2 Diabetes
3y ago
Your diabetes information hub, DiapointME.
“Are we allowed to eat bread?” While we joke, it is a common question when it comes to carbs and health. Can I eat bread? Is bread healthy? And the answer is, it depends. What Is In Your Bread? If you have conditions like celiac, IBS or are gluten intolerant, we know that you […]
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Diapoint » Type 2 Diabetes
3y ago
Your diabetes information hub, DiapointME.
Is Diabetes Expensive? You bet it is. Give Google a go at the “cost of diabetes” and there are numerous studies and infographics that confirm what those of us dealing with this condition already know: the cost of diabetes is high. If you have a child with Type 1, you can take the search further […]
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Diapoint » Type 2 Diabetes
3y ago
Your diabetes information hub, DiapointME.
I Encountered Diabetes Body Shaming And It Made Me Sick Recently I encountered an instance of diabetes body shaming that left me angry and disgusted. I am still on the mailing list of my former gym. It’s a popular establishment here in Dubai. I don’t typically take the time to read their emails, but […]
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Diapoint » Type 2 Diabetes
3y ago
Your diabetes information hub, DiapointME.
Diabetes and Kidney Health – Important Information If you have diabetes, or care for someone who does, there are some critical things to know about diabetes and kidney health. Firstly, you should get tested every year for kidney disease if you: have had Type 1 Diabetes for 5 years or more, or have Type […]
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Diapoint » Type 2 Diabetes
3y ago
Your diabetes information hub, DiapointME.
For people living with diabetes, foot care is so important. Daily foot care helps to prevent serious complications. Diabetes and Nerve Damage in Feet People living with diabetes may have nerve damage that can take away the feeling in their feet. Blood flow to the feet may also be reduced, leading to slower healing […]
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Diapoint » Type 2 Diabetes
3y ago
Your diabetes information hub, DiapointME.
How Reliable Are Movies as Information Sources for Diabetes? Diabetes movies can be inaccurate or out of date, whether they are documentaries or fiction. Films that touch on diabetes for entertainment can sometimes be cavalier in their approach to facts, and even dangerously misleading. You can find some examples of when movies and TV got […]
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