Master's in Creative Writing
Welcome to Oxford University's MSt in Creative Writing blog, a resource for Oxford events, calls for submission, competitions, news, interviews and more. Oxford University's Master of Studies in Creative Writing is a two-year, part-time master's degree course offering a unique combination of high contact hours, genre specialization, and critical and creative breadth.
Master's in Creative Writing
2w ago
While the MSt blog was hibernating, MSt tutor and former student Camille Ralphs published her first collection with Faber and Faber – a thrilling landmark in an already prestigious career. Heartfelt congratulations to Camille ..read more
Master's in Creative Writing
2w ago
We wanted to celebrate the successes in 2024 of three MSt alumni – Christine Anne Foley, Daisy Johnson and Jingan Young. Christine’s novel Bodies was one of last year’s most acclaimed debuts; Daisy’s latest collection of short stories, The Hotel ..read more
Master's in Creative Writing
2w ago
Departmental Lecturer Barney Norris’s new play, Second Best, inspired by the novel of the same name by David Foenkinos, opens on January 24th at Riverside Studios in Hammersmith. Starring Asa Butterfield (Sex Education), the play is directed by Michael Longhurst ..read more
Master's in Creative Writing
2w ago
MSt alumnus Bette Adriaanse has co-written the newly published What Arts Does with Brian Eno. What Art Does is a chance to understand how art is made by all of us. How it creates communities, opens our worlds, and can ..read more
Master's in Creative Writing
2M ago
Hi everyone! After a brief hiatus, the MSt blog is now back with updates from the new course team: Clare, Amal, Kate, Mary Jean and Barney. We’re kicking off with an entry from Mary Jean, our new Departmental Lecturer in ..read more
Master's in Creative Writing
1y ago
MSt alum Bette Adriaanse’s new novel, What’s Mine, is coming out with US publisher Unnamed Press this August.
There will be several launch events, as follows:
AUGUST 15, 6PM UK time, ONLINE: Bette joins Caoilinn in Conversation for Chicago bookstore Exile in Bookville.
Details: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/caoilinn-in-conversation-with-bette-adriaanse-tickets-686659987507?aff=oddtdtcreator
AUGUST 16, 7PM, LOS ANGELES, CA: North Fig Books with Gallagher Lawson.
Details: https://northfigbookshop.com/events/?page=1
AUGUST 22, 7PM, SAN FRANCISCO, CA: The Interval at Long Now Foundation wi ..read more
Master's in Creative Writing
1y ago
MSt alumnus Martin Jago’s poetry collection, Photofit, is published in the UK today. More information about the book is available here: http://www.pindroppress.com/books/Photofit.html ..read more
Master's in Creative Writing
1y ago
MSt alum Sam Moore’s new book, Search history, is now available from Queer Street Press (https://queerstreetpress.com/Menu ..read more
Master's in Creative Writing
2y ago
Alum Ryan Bernsten’s book 50 States of Mind: A Journey to Rediscover American Democracy is being published in the UK and the states with Bite-Sized Books. Ryan began the work as his year two project on the course.
50 States of Mind: A Journey to Rediscover American Democracy is a work of travel nonfiction in the style of Alexis de Tocqueville that takes readers on a long and winding journey through all 50 states to explore the complexities of today’s America. Leading with the desire to listen and overcome preconceived notions, Bernsten ultimately offers a hopeful vision for the futur ..read more
Master's in Creative Writing
2y ago
MSt Course Director Dr Clare Morgan will discuss her writing with fellow short fiction writer Tim Pears, at Waterstones in Oxford on Thursday 2nd March.
For more information and to book a ticket click here.
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