What’s Fueling You? Understanding your power | Morning Motivation
SIRreal Life: Morning Motivation Show
by Sir Evans
1y ago
Have you ever wondered why there are three different types of fuel at the gas station? At the gas station, they’re usually labeled as Regular, Mid-grade, or Premium. However, What is the difference in octane levels?  Have you considered what your fuel source is for this season? The same fuel that your neighbor uses may not be the same fuel that you require ..read more
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Lovely Day: Finding your Happy Place
SIRreal Life: Morning Motivation Show
by Sir Evans
1y ago
On December 16th, 1977, Bill Withers released his classic feel-good song “Lovely Day”. Withers stated in an interview that his inspiration wasn’t really sparked by romance or a beauty found in nature. I think that we all have a “lovely day” within us, but what does that mean and what does yours look like? Tune in for the Feel good episode of the day! Lovely  Derived From #MorningMotivation: Daily Morning Motivation Messages:  Lovely Day: Finding your Happy Place| Morning Motivation (qualitysirvice.com ..read more
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Spiritual Retargeting
SIRreal Life: Morning Motivation Show
by Sir Evans
1y ago
Imagine this: You're scrolling through social media and you notice a product or service that interests you. You stop your scroll and click on the product or service, but you decided not to buy. All of a sudden you begin to see that same product all over your social media now!  I'm sure you have experienced this before and it's called retargeting. Once you have shown interest in a product or service, that Company begins to focus its attention and efforts on you. They’re specifically targeting individuals who have expressed interest or who have engaged with their content within a certain pe ..read more
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SIRreal Life: Morning Motivation Show
by Sir Evans
1y ago
Most people don't want to be successful; True or False? They're too scared of what it will take to get there. But if you pay the price for greatness, and eliminate your fears, then anything is possible, right? In this episode, I share how to balance fear with courage and find a way to eliminate self-doubt so you can start moving towards the greater good. You can't achieve your goals without paying the price for greatness. Its time to play Elimidate ..read more
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Understanding your Circle: Social Homeostasis
SIRreal Life: Morning Motivation Show
by Sir Evans
1y ago
"You are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with."  “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. However, there’s not enough time spent on “why” this is important and how it can help your growth or hinder it: The phrase insinuates that the people that you spend the most time around are the people that you will most likely resemble. However, what if you’re not around the “ideal” people? What if you want to use this concept in order to strengthen your circle or avoid the inevitable friction that will ultimately come with growth ..read more
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The Journey of the Dream Chaser
SIRreal Life: Morning Motivation Show
by Sir Evans
1y ago
We wait for others to make sense of our purpose, decode it, or make sense of the path that is best for us. However, no one will see your dream the way that you do. No one can make your vision a reality if you don’t first move into that reality conceived in your dream. It's about how to live life without regrets, and to really go for what you want. If you're not sure if this episode is for you, just ask yourself: "Am I ready to be all that I can be?" Ready? Let's do it ..read more
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Be The Conduit: What's in your Pipeline?
SIRreal Life: Morning Motivation Show
by Sir Evans
1y ago
What is a Conduit? A conduit is someone who carries, shares, or transmits. And in the world of social impact and philanthropy, that can mean one person carrying information to another. Join me as I share what it means to be a conduit for a change ..read more
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Death of Bad Habits
SIRreal Life: Morning Motivation Show
by Sir Evans
1y ago
What if you had a funeral for your bad habits? In this episode,  I share how to do the heart work on toxic traits. In other words, how to have a funeral for those old harmful patterns of behavior that no longer serve you. Heal those wounds from childhood so you can live an authentic life now! When someone goes missing, the pressure on the family and friends is overwhelming. So many emotions flood the community; shock and fear, also hope, the thought that their loved one will not return is too much to take in. Unfortunately, people go missing every day, for many different reasons The adjus ..read more
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Whats Your Crutch?
SIRreal Life: Morning Motivation Show
by Sir Evans
1y ago
I'm not talking about addiction to drugs or alcohol. I'm talking about that one thing you do that's robbing you of success, happiness, and fulfillment. Sometimes we don't realize it's happening until the damage has already been done. But once you're aware of it, it can be exposed for what it really is: a weakness. In this episode, I discuss the importance of building a strong foundation for your life and how to ensure your crutch is slowing you down. I have learned how to walk twice in my lifetime, and both times the legs and brain act as though walking was a new phenomenon. I have gone from a ..read more
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Superpower Series 2 of 3: Lightbulb Moment
SIRreal Life: Morning Motivation Show
by Sir Evans
1y ago
Superhero movies and television shows have become increasingly popular over the past several years. One thing that rarely changes in the story is the “lightbulb moment”. The lightbulb moment is that point when the hero or heroine realizes that they have power. That moment when they realize that they can do something unique that those around them aren’t capable of doing. But with that power, comes even greater responsibility. This episode will help you understand how to have your lightbulb moment so you can discover who you are ..read more
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