Menopause and Scents – How do you smell to others?
The Menopause Stores Blog
by Kristen Petroff
10M ago
Ok ladies, stop over perfuming yourselves. (Ok, yes men too, but this is a chicks blog and I’m talking to women.)  Just stop. The world is BEGGING you.  Everything we buy, soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, body lotion, body wash, perfume, laundry soap, liquid softeners, dish soap, etc., is scented.  So how many of these products do you use in a day? Are they all the same scent?   How many different scents do you use?  I stick with anything that is either unscented or lavender. Soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion. All one scent, all Lavender.  But y’all are kil more
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Menopause and Cholesterol - It’s My Diet
The Menopause Stores Blog
by Kristen Petroff
11M ago
I took this from my weight loss journey blog because it is quite interesting if you have high cholesterol. It is a simple fact that you cannot exercise when you cannot breath. I have not been able to breath well for more than 2 weeks now, but the end is in sight. No, not my end, the end of this forsaken cold. It is just a cold. I felt kind of sick for two days...that’s it...but I swear, the coughing is awful. It has kept me from keeping with my exercise program. It has not kept me from eating right. Doctors asked me to get an arthritis blood test and since my cholesterol test was due, I did th more
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Cultural Realities VS Myths: Unveiling Menopause Experiences in Black and Asian Women
The Menopause Stores Blog
by Kristen Petroff
11M ago
“BAME women don’t go through the menopause. At least that’s the message being told to countless Black and Asian women in the UK. Look at posters in doctors’ surgeries, or do a quick image search on Google, and you’ll likely be met by images of white women with grey hair, invariably clutching a fan.”  Damn that’s horrifying. Obviously, the poster itself is not saying that only white women go through menopause, but it is an indicator of how other races are treated during their menopause.  This article is 3 years old, but I believe it still has validity: more
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Menopause and Sexual Wellness - The Sexuality Journey
The Menopause Stores Blog
by Kristen Petroff
11M ago
Sex, for me, is amazing after menopause. It is much better than when I was younger, that is for sure. No worries about pregnancy. No faking orgasms. Yea, I did it and so did you. But these days, it is unnecessary, as I know my body well enough now. I didn’t when I was a teenager. I didn’t until I had a child. After childbirth, I really knew my body. Sometimes I still faked it though. We’ve all had that person, male or female, that does everything they can to please you and it still doesn’t work. That’s when you fake it. Don’t take it personally. Sometimes it’s not you. Sex can be amazing and i more
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Menopause and Waistline Woes – Do We Even Have a Chance? Yea, we do.
The Menopause Stores Blog
by Kristen Petroff
11M ago
So many articles, so little time. Just in the last two weeks since I have been sick, there have been many popups on my phone about menopause and weight loss, what we can do and can we even fight it.  If you are following along with my weight loss journey, stalled due to illness, you will have learned that us women, in menopause, need to work out like body builders just to MAINTAIN our muscle mass and resistance training MUST be a part of it.   Now many of us have changed a ton of our habits to subdue our menopause symptoms. We gave up booze, sugar, processed foods, red meat. We exerc more
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Menopause and Weight Loss
The Menopause Stores Blog
by Kristen Petroff
1y ago
Boy, this is a subject, isn’t it? I need to lose weight. 15 pounds to be exact. 15 pounds to feel like myself again and not a frumpy old woman. So I have started a weight loss journey that I am documenting in a separate blog from this one, still on this website. I encourage you to follow along. It is to hold myself accountable. Losing weight is not a quick process. My goal is to lose 1/2 pound per week and at the rate I am going, I will have accomplished this goal by September 6, 2024. If you lose weight the wrong way, it won’t stick. You must have patience. Losing weight starts with changing more
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Menopause – When Will Women Be a Priority?
The Menopause Stores Blog
by Kristen Petroff
1y ago
When will menopause get the same attention as a soft penis?  From my doctors I hear “We don’t have that test yet”, “There is nothing we can do”, Every woman goes through menopause, you’ll be fine”.  GO F*&K YOURSELVES.  Sorry for the language ladies but I am bloody tired of hearing doctors make excuses rather than doing something about our symptoms.  From the Hill:  Read the whole article here: Making menopause and women’s health a public priority by Dr. Sharon Malone and Jen more
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Menopause - And the Size of Your House
The Menopause Stores Blog
by Kristen Petroff
1y ago
Put it on, take it off. Take it off, put it on. Put it on, take it off. Take it off, put it on.  UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH  Sometimes it’s not even a hot flash. It can be a freezing cold chill. Or just my knees getting cold.  My hot flashes started in a much bigger house than I have now, and I have lived through several houses before I got to 463 square feet of living space.  The first HFH (Hot Flash House) was 1400 square feet. About the same with the second HFH. But the third HFH was 2800 square feet. Now, I am in a comfortable 463 square feet.  There is a reason f more
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Menopause – Do You Still Like Sex?
The Menopause Stores Blog
by Kristen Petroff
1y ago
I do. A lot.  And I am not willing to sacrifice my sex life for a few hot flashes and nauseous spells.  So I went to the doctor yesterday. This is a new primary, as the last one could not bother to read an email.   In my health plan, the Primary is responsible, amongst other things, for prescriptions and referrals. You talk to them about your issue, and they make recommendations.  For context, here are my current issues, in and out of menopause, that I am seeking treatment for: Carpal Tunnel – Right hand surgery scheduled. Torn Rotator Cuff – Right shoulder surgery set for more
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Menopause and the Chin Hair
The Menopause Stores Blog
by Kristen Petroff
1y ago
I don’t know about you, but I consider myself lucky to get one, yes, only one, chin hair every 2 months or so. I also get a few dark nose hairs on the tip of my nose, and above my upper lip.  Oddly, my armpit hair just stopped growing completely.  So, what is with the chin hair? All the websites say the same thing, so I picked the one that looked the most fun.  Here is what I found titled: Menopause and Facial Hair: Oh, Pluck This…  I am going to pull some snippets from the article.  “One of the benefits of m more
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