The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
If you are a musician, writer, visual artist, actor, or some other type of creative entrepreneur, this show is for you! Host Bob Baker is on a mission to help creative people of all kinds use their talents and know-how to make a living and make a difference in the world! The podcast features interviews and helpful advice from Bob, who has been self-employed in the arts for most of his life (as..
The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
2M ago
Get your free copy of my new guide, "The IMPACT Formula: 6 Steps to Grow an Audience, Make an Impact, and Leave a Legacy" at https://BobBakerInspiration.com/impact
Check out all of my books, ebooks, and audiobooks on my Amazon Author page => https://amzn.to/2wJfXij - Titles include The Empowered Artist, The Passion Principles, The Improv Comedy Musician (with Laura Hall from “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”), Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook, The Five-Minute Music Marketer, The 9 Irrefutable Laws of Music Marketing, and many more.
Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, Medium, LinkedIn ..read more
The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
2M ago
Watch the YouTube video version of this episode here https://youtu.be/KAi7HTKl5_M - Have you ever felt the urge to pursue a big, bold goal but held back because it seemed too daunting or uncomfortable? You're not alone. Many of us let fear and uncertainty keep us within the safe boundaries of our comfort zones. But what if stepping beyond those boundaries could unlock benefits you never imagined? Written and read by Bob Baker (c) 2024.
Get free gifts when you join the “Abundant Life” newsletter, my platform for going deeper and delivering even more inspiration beyond affirmations https://bobb ..read more
The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
2M ago
Watch the YouTube video version of this episode here https://youtu.be/22urYGiZoLY - Are you a purpose-driven creator? In this video, I invite you to take a quick quiz to find out! By answering six simple yet powerful questions, you'll discover where you stand on the journey of making a meaningful impact with your unique gifts. Are you in the dreaming phase, the building phase, or are you an impact maker ready to leave a legacy? I share practical insights, personal anecdotes, and encouragement to help you align with your passions, grow your audience, and amplify your reach. Take the quiz and fi ..read more
The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
2M ago
Watch the YouTube video version of this podcast at https://youtu.be/s5YEWrIBv1M - Holly MacCue is a sales and messaging strategist for service-based entrepreneurs. She spent a decade as a corporate brand strategist for global consumer brands such as Procter & Gamble. She left that world to become an entrepreneur and work from home as she raised two young daughters. Today, she runs a multi-six-figure business built upon her core offering, called the Magnetic Selling Method. Bob Baker (c) 2024.
Attend Holly's Clicks Into Clients Masterclass here https://bobbakerinspiration.com/holly
(That i ..read more
The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
2M ago
My friend Deb Gaut interviewed me on her Tiny Sparks Big Flames podcast. In Part 2, I name the authors and mentors who influenced and inspired me. I also share my philosophy on pursuing dreams and making a living on my own terms.
Join the Magnetize Your Tribe community! Learn How to Attract More Soul-Aligned Fans and Paying Customers to Your Heart-Centered Business https://bobbakerinspiration.com/heart
Get on the Creative Entrepreneur VIP List. It's free and easy. Just head to http://PromoteYourCreativity.com - you'll get sample ebooks and audiobook chapters when you do!
Check out all of my ..read more
The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
2M ago
Get on the Creative Entrepreneur VIP List. It's free and easy. Just head to http://PromoteYourCreativity.com - you'll get sample ebooks and audiobook chapters when you do! How would you like to get your creative output - your music, books, art, whatever - out into the world and the marketplace faster? On this episode, I discuss an effective way to do that. This will also allow you to get feedback and make money from your ideas sooner.
Check out all of my books, ebooks, and audiobooks on my Amazon Author page => https://amzn.to/2wJfXij - Titles include The Empowered Artist, The Passion Prin ..read more
The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
2M ago
Here is the Dirty Little Secret to Success in the Arts. Be sure to check out The Empowered Artist: A Call to Action for Musicians, Writers, Visual Artists, and Anyone Who Wants to Make a Difference With Their Creativity on Amazon.
Here is the full 30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist video course on Udemy.
Get on the Creative Entrepreneur VIP List. It's free and easy. Just head to http://PromoteYourCreativity.com - you'll get sample ebook and audiobook chapters when you do!
Turbo-Charge Your Life: The 21-Day Abundance Challenge starts Oct 16, 2021. Learn more at https://link.medium ..read more
The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
2M ago
Most creative people look around their hometown and search for things the city can do for them. Or they seek out mentors, gatekeepers, media people, managers, and agents in an effort to gain the “credibility” that will lift them out of obscurity and make them feel worthy. Want to know what the most Empowered Artists do? They create the circumstances they’re looking for! That's what this episode is all about!
Be sure to check out The Passion Principles: 101 Ways to Express Your Creativity and Share It With the World.
Get on the Creative Entrepreneur VIP List. It's free and easy. Just head to ..read more
The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
2M ago
Face Your Fear! Listen to this motivational message when you're ready to embrace your fear and conquer your resistance to uncertainty.
This episode features a track from my digital album Morning Pep Talks for Artists, Authors, and Creative Entrepreneurs. Available on Bandcamp, Amazon, Spotify, and most digital audio platforms.
The text of this Face Your Fear message was adapted from my book The Empowered Artist, available on Amazon at https://amzn.to/2VKoQI9
Let's connect! Get on the Creative Entrepreneur VIP List. It's free and easy. Just head to http://PromoteYourCreativity.com - you'll ge ..read more
The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
2M ago
If you've followed my books and teachings for any length of time, you know I always stress the importance of a positive mindset.
Based on the hundreds of interviews I've done over the years with successful writers, musicians, artists, actors ...
It's become obvious that Mastering Your Mindset is one of the key elements to success in the arts.
Good News! My New Program Helps You Do Just That!
Introducing … The 30-Day Affirmation Mindset Challenge
Get free access to my "30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist" course when you join the Creative Entrepreneur VIP List.
Check out all of m ..read more