Soulfusion Breathe Blog
Covers articles related to Chi Gong breathing, healing spirituality, wisdom, self-help, master, consciousness.
Soulfusion Breathe Blog
1w ago
Do you want to be calmer?
The simple practice of Chi Gong balances emotions and the flow of energy in the body. It’s a natural way to be calmer.
Do you want to have more health and healing?
Chi Gong is a practice that removes stagnation and increases circulation through gentle movements and a breathing technique. Health and healing naturally follows.
Do you want to have more energy vitality?
Chi Gong resets the way that you breathe in order to breathe deeper and fuller. When you breathe better you’ll be more energized and awake. Your stamina for life increases.
Are you looking for something more
Soulfusion Breathe Blog
2w ago
Orthodox Conversion:
What brings you to want to convert to Judaism?
To become Jewish is a big commitment. Ask yourself what brought your soul to have interest in this huge spiritual decision? When did it start?
Being Jewish means taking the commitment to change your entire lifestyle, thought process, lens to see the world, and type of prayer. Following Shabbat and holidays are necessary which costs money, time, effort, dietary restrictions, and work. This is a physically demanding commitment - not with lifting heavy weights, but with scheduling time to organize more
Soulfusion Breathe Blog
8M ago
Kids can take short classes, teens can bring a friend or do it alone, families or couples can do it together, the elderly can do sitting chi gong. Open to everyone, especially: veterans, business men, someone dealing with chronic pain or illness, emotional trauma, overall wellness and general healing more
Soulfusion Breathe Blog
3y ago
We all need ways to start on the path to success, but it’s even more important to use tips that will help us to succeed when we face obstacles. These 5 tips are the steps to success. Whether you’re starting out, or continuing on your path to achieve your goals, try these recommendations:
Change your point of view
The first step to becoming successful is changing your point of view. When we look at a building from one side and walk around to the other corner and look at it from there, it can look completely different even though it’s the same building. It’s the same idea when it comes more
Soulfusion Breathe Blog
3y ago
When you are turning into a parking spot and someone else lets you take it. Or the cashier greets you with a smile and says, how are you today? Life is so much better.
See the Love
No matter what is going on in the world today, we can see love all around us! We can see that people are kind to each other. The more we talk about these moments and appreciate them ourselves we can raise the consciousness in the world.
Just our small selves
Just our small selves can make a difference in the world. Ignore the snears. Focus on the good moments. Imagine people going through more
Soulfusion Breathe Blog
3y ago
In loving memory of my father Eliyahu Kelman who changed the lives of many. It’s an honor to share your love and wisdom with others til this day.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall,
Don't Show Me, Show Me the World
Not long ago, I read a beautiful story about a young man with very little money but dreams of a brighter future.
Despite living in a very modest home, he was so generous to everyone around him with both his time and possessions. He especially cared deeply for others in need.
He would sometimes give away everything that he had with the belief that HaShem would set things r more
Soulfusion Breathe Blog
3y ago
We just read this new book (YinYang by Robin Wang) that says some used the word yinyang as one word without a hyphen or separation. I love this because it emanates the energy of unity.
We can look at life in a more positive way when we connect to unity. When there is lack, there is an opportunity for fulfillment. However when life is stressful and we feel reactive, we don’t see it that way. We immediately start breathing into our chest. We usually disconnect from our life source energy, our breath, unless we become our own masters and learn how to breathe into the dantian all the time.
W more
Soulfusion Breathe Blog
3y ago
Chi is the energy of life and the actual energy of the body. You do not need to be spiritual to connect to it, however, it’s much more than just body energy. It’s the energy of life which gives you inner strength, vitality, stamina, and focus.
Phsycality has energy. Money has power. But what about the things money can’t buy? Love, security, and happiness. We want an energy. We want anything that brings us the energy of love and unity, fulfillment and satisfaction.
When you connect to that energy your mind literally becomes quiet. There is peace of mind and focus. This focus is en more
Soulfusion Breathe Blog
3y ago
Often people practice yoga, meditation, chi gong to feel better. When we feel good, our whole day is brighter. We are calmer and react better in stressful situations. It is very important to remember that our practice is meant to be used in order to act with grace and restraint in tough situations. Instead of getting angry, we are able to use our reservoir of strength that we built and use it to treat other people with respect, and those who are close to us with love and care.
When you have this consciousness of sharing with others, you will receive more from your practice and use it fo more
Soulfusion Breathe Blog
3y ago
The Zohar, the primary book of Kabbalah, and the Tao Te Ching, the primary book of Daoism (pronounced Dao De Jing), were both written thousands of years ago. The author of the Zohar, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, and the author of Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, wrote universal truths that in essence can be studied and practiced by all people, regardless of gender, sex, age, or religion. The similarities between the two are astounding. Sometimes it feels like the same person wrote it.
We know that something is true for everyone when sages from different parts of the world who never met each other say more