The Impostor Syndrome Files
Do you ever feel like a fraud? Are you living with chronic self-doubt? Do you question whether you deserve to be in your role? If so, you're not alone! As a leadership coach and lifelong struggler with Impostor Syndrome, I wanted to create a space where professionals can tell their personal stories and unburden themselves of the silent shame that comes with this experience.
The Impostor Syndrome Files
2h ago
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about thriving. When it comes to work, are you thriving or are you just surviving? This can be a difficult question to consider because, if you are just surviving, that might be hard to admit to yourself. But, if that is the case, it doesn’t have to be that way. My guest this week is Carly Pepin, a speaker and consultant who is focused on human behavior. Here we talk about the importance of taking more risks and challenging ourselves because it’s through those challenges that we learn what we’re capable of. We also talk about leveraging y ..read more
The Impostor Syndrome Files
1w ago
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about getting out of our comfort zones. When was the last time you felt ready to do something scary? If you’re human, then probably never. My guest this week is Eddy Smits, a motivational speaker and communication and leadership expert. Because we’ll never feel ready, we have to just do it, which he likens to jumping into the pool rather than slowly getting wet. Having been a school teacher and a hospital clown in previous careers, Eddy shares powerful insights about what we can learn from children and childhood. We also talk about resist ..read more
The Impostor Syndrome Files
1w ago
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about boundary setting. Many of us who identify as people-pleasers, conflict-avoiders or just those who don’t want to rock the boat often find it challenging to say no. My guest this week is Suzanne Culberg, the “Nope Coach” who helps people say no without feeling guilty. Here Suzanne shares her own story of the pivotal moment in which she realized it was time to start setting boundaries. We also talk about actionable, practical steps you can take to make boundary setting feel less scary and shame-inducing. Suzanne brings great humor to t ..read more
The Impostor Syndrome Files
3w ago
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about feeling too young at work. Have you ever felt too young at work? Maybe people thought they were complimenting you by pointing out how young you look. Or they made condescending comments that made you feel different or unwelcome. My guest this week is Leslie Alvarez, community management leader and author of the book, “When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Tamales”. Here Leslie shares her experience of regularly being made to feel too young. Having graduated from high school at 15, built a career in her teens and had her first child at 20 ..read more
The Impostor Syndrome Files
1M ago
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about leadership. Being a people leader is hard! It’s especially hard in a rapidly changing world where there is so much more to think about and so much less time available to us. My guest this week is Scott Allen, a management professor and leadership consultant who talks about what he refers to as the puzzle of leadership. Here we explore the challenges facing current leaders and how to approach them through curiosity and experimentation. Scott also shares three important action steps all people leaders should take to build their confid ..read more
The Impostor Syndrome Files
1M ago
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about career transitions. Career transitions can feel daunting for lots of reasons but they’re especially scary when you don’t know what you want. This week, I talk with Sarah JanTausch, founder of SRJ Coaching & Consulting and creator of the Values-Based Career method. Here Sarah shares her own career transition story that led her to the work she does today. She also offers practical tips for how to reach out to your network, how to maximize informational interviews and how to connect with your values to find the career path that’s r ..read more
The Impostor Syndrome Files
1M ago
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about what my guest this week, Melody Wilding, calls sensitive strivers. The term sensitive strivers refers to those of us who think and feel more deeply than others while also putting a lot of pressure on ourselves to set goals and succeed. This combination of traits tends to leave us more susceptible to self-doubt and impostor syndrome. Here we talk about strategies to help you set clearer boundaries, stop the constant worrying and overthinking, and better manage perfectionism so that you can achieve success on your own terms.
About My ..read more
The Impostor Syndrome Files
1M ago
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about the trap of the comfort zone. It’s all too easy to get stuck in our comfort zones. Each time we choose not to take action, we reinforce the security of our comfort zones, which makes the outside world feel that much scarier. This week, I talk with Aaron Trahan, a former executive leader turned performance coach who now helps leaders reach their full potential. Here we talk about strategies to break free from complacency and the status quo to become the best versions of ourselves.
About My Guest
Aaron has a 15+ year progressive back ..read more
The Impostor Syndrome Files
2M ago
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about networking. Some of us love connecting with others while others of us may be less interested in or even intimidated by networking. The good news is that, whatever your relationship to networking, there are steps you can take to make it work for you. My guest this week is Michael Morgan, author of the book, “The Power of Networking”. Here he talks about how networking, both internally and externally, has helped him to grow his career across some of the world’s largest companies. Michael offers practical tips to help you manage self-d ..read more
The Impostor Syndrome Files
2M ago
In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we talk about the human brain. We like to think that we’re rational beings who happen to have feelings. In actuality, we’re emotional beings who happen to think. This week, I’m talking with Carlos Davidovich, an executive coach and neuromanagement expert, about the five different characters, or aspects of our brains, that make up what he calls our inner team and the importance of understanding which one is in charge at any given time. Here we debunk the myth that you can remove emotions from a given situation and we discuss how all behaviors are ..read more