The blog features articles on sexual health, awareness, campaigns and more! We are the largest UK professional membership organisation working at the heart of sexual and reproductive health, supporting healthcare professionals to deliver high quality care.
8M ago
This is an exciting opportunity to get more involved in our work by joining the Clinical Effectiveness Unit (CEU) at FSRH to help develop national evidence based guidance ..read more
9M ago
With a month to go until polling day, the FSRH is delighted to launch the FSRH Hatfield Vision Manifesto ..read more
9M ago
We're delighted to let you know about a new member benefit available now to all members of the FSRH with access to members-only standards and guideline summaries ..read more
9M ago
Statistics published by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) today show that the number of abortions during 2022 in England and Wales was 251, 377. This is the highest annual figure since the introduction of the Abortion Act 1967, and an increase of 17% on the previous year when the number of abortions was 214, 256 in England and Wales ..read more
9M ago
Join us in shining a well-deserved spotlight and celebrating the outstanding contributions of our nurse members in the field of sexual and reproductive healthcare. Our FSRH Nurse Spotlight Campaign is dedicated to showcasing the invaluable expertise and dedication of these exceptional professionals ..read more
9M ago
The May edition of the Sexual Health, Reproductive Health, and HIV Policy eBulletin is out now. It brings together data and new tools from the sector to support more effective delivery of care, alongside wider policy and clinical issues. This edition covers important new changes in leadership in the sector, including the new appointment of a National Clinical Director for Women's Health in England and a Clinical Lead for Women's Health in Wales. Other updates include a new consultation on draft RSHE guidance, a briefing paper on artificial intelligence and sexual and reproductive health, and t ..read more
9M ago
Our committees are the foundation of our organisation, as it is here decisions and developments are made that directly influence the lives and learning journeys of our members. You asked about the benefits of joining our committees, and we listened ..read more
9M ago
We are delighted to announce that Dr Manisha Singh has been elected to the position of Vice President of Clinical Quality ..read more
10M ago
Following the change in licence of Mirena® to eight years, the CEU have reconvened the Intrauterine Contraception (IUC) Guideline Development Group (GDG) to consider the extended use of all 52mg LNG-IUDs to eight years for contraception. Overall, whilst the evidence is limited, the GDG felt there was sufficient evidence to make the following recommendations ..read more
10M ago
This summer we’ll be making important changes to improve your digital experience ..read more