Starting your period
by larasteele
2w ago
The average age to start getting periods is 12, but most people’s start between the ages of 8 and 15. If you’ve turned 15 and you haven’t had your period yet, then it’s a good idea to see your GP just to check that there’s not another explanation. You can start your period at any time or anywhere. If you’re nearing the age of starting your period (around age 12), it might be a good idea to… Source more
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Contraception: Jasmin’s story
by larasteele
1M ago
My experience with contraception started at the age of 14 when I first told my mum I was in a relationship. As a worrying mother she wanted to ensure I was safe if sex was ever a possibility (it was not until I was 17 but best to always be safe). She booked an appointment at the doctors for me, took me down and sat with me whilst being asked the uncomfortable questions any 14 year old would hate… Source more
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Bisexuality and bi-erasure: Alice’s story
by larasteele
1M ago
Being a bisexual woman in a straight-presenting relationship isn’t exactly headline news. I’m sure there are many people, like me, who had their bisexual awakening watching Hayley Williams of Paramore and then fell in love with a man, seemingly putting an end to their queer journey. I should say before we get going that I am incredibly lucky to have fallen in love with a man who has gone out… Source more
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LGBT+ and mental health
by larasteele
2M ago
Being LGBT+ doesn’t cause poor mental health. However, research shows that LGBT+ people are more likely to suffer from poor mental health including: This is largely because of the different and intersecting challenges the LGBT+ community face in society. LGBT+ people are more likely to experience the following: All these challenges can have a huge impact on mental… Source more
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Racism and mental health: Kenya’s story
by larasteele
2M ago
Content warning: Suicide, racism I first tried to take my own life when I was a teenager. From that moment through my teenage years and throughout my 20s, I would suffer from various mental health difficulties on a grand scale, facing death in the face way too many times. When you have faced death on multiple occasions and have come through the other side, you start to reflect on the… Source more
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Sex and the menopause
by larasteele
5M ago
It’s important to understand how some menopausal symptoms can get in the way of comfortable, pleasurable sex. Symptoms that might affect your desire for sex/sex drive: Symptoms that might affect your experience of sex: Experiencing pain or discomfort during sex can also impact you sex drive and libido. If you’re not in the right headspace… Source more
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Support with the menopause
by larasteele
5M ago
Did you know…? Less than 1/3 of people experiencing perimenopause symptoms told someone at work about their symptoms (UK Parliament, 2022) You might feel uncomfortable talking about the menopause and your symptoms at work, but it should never be something to be embarrassed about. By talking about it and its impact on your life, you can get the support you need as well as… Source more
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Power imbalances in relationships
by larasteele
7M ago
When one person in a relationship has more power than the other person, this is called a power imbalance. Power imbalances can come in many different forms, including: Not all relationships with power imbalances are a cause for concern – they can be healthy depending on the nature of the imbalance, the age of people involved and their motives and personalities. Source more
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Consent and sex in long-term relationships
by larasteele
8M ago
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My ADHD & perimenopause journey: Vicky’s story
by larasteele
9M ago
Am I going mad? Could it be early onset dementia? Depression? Anxiety? What’s happening to my skin, hair, attitude, life?! Why can’t I move off this chair? This was me in 2021. My recent ADHD diagnosis doesn’t change anything in the past. I’ve always had ADHD and managed just fine. In hindsight it affected me regularly, especially when my hormones were fluctuating (so once a month then!). But ok... Source more
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