Fractured Resilience
by Richard Hindmarsh, MD
1y ago
The power behind all of the roots of bitterness is greed and emptiness. Greed is the passionate pursuit of more, just for the sake of having more. It is an insatiable longing that cannot be satisfied. It is a loud, demanding hunger. A hunger that does not go away. --- Support this podcast: more
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Not-So-Subtle Roots of Bitterness
Fractured Resilience
by Richard Hindmarsh, MD
1y ago
The Not-So-Subtle Roots of Bitterness are more evident than the subtle roots, but they are still subtle in their presentation. With this category of roots, you can start to taste the bitterness. --- Support this podcast: more
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Roots of Bitterness
Fractured Resilience
by Richard Hindmarsh, MD
1y ago
If we would like to have any hope in stopping bitterness, we need to recognize it in its more subtle forms. By the time bitterness has fully developed, it has become a giant, well-established tree, impossible to bring down. At this point, you are no longer living your life with freedom and enthusiasm; you are living your life, negotiating your path, and conducting your relationships as a victim. --- Support this podcast: more
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Fractured Resilience
by Richard Hindmarsh, MD
1y ago
Bitterness will steal your health, energy, and emotional stability. It will destroy your relationships, and rob your joy, peace, and contentment. It will kill your potential, purpose, plans, relationships, aspirations, and dreams. If this interaction between bitterness and injustice were a loaded gun, the injustice would be the gunpowder, and the bitterness would be the armor-piercing bullet. The gunpowder makes all the noise, demands all the attention, it fills the room with confusion, and smoke. Amid the noise, smoke, and fire, the projectile silently sales through the air and into your hear more
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Deadly Roots - Introduction
Fractured Resilience
by Richard Hindmarsh, MD
1y ago
Bitterness is the internalization and personalization of a real or perceived injustice with a persistent and intense rumination about the injustice or the agent of the injustice, resulting in more damage caused by the bitterness than could ever be caused by the injustice. --- Support this podcast: more
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Stress Undressed - Conclusion
Fractured Resilience
by Richard Hindmarsh, MD
1y ago
In conclusion, take hold of stress, or it will take hold of you. Categorize your stressors. Is your stress caused by the fear or threat of imminent danger, or perhaps a threat to your sense of self, is it stress from ongoing uncertainty or confusion or are you in the position of caring for someone unable or unwilling to care for themselves, or lastly is the stress because of an offense you have committed towards someone else? --- Support this podcast: more
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Stress of Transgressions
Fractured Resilience
by Richard Hindmarsh, MD
1y ago
As people, we will do almost anything to hide our transgressions, yet, it is the hiding of them that makes them so damaging. We have all done wrong. We have all deeply wounded the people who love us. We all carry the scars of hurting others. To live your life carrying these injuries is stressful. --- Support this podcast: more
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Stress of Covering Responsibility
Fractured Resilience
by Richard Hindmarsh, MD
1y ago
It is hard enough to be responsible for yourself in this ever-changing, confusing world, let alone to have to be responsible for another who is unable or unwilling to be responsible for themselves.  This type of stress is part of several different life situations. --- Support this podcast: more
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Stress of Altered-Self
Fractured Resilience
by Richard Hindmarsh, MD
1y ago
To function in life as a human being, with some sense of meaning, purpose, and direction, we all operate from a platform of self-definition. This platform is a form of ego-intactness; it is how we see and define ourselves and how we think others see us. If our self-definition becomes unfamiliar or not authentic, there will be stress. --- Support this podcast: more
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Stress of Imminent Danger
Fractured Resilience
by Richard Hindmarsh, MD
1y ago
We are human beings devoid of reason and directed by emotion. So now, when you take a concept of threat and danger and a mix of emotion and fear, you have the ingredients for a toxic soup. Our emotional memory is more robust than our rational memory, and we are governed by a deep-rooted fear much of the time. --- Support this podcast: more
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