My-alpine and docker-compose.yml
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by cguitar
1y ago
 ``` version: '1' services:     man:       build: .       image: my-alpine:latest   ```  Dockerfile: ``` FROM alpine:latest ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 RUN apk add --update --no-cache python3 && ln -sf python3 /usr/bin/python RUN python3 -m ensurepip RUN pip3 install --no-cache --upgrade pip setuptools RUN apk add git more
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A Kotlin recursive function
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by cguitar
1y ago
 import kotlin.reflect.full.memberProperties data class Abc(     val a: String,     val b: String,     val c: String,     val d: D,     val e: E ) {     data class D(         val e: String,         val f: String,         val g: String     )     data class E(         val h: List<String>     ) } data class Xyz(     val a: String,     val b: String,     val c: String,     val d more
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A nice alias to check the resources used be each user on a Linux server
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by cguitar
2y ago
 Sometimes on a shared Linux server or AWS EC2, we found out the resources are limited because some other persons are using the machine, and we want to rank order the users by resources used from high to low. This alias does exactly this. ``` alias wtf="ps hax -o rss,user | awk '{a[\$2]+=\$1;}END{for(i in a)print i\"  \"int(a[i]/1024+0.5);}' | sort -rnk2 more
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AWK: count which customer has the most unique accounts
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by cguitar
2y ago
Content of the count_uniq.awk script: BEGIN {     FS=","; } {     if ($0 in seen == 0){arr[$2]++} else {seen[$0]=1}     seen[$0]=1; } END {     for (a in arr) print a, arr[a] } What it does? count how many accounts does each customer has, ignoring duplicated rows. Details as in image below: Customer "a" has 3 different accounts: [1, 2, 3] Customer "b" has 1 account: [2] Customer "c" has 2 accounts: [1, 2 more
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Concatenate multiple files with same headers (and only keep one header line in the output file) - Version2
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by cguitar
2y ago
 Put this into an AWK script and call it merge.awk: BEGIN{     h=ARGV[1];     ARGV[1]=""; } {     if(FNR==1){print}     else if($1!~h){print} } and use an argument: cat *.csv | awk -f merge.awk "<header>" > output.csv more
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Git: find string in a certain branch
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by cguitar
2y ago
 So, today I cloned a repo and it has many branches. I know one of the branches has a file that is updated and contains the word "token". This is how I find out which branch it is: git branch -a | cut -c3- | cut -d' ' -f 1 | xargs git grep "token" more
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by cguitar
2y ago
If a user on Linux can't run "crontab -l" or "corntab -e", add the user name to /etc/cron.allow, and then it should work. more
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by cguitar
2y ago
 # import mathimport numpy as npfrom scipy import statsfrom sklearn.utils.multiclass import type_of_targetclass WOE(object):def __init__(self):self._WOE_MIN = -20self._WOE_MAX = 20def processing(self, X, y, event=1):self.check_target_binary(y)X1 = self.feature_discretion(X)res_woe = []res_iv = []for i in range(0, X1.shape[-1]):x = X1[:, i]woe_dict, iv1 = self.woe_single_x(x, y, event)res_woe.append(woe_dict)res_iv.append(iv1)return np.array(res_woe), np.array(res_iv)def woe_single_x(self, x, y, event=1):self.check_target_binary(y)event_total, non_event_total more
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Street suffix abbreviations
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by cguitar
2y ago
# Street suffix abbreviations  # addressStandardMap = {'ALLEE': 'ALLEY',                       'ALLY' : 'ALLEY',                       'ALY':   'ALLEY',                       'ANEX':  'ANNEX',                       'ANNX':  'ANNEX',              more
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Some bash alias I found very useful
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by cguitar
2y ago
 # User specific aliases and functions alias showheader='head -1|tr "," "\n" | tr "|" "\n" |tr "^" "\n" |  nl -ba | less' alias pnfc='awk -F"," "{print NF}"' alias pnfp='awk -F"|" "{print NF}"' alias mytop='top -u <username>' alias cl='clear' alias head5='head -5' alias head2='head -2' alias head1='head -1' alias lsht='ls -lsh --sort=time' alias lshs='ls -lsh --sort=size' alias savehist='history | tail -2 | head -1 >> NOTES' alias x='chmod +x' alias ssactivate='source activate <env name>' alias cls='clear' alias lsl='ls -alh --color=auto' alias du='du -h' alias df more
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