Taking break from podcasting and what is next
Courage Within You with Silvia Turon
by silvia turonova
6M ago
Hello, my brave soul. The time has come when I decided to say goodbye to podcasting for a while and focus on my writing instead.  First, let me start by saying that I am beyond grateful for you, my dear listener who found my podcast helpful while always coming back for more.  Although the journey of podcasting has been deeply rewarding for me, I decided to direct my attention to something I love the most - writing.  Therefore, every Tuesday, I will publish blog posts with tools, tips, techniques, affirmations, quotes, and a little bit of storytelling to support you on your path ..read more
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The Art Of Detachment, Self-Regulation and Emotional Balance
Courage Within You with Silvia Turon
by silvia turonova
6M ago
A while ago, I watched an interview with Jay Shetty where he talked about detachment as stated in the Bhagavad Gita, a 700-verse Hindu scripture. He says that, “detachment is not that you own nothing. Detachment is that nothing owns you.” I find this one of the most accurate and simply understood definitions of detachment.  Also, it is worth noticing things and people we are attached to and then asking ourselves:” What does this person, thing, or achievement represent for me?”  It wasn't long ago when I was attached to men who came into my life to validate how lovable I was. Or using ..read more
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2 Spiritual Tools For More Love And Kindness
Courage Within You with Silvia Turon
by silvia turonova
7M ago
Healing and walking a spiritual path doesn’t mean you don’t face challenges or that this path is linear. Therefore, having spiritual tools in place is important to keep evoking the love within while shedding off anything that doesn’t serve you.  Love is your ultimate superpower. It gives you the courage to take the brave step, softens your heart, and shows you what you are worth.  I always looked at growth from two different angles.  You either grow by life itself when things you don’t ask for or don’t expect come into your life and challenge you to grow. The second is intention ..read more
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#1 Mindfulness Tool To Regulate Your Thoughts And Emotions
Courage Within You with Silvia Turon
by silvia turonova
8M ago
When I found myself having Monday blues last week, this was the mindfulness tool I used to snap out of it while reminding myself of the true nature of my mind.  There aren’t Monday blues, bad or good days, or happy Sundays (as people call it in America).  The quality of our days, regardless of what day it is or what is happening around us depends on how aware we are and how well we manage our thoughts and emotions.  This simple mindfulness tool is your internal resource available at all times and in any situation. Because paying attention to reality, to what is - is an art of se ..read more
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Healing Childhood Trauma And 3 Tools To Support You
Courage Within You with Silvia Turon
by silvia turonova
8M ago
Although healing childhood trauma is a challenging path to walk, it is also a path of deep fulfillment and self-love.  When we become brave enough to look at our past and address earlier childhood experiences holding us back, we choose our destiny instead of settling for it. I’ve been healing my childhood trauma for a few years now. And although I have made significant progress, I still find myself emotionally relapsing while feeling paralyzed by fear and unease.  It is one of the reasons why I decided to record this episode and shine more light on what healing childhood trauma has b ..read more
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How to Use Positive Affirmations and Visualization to Heal
Courage Within You with Silvia Turon
by silvia turonova
9M ago
Since we tell ourselves affirmations all day, why not make them into positive affirmations that allow us to become who we want to be and attract things we want?  There are two types of affirmations: conscious and unconscious.  Unconscious affirmations are thoughts and beliefs that run on autopilot. Since we reinforce these statements in our minds many times, they become automatic. Often those are thoughts we don’t want to have but aren’t aware we have them.  Conscious affirmations are positive affirmations we choose. Think of them as thoughts you choose to think that produce emo ..read more
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Healing Inner Child and Reparenting Yourself
Courage Within You with Silvia Turon
by silvia turonova
10M ago
Healing your inner child is about accessing the wounds or suppressed emotions while recognizing what parts of you need to be healed. It’s also about identifying different parts or versions of your little self and then healing them individually. You may have a version of your inner child that’s angry, one that feels unworthy, untrusting, or insecure. Attuning to each of them, giving them attention, validating their feelings, and loving them through it all is where deep healing happens. As children, we adapt different coping mechanisms. Since our brain is still developing when we form these beha ..read more
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3 Spiritual Practices That Healed Me
Courage Within You with Silvia Turon
by silvia turonova
10M ago
Are you stuck on your healing path? Do you feel you’ve tried almost everything, but nothing quite works? Today, I am sharing my 3 most powerful spiritual practices that I used and continue using every day to heal and keep myself in balance.  Daily spiritual practices are essential for anyone on a healing path. When we have a practice in place and stay committed to it, what we are saying is “I love me to take care of me.”  Developing spiritual practices that work and coming back to them daily became a ritual that I can't go without. It is like taking a shower or brushing my teeth.&nbs ..read more
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15-Minute Guided Meditation to Reinvent Yourself
Courage Within You with Silvia Turon
by silvia turonova
11M ago
What if instead of focusing on what you want to accomplish externally, you look within and focus on who you need to become and how you can reinvent yourself to reach the healing, growth, and goals you desire?  The external world can fall apart, but how you manage your internal system and the magnitude of your is something no one can take away from you. Inner resilience and self-belief rooted in self-trust are all you need when embarking on a committed spiritual path while transforming the subconscious and subtle patterns that keep you stuck.  If you focus on your present reality, how ..read more
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4 Mindset Shifts That Fuel Your Growth
Courage Within You with Silvia Turon
by silvia turonova
11M ago
Beyond the tools and techniques we use to better self-regulate, there are 4 mindset shifts that create change on a level of perception. And as Wayne Dyer said, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."    So often, women come to me and say, “I tried everything, but I feel stuck.”  Often, it is one of these mindset shifts that they haven’t yet established. Although tools and exercises are essential for building a diverse self-care toolkit and raising awareness, when we choose to expand our perception, growth is inevitable.  During this epis ..read more
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