Pregnant in Norway
Nicola Paulukat Blog
by Nicola Paulukat
1y ago
Are you an expat and pregnant in Norway? Fastlege – helsestasjon – ob-gyn – are you confused? First of all – congratulations! I still remember how I held my very first positive pregnancy test in my trembling hands. I was blissfully happy and in shock at the same time. So I called my fastlege and made an appointment. Because that is what you do, right? At least that is what I thought at the time. I had been living in Norway for 2.5 years and I am from Germany – which isn’t even THAT different from Norway one would think. Well, let me just tell you that I left my 2-minute appointment i more
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Finn den beste nyfødtfotografen i Oslo
Nicola Paulukat Blog
by Nicola Paulukat
2y ago
Når du prøver å finne den beste nyfødtfotografen i Oslo, kan det lett føles overveldende. Men det er faktisk noen enkle trinn du kan følge for å finne den rette fotografen for deg og din familie. Det første spørsmålet du bør stille deg selv er hva slags bilder du ønsker. Vil du ha klassiske poserte bilder i studio, eller vil du heller ha mer naturlige bilder utendørs eller hjemme? Kanskje du vil ha hele familien med på bildene? Tenk nøye gjennom hva dere ønsker dere, slik at du kan finne en fotograf som kan levere dette. Liker du stilen? Når du har en mer konkret idé om hva dere ser for dere more
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Familiefotografering i Oslo
Nicola Paulukat Blog
by Nicola Paulukat
2y ago
Det er helt klart det lyse halvåret som er favorittårstiden for familier å booke en familiefotografering i Oslo. Og selv om jeg elsker å ta familiebilder om vinteren skjønner jeg godt at de fleste velger mai til oktober til familiebilder. Det er lyst og varmt ute, barna trenger ikke å bli kledd i tykke klær og sannsynligheten for at barna er i godt humør er betydelig større enn på en kaldt vinterdag. De fineste bildene får vi oftest når barna kan leke og oppdage på en helt naturlig måte. Jeg liker å instruere noen ting, men mesteparten av en familiefotografering med meg oppstår av seg selv. Re more
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AI, ChatGPT, and the future of SEO – Infographic
Nicola Paulukat Blog
by Nicola Paulukat
2y ago
Are you confused about all the talk about AI and ChatGPT and wondering what all of this actually is? Share this Image On Your Site <p><strong>Please include attribution to with this graphic.</strong><br /><br /><a href=’’><img src=’×3360.jpg’ alt=’AI, CHATGPT, AND THE FUTURE OF SEO’ 540px /></a></p> The post AI, ChatGPT, and the fu more
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Naturlig vs. posert nyfødtfotografering
Nicola Paulukat Blog
by Nicola Paulukat
2y ago
Er du gravid og på utkikk etter en fotograf for nyfødtfotografering? Det finnes to typer nyfødtfotografering: naturlig og posert. Før du booker en fotograf for deres nyfødtbilder, er det viktig at du forstår forskjellene og velger den riktige fotografen deretter. Slik kan dere være sikker på at dere får akkurat de bildene som dere ønsker dere.  Kort oppsummert ligger fokuset på en naturlig nyfødtfotografering på å dokumentere babyen på en naturlig måte, gjerne hjemme hos dere og enten alene, eller sammen med foreldre eller søsken.  En posert nyfødtfotografering finner ofte sted i et more
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Why I don’t like golden hour
Nicola Paulukat Blog
by Nicola Paulukat
3y ago
Whaaaat – you don’t like golden hour?? Ok, this seems to be a bit harsh. It is not that I don’t LIKE golden hour. But I don’t like the obsession with it. I have photographed the most beautiful sessions in golden hour. (And have actually just written about one of them in my last blog post.) But I have also photographed the most beautiful sessions in the harsh midday sun and on gloomy days. Being a photographer that photographs mostly families with small children, there are so many positives to not being dependent on golden hour to be able to deliver beautiful and consistent galleries. Reason nu more
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Golden winter session in Oslo
Nicola Paulukat Blog
by Nicola Paulukat
3y ago
Let’s be honest – outdoor sessions in March are often not the dreamiest. Usually, there is no more snow, but at the same time, the first blossoms and green leaves are still weeks away. Everything seems grey and brown and dead. But we couldn’t have found a better time for his golden winter session in Oslo. However, and this is a big however – the light is literally perfection. Like at this golden winter session in Oslo. A two-hour-long golden hour at around 4 pm – it could not be more perfect for family sessions with small children. No keeping the kids awake for a late summer session, or postpo more
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Aperature basics and comparison: f1.4 to f4.0
Nicola Paulukat Blog
by Nicola Paulukat
3y ago
What you’ll learn: Aperature basics and a comparison how a picture changes with an aperature from 1.4 to 4.0. Have you sometimes wondered what kind of difference the aperature setting makes in a concrete image? If you are new to shooting manual, aperature (or f-stop, these words can be used interchably) decides how much of your image will be in focus and how blurry your background will be.  Having your subject stand out from a blurry background is often the first thing that makes an image appear professional. Generally, the lower your aperature/f-stop, the more blurry the background will more
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How to find the best family photographer
Nicola Paulukat Blog
by Nicola Paulukat
3y ago
How do I find the best family photographer? Isn’t that a question we are all asking ourselves when we want our family pictures taken? Do you want to find the cheapest? No, because we all have a million pictures of our kids on our mobile. We want to find the best. But how do you do that? It is not always easy, but there are several things you can do to check if a photographer is the best one for you and your family. The first question you should ask yourself  is what kind of pictures you are looking for. There is a photographer for everything and for all styles. Are you looking for: Tradit more
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How we took our own family pictures – a behind the scenes
Nicola Paulukat Blog
by Nicola Paulukat
3y ago
            The post How we took our own family pictures – a behind the scenes appeared first on more
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