Looking for help with character sheet
Fantasy Grounds Message Boards
by Grognard GM
1w ago
I'm sure this is somehow me being dense, but even if I set all characteristics to 18s, max HP and max MP are 3, and DB is -2. Help ..read more
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Skill Check results - formatting
Fantasy Grounds Message Boards
by ModifyGG
2w ago
Is there a way to make the success level or failure of a dice roll more legible? (IE - add coloration to the result) I cannot seem to find a ..read more
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A Cup of Horror (Spanish)
Fantasy Grounds Message Boards
by coffeeartful
1M ago
Hola. Me tomé el tiempo de hacer un traducción y adaptación (un poco libre) de un escenario para *Call of cthulhu 7E*, que originalmente salió como ..read more
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Call of Cthulhu 7e Occupations and Skills Questions / Problems
Fantasy Grounds Message Boards
by Amerisun
1M ago
Some of this might be my lack of knowledge, so excuse me, but as a new Keeper with FG, it's challenging to know what may be a problem versus my lack ..read more
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Masks of Nyarlathotep - NPC portraits
Fantasy Grounds Message Boards
by ModifyGG
3M ago
I am noticing that all portraits are bordered with green and red. I assume that indicates friendly or hostile? (under images) I want to be able to share images of NPCs with my players without giving that information away. Under "Assets" there in a non bordered version of each photo but they are not shareable? images.png green bordered image.png no border nonshareable.png Additionally under campaign "images" - the green border photo is available Attached Images images.png (270.9 KB) green bordered image.png (420.7 KB) no border nonshareable.png (161.7 KB ..read more
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Unable to do anything with rule set?
Fantasy Grounds Message Boards
by SublimeBW
5M ago
I purchased the CoC 7e Investigators Handbook, Keeper book & Blackwater Creek campaign today and I am getting all sorts of errors when attempting to use the setting. I am getting missing TTF tags for fonts and all sorts of string execution errors on anything interactive. I have tried updating FGU multiple times, deleting the campaign and rebuilding it, selecting a simple extension or simply leaving it blank. Additionally, I went back to the sample D&D 5e campaign and that worked without any issue. Any ideas on how I can get this back on track? Attached Files fgu_logs_20240425.zip (8.8 ..read more
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Any tips for flashback scenarios?
Fantasy Grounds Message Boards
by q00t
5M ago
Hi, I'm playing a CoC campaign set in the 1920s and we're about to start Horror on the Orient Express. Some of the scenarios (such as The Blood Red Fez and Reign of Terror) are set in non-1920s timelines with pre-generated characters. Does anyone have any suggestions for the easiest/best way to run these scenarios? Is it going to create a mess if I just load everything up as we get to it into our main campaign and add the pre-generated characters next to the current player characters, or would it be better, for example, to create a new campaign for each of the non "main timeline" stuff or when ..read more
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Consistent note behavior?
Fantasy Grounds Message Boards
by hackRPG
6M ago
Hi, I am struggling with getting a consistent experience across note fields in items and NPCs. I have a requirement to drop linked content into a notes fields on items and NPCs so I can quickly link to that information during a session or allow players to see that linked content. I am usually able to create links and content in Keeper fields, however I cannot create the same in other fields. Is it possible that notes fields can behave consistently? Example use-cases: For NPCs, I'd love to be able to drag-drop spells directly into the spells area of the NPC so during an encounter it's one cli ..read more
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Masks of Nyarlathotep Maps
Fantasy Grounds Message Boards
by OB1Sean
8M ago
Is there any where with good battle maps for this campaign with los or just with grids thanks for any and all help ..read more
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CoC ruleset
Fantasy Grounds Message Boards
by Jaggs57
8M ago
Could someone please direct me to the place where I can buy the CoC 7th ruleset for fgu ..read more
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