How to react to men who wants to share pictures and do a voice chat? (29F)
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by /u/Victoria9273
2d ago
I met this one good guy over Reddit and we asked we go over to Discord and I thought we kind of vibed well. He gave me tons of good advice on how to do well at playing the piano. He then asked me to share pictures to which I consented and then asked that we do a voice chat. I was already feeling uncomfortable after I sent my picture so did not consent to voice chat. I thought we were doing a face chat or something. Since I am not an American or a European woman, this immature side of me somewhat made him upset although we did talk for a while afterwards. And then I noticed he blocked me. I fe more
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How to prepare for home date, what to buy, clean, do etc to make us both [f25] [m30] comfortable?
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by /u/Kagura0609
2d ago
Question for the girls! What should I (f25) definitely have or do in my apartment before having a date (m30) come over? Tomorrow I am having a date and I'm so excited! First we're going to the city center for a cocktail. Afterwards I'd like to take him home for another drink (yes I'm hoping for some adult fun!) and I don't know what to prepare in my apartment for this??? Of course I'm going to tidy up and clean as well as change the sheets. When I go shopping later today, I'm planning on buying some wine and condoms lol (How do I even choose condoms for a guy?) as well as breakfast for the ne more
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How do these things affect the intimacy of sex outside of a marriage? (M33 f28)
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by /u/Individual-Wall-7031
2d ago
How do these things affect the intimacy of sex outside of a marriage? So I know these seem like weird questions, but I promise they're relevant to my situation right now. Is sex automatically more intimate if condoms aren't used and he cums inside you? Does it affect the intimacy if you orgasm? And what about how long it lasts, is it always more intimate if it lasts say an hour Vs 15 minutes? Thanks in advanced ladies. submitted by /u/Individual-Wall-7031 [visit reddit] [comments more
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How do I (22M) get my girlfriend (21F) to let me confide my issues to her
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by /u/Actual_Mycologist714
2d ago
Me and my girlfriend have been dating for about a year and its been really good, no serious fight, and no issues besides the fact that I can't talk to her about personal issues. My life for the past month or two has been going downhill and there's alot of issues affecting me and the way I act, overall making me really sad. I've tried to talk to my friends about some of the issues but our friend group just isn't the type to really talk about serious topics. When everything started, I tried telling my girlfriend about what was going on (i don't want to go into detail here but its bad and affect more
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How to deal with internal conflict about making the first move? (22F)
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by /u/Sharp_Wrongdoer5991
2d ago
Hello! So I'm interested in this guy, but I don't know much about him. He was a masters student at my university and I was in my final year of my bachelors (I finished this June). I'd seen him about 1 and 1/2 years ago at a society event and I found him attractive but didn't make a move because I was in a relationship at the time, because I was happy with my partner and because that's straight up cheating lol. As he's a masters student I saw him at a talk that he did for undergraduates this year around February, so he entered my peripheral again, as I'd forgotten about him (because it had bee more
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How to be a supportive to a friend (32 F) who is constantly chasing toxic/unavailable men?
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by /u/angelanarchy96
2d ago
I have a friend who is seemingly addicted to chasing unavailable men that give her the bare minimum, lead her on, use her for sex, romantically reject her, and inevitably distance themselves from her. She is a wonderful, vibrant, attractive person - she walks in a room and most of the men in the room will gravitate towards her and she will manage to find the one that isn’t really into her and obsess over them and do everything to get and keep their attention (it always turns out poorly). I empathize with her position because at one time I also was stuck in a similar cycle with toxic men and i more
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How can I (24F) "support" my BIL (24M) and FSIL (25F) in their engagement that I don't approve of?
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by /u/Safe_Tour_4727
2d ago
My BIL recently proposed to his girlfriend of less than a year who also happens to be my college roommate, and I set them up. I should be thrilled, right? Well, it's not so simple. Some background: - Both of them got out of very serious (1+ and 5+ years), living-together relationships a couple months before I set them up and they instantly jumped back into that mode when they started dating. They lived an hour apart at the time and were spending the night at each other's places ~5 nights a week within a month of meeting, and moved in together as soon as their leases were up. I worry they're m more
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How should I (26 F) react when my partner (26 M) uses extremely hurtful language?
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by /u/Advanced-Address-839
2d ago
My boyfriend (26 M) and I (26 F) have been together for a while, and recently we had an argument where he used extremely hurtful and degrading language towards me. It wasn't just a one-time thing – he was constantly using abusive language, and when I asked him to apologize, he responded with even more hurtful words. I’m feeling deeply hurt and disrespected. I want him to understand the impact of his words, but I also need to protect my own emotional well-being. Right now, I’m thinking of stopping all communication with him, at least for a while. If he texts me, I plan to tell him that he has more
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How can I(19m) support or help my girlfriend(20F) in a long-distance relationship when a guy is annoying her?
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by /u/No_Consideration9091
3d ago
A guy has been acting creepy with my girlfriend. He’s been following her into her gym and waiting for her to come out just to talk. Recently, he joined her gym and started working out at the same time she does. He even asked her out for coffee. When she declined, he said, “It’s just coffee, what’s wrong?” She was understandably freaked out but managed to handle the situation quite well. Last night, she was dead asleep when someone called her repeatedly until she picked up. When she answered, the caller didn’t say anything. She used Truecaller and found out the caller is a friend of that annoy more
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How can I (19M) not let my insecurities get in the way of enjoying my University experience/youth?
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by /u/Vegetable-March-1103
3d ago
I am entering my 3rd year in university and i feel like my self esteem issues and confidence have ruined my experience so far. I don’t know why but I feel like I’m not pretty enough to party. i live in a university town that has a big party/drinking culture and i always feel out of place and uncomfortable because i don’t feel as pretty as the rest of the girls there. There is often times a huge difference in treatment between my friends/other girls vs me from guys (won’t speak to me, ignore me, can be standoffish when I try to speak to them, even if it’s for something basic). I never go out w more
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