Vox Iuventus Impactus
Vox Iuventus Impacts (VII) is a monthly podcast for young people by young people, representing the voice of young people. The aim of the podcast is to offer young people a platform to initiate dialogue on topics relevant to their life experiences, educate and inform others on youth-related topics, and empower young people to become agents of change.
Vox Iuventus Impactus
1y ago
Calling all Impacters!
Part II of the 5th Episode of Season 2 of VII ‘HCLF B-Day: 13 Years of Youth Empowerment' is finally here!
In this episode, we talk with our guest speakers about how did they discover HCLF, what did they like the most about being a part of HCLF as a youth, what's their favorite memory as a youth working with HCLF, and what's the most valuable lesson they've learned while working with HCLF as a youth.
In the 2nd Part of episode 5, we travel back in time with the foundation's very own Program Coordinator & Youth Worker, Josette Burke, and HCLF Volunteer, Patrick ..read more
Vox Iuventus Impactus
1y ago
Calling all Impacters!
The 1st part of the 5th episode of Season 2 of VII ‘HCLF B-Day: 13 Years of Youth Empowerment is here!
In this episode, we spoke to Siouxsie Kock, Director & Lead Facilitator of Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation.
We discussed the themes of the motive for establishing the HCLF, the impact of HCLF’s work on the lives of young people in Aruba, the most valuable lessons learned through working with young people, the transformation of HCLF’s work throughout the past years, and upcoming opportunities that the youth of Aruba can anticipate from HCLF in the future.
Stay p ..read more
Vox Iuventus Impactus
1y ago
Calling all Impacters!
The 4th episode of Season 2 of VII 'Pride' is here!
In this episode, we spoke to Mikaela Semeleer, on her experience and perspective on the topic of 'Pride' as an LGBTQ+ youth in Aruba.
Furthermore, we also discussed the themes of equal representation & visibility of LGBTQ+, social issues experienced by the LGBTQ+ community, cultural impact, the misconception of identification, sexual orientation, gender, and a safe future for LGBTQ+ youth in the community.
Don't forget, let us know what you thought of the episode by filling in the audience survey!
Audience survey: h ..read more
Vox Iuventus Impactus
1y ago
Calling all Impacters!
The 2nd episode of Season 2 of VII 'Youth Entrepreneurship' is here!
In this episode, we spoke to Mauro Caralps, Maria Ariza, Ronaldinho Zara & Steffany Taveras on their experience and perspective on entrepreneurship among the youth.
Furthermore, we also discussed the topics of branding and representing yourself as a youth, mission, vision, forming goals as a youth, why start your own thing, and how to create entrepreneurship opportunities as a youth.
Don't forget, let us know what you thought of the episode by filling in the audience survey!
Audi ..read more
Vox Iuventus Impactus
1y ago
Calling all Impacters! We are back!
The 1st episode of Season 2 of VII 'The Journey to Happiness' is finally here!
In the first episode of the new season, we discussed the theme of happiness amongst the youth, where our guest speakers Jeff Maduro & Dorene Joseph spoke about topics such as: what does happiness mean to you as a youth, why is happiness a journey and not a destination, do we need people to be happy or can we be happy by ourselves, and what makes us unhappy as young people.
Don't forget, let us know what you thought of the episode by filling in the audience ..read more
Vox Iuventus Impactus
1y ago
***Content warning: The following content may contain sensitive material. The statements presented in this episode is not meant to reflect the reality of all young people’s relationship dynamics, but rather provide general information on the topic of Healthy Relationships amongst youth from the knowledge and experience of our guest speakers. The following content is not meant to scare our viewers/listeners, but rather bring awareness to the importance of fostering healthy relationships amongst young people.
The finale of Season 1 of Vox Iuventus, our second Live Discussion 'Healthy ..read more
Vox Iuventus Impactus
1y ago
***Content warning: This live discussion may contain sensitive material. The statements presented in this live discussion are not meant to reflect the reality of all young people’s mental health circumstances, but rather provide general information on the topic of mental health amongst the youth in the Caribbean from the perspective of the guest speakers' knowledge and experience. This live discussion is not meant to scare our viewers/listeners, but rather bring awareness to the importance of mental health amongst the Caribbean youth.
Our first Live Discussion 'Into Th ..read more
Vox Iuventus Impactus
1y ago
***Content warning: This episode may contain sensitive material. The statements presented in this episode are not meant to reflect the reality of all young people’s mental health circumstances, but rather provide general information on the topic of mental health amongst youth from the knowledge and experience of a Child & Youth Psychologist. This episode is not meant to scare our viewers/listeners, but rather bring awareness to the importance of mental health among the youth.
Part II of Episode 16 from our newest series "MIND Your Health" is here!
In part II of Ep ..read more
Vox Iuventus Impactus
1y ago
***Content warning: This episode may contain sensitive material. The statements presented in this episode are not meant to reflect the reality of all young people’s mental health circumstances, but rather provide general information on the topic of mental health amongst youth from the knowledge and experience of a Child & Youth Psychologist. This episode is not meant to scare our viewers/listeners, but rather bring awareness to the importance of mental health among the youth.
Part I of Episode 16 from our newest series "MIND Your Health" is here!
In Episode 16, we speak ..read more
Vox Iuventus Impactus
1y ago
***Content warning:
During the episode, the guests discussed various themes related to mental health-related challenges, including self-imagery. The statements of the individuals in the episode are not meant to reflect the reality of all young people’s mental health circumstance, but rather provide a general perspective from their point of view of the topic and to bring awareness to the topic.
This episode is not meant to scare our viewers/listeners, but rather bring awareness to the importance of mental health among the youth.
Part II of our first episode in the new series 'MIND Y ..read more