broadcasting on no lies radio!
Quantum Matrix Radio explores the challenging issues of 9/11 and a post-9/11 world with solutions in mind. Hosts Pamela Senzee and David Meiswinkle draw from the science of quantum physics in order to confirm that we can indeed transform the world paradigm for the better using positive thought coupled with action and dedication.
broadcasting on no lies radio!
3y ago
Click here to WATCH: Moderna Patent Uncovers Horror: Nanocensor Contained in Bioweapon (rumble.com ..read more
broadcasting on no lies radio!
3y ago
This is the painful and powerful testimony of a mother who has come to grips with what she now believes is the true cause of the untimely death of her beautiful young daughter, a woman with her whole life ahead of her, after taking the Moderna shot.
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Original link from Health Impact News on Bitchute: Grieving Mother Who Threatened Health Impact News for Publishing Daughter's Death Now Goes Public (bitchute.com ..read more
broadcasting on no lies radio!
3y ago
Here’s a direct link: Spanish Doctors Find GRAPHENE in the COVID Vaccines, Some Scientists Say it Can CONTROL Your Mind (bitchute.com)
Here’s the doctor’s report: Analysis of Vaccination Vial Confirms Presence of Graphene Nanoparticles [VIDEO] | Europe Reloaded ..read more
broadcasting on no lies radio!
3y ago
Here’s a direct link: Moderna Representative Making HORRIFIC Admission About Jab The Stew Peters Show (bitchute.com)
In case anything above disappears, here’s an audio player ..read more
broadcasting on no lies radio!
3y ago
Praise God, humanity asserts justice and justice asserts truth and truth is self evident and we now have a class action lawsuit underway for the “Plandemic”! Listen to attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich state his case now and pray for him and all of the attorneys and plaintiffs in this legal action which could very well SAVE HUMANITY and RESTORE JUSTICE GLOBALLY!
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Although BitChute has been good about The First Amendment Right to Free Speech, just in case this video version “disappears”, below is an audio player with the full account of this massive and long ..read more
broadcasting on no lies radio!
3y ago
An amazing an informative discussion between the author of Esoteric Hollywood, Jay Dyer, and 9/11 whistle blower Richard Grove, about todays, so called, “Great Reset” (a term coined by Klaus Schwab himself and therefore not a “conspiracy theory”) and the elite, globalist authors over the past 100 years or so who’ve openly written about a global, medical technocracy aka world government ruled by the elites rooted in scientific and medical tyranny and how we have seen this long standing proposition unfold via the current “Plandemic”, its engineers and through Schwab’s Davos and World Economic Fo ..read more
broadcasting on no lies radio!
3y ago
Watch Here:
EMERGENCY SATURDAY BROADCAST: World Shocked By SPARS 2025-2028 Document (infowars.com)
Or Watch on Bitchute: BitChute embedding powered by embed.tubeAlso Watch ( Crucial Information!):
EMERGENCY BROADCAST: SPARS 2025-2028 Is The Blueprint For Total Collapse of Civilization (banned.video)
Same Broadcast/Renamed on Bitchute - WATCH NOW:
(Last half includes discussion with Jay Dyer on the decades old elitist plan for a technocracy and “plandemic”. Jay references books by elitists and reveals clearly how old this plan really is!)
Jay Dyer
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broadcasting on no lies radio!
3y ago
David Knight interviews Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry President David Meiswinkle, JD and Litigation Director Mick Harrison, Esq. about the latest LC911 legal action a Petition to Congress to launch another investigation into the 2001 Anthrax attacks. Justice is always pertinent but is this vitally pertinent today? Nearly twenty years later? Oh, yes, indeed it is, in fact it is vitally important and has a very clear impact upon what we are now experiencing not only in the U.S. but around the world. Let me simply quote David Knight in his intro: Dark Winter was a simulation conducted by th ..read more
broadcasting on no lies radio!
3y ago
Ask the Experts 1 & 2 Original Films: Film Production | Oracle Films
Bitchute Link: Ask The Experts 2 - Cahill, Kaufman, Coleman, Tenpenny (bitchute.com) Please link to video on the above link as well. I have embedded it because so many videos these days disappear, especially when they contain whistle blower information about current events.
Here is a link to the first We Will Not Be Silenced film!
Doctors Who Have the Courage to Think, to Feel, and to Speak Out! — broadcasting on no lies radio! (qmamedia.com ..read more
broadcasting on no lies radio!
3y ago
BitChute embedding powered by embed.tubeDOCTORS AROUND THE WORLD STRONGLY WARN AGAINST TAKING THE COVID VACCINE! View original post - click link: Doctors around the world strongly warn against taking the COVID vaccine! (deleted on YT) (bitchute.com) Link to the movement: CoviLeaks ..read more