The New Earth Entrepreneur | Passion, Purpose, and Profit in the Age of Unity
by Michael Hodge
1y ago
This is a new age. Are you an entrepreneur, healer, or creative looking to create the NEW EARTH? There is a way to combine consciousness and creativity while experiencing a beautiful, abundance life. Learn how to experience abundance while being fully aligned The #1 priority for all spiritual entrepreneurs is to let go of their ego Aligning your divine gift with your deepest joy and making it a business Connect with other passionate, soul-aligned creationeers Let me know what you thought about this episode! IG: @michaelhodgelove See upcoming You:Transformed deep consciousness raising retreat more
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The Secret to Unlimited Abundance and Wealth
by Michael Hodge
1y ago
You really can have it all. Spiritual and wealthy. Healthy and whole. Loving and loved. How do you attract this unlimited abundance? "Everything I need comes to me in the perfect way." Simple, right? Let's discuss why you may be blocking your natural state of abundance. Lack is a sickness. It is not balanced - it is not your truth. It's not normal for the throat to have a cough for years or the stomach to ache for a decade... Lack and poverty are distortions from the truth of YOUR BEING. This episode was recorded during a local You:Transformed class in Dallas, Texas. If you're ready to BECOME more
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Consciousness Over Coffee - Increasing Your Frequency and Group Meditation
by Michael Hodge
2y ago
In this episode we talk about how increasing your frequency and the power of group meditation and much more ... ⚡Join The Tribe to live this work with us, as you transform yourself and manifest a new destiny. Meditations, classes, community — it is all INSIDE The Tribe: ✨What is my Soul's #1 Divine Gift? Take the quiz now: ?See Our Upcoming Retreats: ?‍♂️Meditate with Michael on Insight Timer: more
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Consciousness Over Coffee - Self Love to Self Realization
by Michael Hodge
2y ago
----- Welcome to You:transformed Consciousness over Coffee podcast. Your hosts for this adventure are Jon Hodge and Tyler Drake. Our guests for this Episode are Shradha Aiyer and Ahbi Muppiri. In this episode we discuss how self love is one of the keys to self realization and much more talk about higher consciousness. ----- ⚡Join The Tribe to live this work with us, as you transform yourself and manifest a new destiny. Meditations, classes, community — it is all INSIDE The Tribe: ✨What is my Soul's #1 Divine Gift? Take the quiz now: https://www.youtransform more
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Sacred Sex: Experiencing Next-Level Ecstasy in a Spiritual Union
by Michael Hodge
2y ago
Are you open to experiencing more passion, love, connection than ever before? Sex is the closest physical experience to unity that we have in this 3D reality. Sex is a union of energies. Let's tear down the taboo, let go of the millennia of guilty conditioning, create a safe space for intimacy, and feel more connection and ecstasy than ever before. Discover your own blocks to sexual connection. Feel safe in yourself. Feel your authentic energy. A set of tools and practices to unlock your creative, sexual energy. We will dispel misunderstandings around sex and spirituality. How union can ampli more
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Consciousness Over Coffee - You are not your Body, You are an Infinite Soul
by Michael Hodge
2y ago
----- Welcome to You:transformed Consciousness over Coffee podcast. Your hosts for this adventure are Jon Hodge and Tyler Drake. Our guests for this Episode are Shradha Aiyer and Ahbi Muppiri. In this episode we discuss:   What is the I AM, become the watcher of thoughts and emotions Working on Blocks and Restrictions The Horse Story - Will Power and Change through meditation Is there a connection between soul age and the way we act Starseeds go through levels with more knowledge than pure earth souls How do I connect with what is in my Soul Design Shifting into joy in your life How rela more
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Consciousness Over Coffee - Do different Starseeds come with different Purposes and Energies
by Michael Hodge
2y ago
----- Welcome to You:transformed Consciousness over Coffee podcast. Your hosts for this adventure are Jon Hodge and Tyler Drake. Our guests for this Episode are Shradha Aiyer and Ahbi Muppiri. In this episode we discuss: Soul Ages we work through in many lifetimes What is a Starseed Jon’s memory of coming into the Earth Reality Do different Starseeds come with different purpose and energy What is the ideal situation for the world to gravitate toward How do Beings such as Babaji and Jesus fit in to raising the Planets Energy How do I used the knowledge of my Soul Design in the reality we live more
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Remove Love Blocks to Call In Your Soulmate (or Reignite the Flame)
by Michael Hodge
2y ago
Why do you keep re-creating the same relationship, with a different person? Why are you stuck on dating apps and "trying too hard" to find your soulmate? How can you effortlessly draw your match to you, while having fun and being in love every day? How can you reignite the spark in your current relationship? -How to discover and remove love blocks and limiting beliefs. -How to identify and break relationship patterns. -How to BE love and draw your perfect match to you, effortlessly. Join The Tribe to live this work with us, as you transform yourself and manifest a new destiny. Meditations, cla more
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Consciousness Over Coffee - Dying is Easy - Being Born is Tough
by Michael Hodge
2y ago
----- Welcome to You:transformed Consciousness over Coffee podcast. Your hosts for this adventure are Jon Hodge and Tyler Drake. In this episode we discuss: Acceptance and Unconditional Love We are Infinite Eternal Beings It is not the Dying that is Tough, It is Being Born that is Hard When my Grandma Took Her Last Breath Communicating Across the Veil  Asking Souls Who Have Crossed Over for Forgiveness Receiving HEaling Energies Some Time latter that When Given The You:Transformed Tribe You:Transformed Events more
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How to Turn Around a Downward Spiral of Negative Thoughts ASAP
by Michael Hodge
2y ago
It happens to all of us. You think of an ex, or are reminded of a traumatic event...and something is triggered within your subconscious and you go down the same path of negative thoughts, emotions, pain, and suffering. How can you reverse this ASAP? How powerful would it be to have this as a tool? In this episode, you will learn the 3 step "Mind Chill" process to reversing your downard spiral into an upward spiral of love, power, and alignment! OBSERVE, NOW, REMEMBER. Follow Michael on Insight Timer: Attend an Upcoming You:Transformed Retreat! https://ww more
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