Make It Work
A Net in Time » Poetry
by Annette1
4d ago
So that’s the question you know… begging to be asked from this weeks word prompt.  How can we make it work?   Can we buy it?  Heavens NO!!!  (unless honestly we must)   Rather we prefer to repurpose and remodel what we can.  It’s more cost effective don’t’cha know? You can a glimpse of our Benji sitting […] The post Make It Work appeared first on A Net in Time more
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The Specific Inquiry
A Net in Time » Poetry
by Annette1
2w ago
So someone told me once it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.  It’s not really a philosophy I hold to.  Why?  Some people will get so offended that if you ask for forgiveness it’s starts an unending battle because you should have asked FIRST!   It’s a bit mind-boggling indeed.  So I tend to go […] The post The Specific Inquiry appeared first on A Net in Time more
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A Choice To Make
A Net in Time » Poetry
by Annette1
3w ago
Oh, I guess it takes a sleepy afternoon before I can get the words together for the Five Minute Friday word prompt provided by Miss Kate. A choice to make asks the question if the decisions made are actually our own to make.  Does the ability to make plans we want show more than we […] The post A Choice To Make appeared first on A Net in Time more
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The Cover
A Net in Time » Poetry
by Annette1
1M ago
I’ve been passing various ideas around about the word prompt this weekend.  I’ve had to fit my thoughts around a variety of tasks keeping me very busy.  AND on a day where I’m finding myself very tired and wanting to sleep I thought I’d give my 2 cents on The Cover.  Just what words can […] The post The Cover appeared first on A Net in Time more
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A Net in Time » Poetry
by Annette1
1M ago
It doesn’t happen often that I get a word prompt where I don’t include the word in the title.  But today’s word prompt just has me going BEEP BEEP BEEP in my brain. So I figured I would go with it!  I’m not going to say this week’s poem is a great one (I am […] The post BEEP BEEP BEEP appeared first on A Net in Time more
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Through a Camera Lens
A Net in Time » Poetry
by Annette1
1M ago
Through the storm and through the night, in the darkness of the right,see my passions full aflamewhen in wonder speak my name. …Those words rang through my mindas I contemplated the wordthrough, postulated for usby Miss Kate. I don’t know if they beword, song, or made up rhyme.…. Hubby said as I sat here writing“tonight […] The post Through a Camera Lens appeared first on A Net in Time more
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Nothing Left
A Net in Time » Poetry
by Annette1
2M ago
Nothing in my hand I bring.  Do you know this song? I hope so since it’s a familiar one that.  It’s not what I’m intending to write about, but it’s being very persistent about repeating itself as I type these words.  So I’m going to ignore and get on with it eh?   Nothing Left?  Let’s […] The post Nothing Left appeared first on A Net in Time more
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Finally i have time
A Net in Time » Poetry
by Annette1
2M ago
A day out in the garden and having a longer than expected nap has led to finally having an idea of what to write for this week’s five minute Friday post.  I had a lovely long walk tonight while playing some pokemon go.  The hope had been that hubby would join me but alas, he […] The post finally i have time appeared first on A Net in Time more
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Someday, Yes, I’m wrong
A Net in Time » Poetry
by Annette1
2M ago
Okay, so I saw the word someday as the word prompt from Miss Kate and immediately a song burst into my head.  Of course I recognized that I had the wrong words… but I got to thinking.  I wonder if I could make a poem that replaces the right words with the wrong ones and […] The post Someday, Yes, I’m wrong appeared first on A Net in Time more
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Some will come
A Net in Time » Poetry
by Annette1
2M ago
This morning in church we had our monthly communion service.  Pastor Luke was clear about who should, and who should not take part. Have faith in God and his redeeming work, come to the table.  Lack faith stay put in your seat.  As I’ve been mucking about this afternoon wondering if I’d ever come up […] The post Some will come appeared first on A Net in Time more
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