$13150 donated to Pinguaq (Ampere)
100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes
by Megan Barton
1w ago
Congratulations to Pinnquag as the successful recipient for the June 11/24 meeting’s proceeds!  ..read more
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$13,350 for Maryboro Lodge
100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes
by Megan Barton
7M ago
On March 15/24 Glen Walker, a representative of Maryboro Lodge in Fenelon Falls, accepted a donation of $13,350, from 100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes ..read more
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Friday March 8th is International Women’s Day
100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes
by Megan Barton
7M ago
Our deepest gratitude to all the women in CKL who support local charities through our amazing group ..read more
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$14,500 for Big Brothers Big Sisters- Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton
100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes
by Pam Dermedy
1y ago
On October 24th, the representatives of the Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton accepted a donation of $14,500.00 from 100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes. Executive members Carol Ann Gallant and Sandi Evans presented the donation to Janice Balfour, from Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton. (absent, Pam Dermedy executive member and Jen Ellis, nominating member) The mission of Big Brothers, Big Sisters Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton is to promote and monitor supportive friendships for children who will benefit from relationships with caring mentors.  They pl ..read more
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$15,150 for Victoria’s Quilts
100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes
by Pam Dermedy
1y ago
The representatives from Victoria’s Quilts were so pleased to accept a donation of $15,150 from 100 Women Kawartha Lakes. The mission of Victoria’s Quilts is to provide handmade quilts to people with cancer. These handmade quilts bring physical comfort to those dealing with cancer as well as spiritual comfort in knowing they are not alone in their struggle. The donation will be used for the purchase of fabric, thread, postage, mileage, gift cards, ribbon and gift bags as well as rental of the sewing room ..read more
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$13,900 for Trish’s Wish Foundation
100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes
by Pam Dermedy
1y ago
After another successful, in person meeting, the executive of 100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes was delighted to present a donation cheque in the amount of $ 13,900.00 to Trish’s Wish Foundation on Friday November 4th 2022. On hand to receive this donation were Shirley Eagleson, Linda Brown and Cheryl Shasta. Trish’s Wish Foundation is a not for profit charity that provides support and financial assistance, to families residing in the City of Kawartha Lakes, that are in crisis as a result of a serious illness or injury to a family member who is between the ages of 17 and 25. Trish’s Wish plans ..read more
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$12,350 for THRIL (Therapeutic Horse Riding in Lindsay)
100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes
by Pam Dermedy
2y ago
Today we had the pleasure of presenting Kelly Russell and her team at THRIL with the donation from our June 2022 Meeting! THRIL has been nominated a number of times and finally had the opportunity to present to our members at our first in person meeting since October 2019. This is a great reminder that if your organization isn’t the selected charity at a meeting, keep putting that nomination forward! Perseverance pays off! On hand to accept the donation from 100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes was one of THRIL’s littlest riders. Seeing the excitement spread across the face of this little girl wa ..read more
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February 2022 Submission- Therapeutic Horse Riding in Lindsay (T.H.R.I.L)
100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes
by Pam Dermedy
2y ago
Therapeutic Horse Riding in Lindsay (T.H.R.I.L) Horse Therapy, Therapeutic Horse Riding In Lindsay, T.H.R.I.L. (thril.ca) Adopt a Therapy Pony Program T.H.R.I.L is a non-profit charity that aims to improve the quality of life for mentally and physically challenged children, youth and adults by providing equine therapy by certified instructors. The founder is a certified CanTRA (Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association) instructor/mentor with decades of experience in teaching equine therapy programs. Her passion led to the formation of T.H.R.I.L in 2015, with adherence to strict guidelines to be ..read more
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February 2022 Submission- Kawartha Conservation Foundation
100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes
by Pam Dermedy
2y ago
Kawartha Conservation Foundation Kawartha Conservation Foundation - Kawartha Conservation The Kawartha Conservation Foundation successfully contributes to the programs and projects of Kawartha Conservation by supporting the vision of Kawartha Conservation through raising funds, promoting awareness, and engaging the community to restore and sustain a healthy environment for future generations. Over the past two years we have seen the value that greenspace plays in the mental and social wellbeing of our youth. Playgrounds and trails have become the safest and best way for our children to f ..read more
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February 2022 Submission- Community Care Foundation (Kawartha Lakes)- Hospice Services
100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes
by Pam Dermedy
2y ago
Community Care Foundation (Kawartha Lakes)- Hospice Services Community Care :: Child & Youth Support (ccckl.ca) Community Care Hospice Services: STARS Youth Program For almost two years, we have been dealing with the pandemic and all that comes with it. For our youngest population, the pandemic has caused incredible challenges and upheaval in their lives. Online learning, cancelled social opportunities, rules and protocols, isolation, fear and uncertainty have wreaked havoc on their mental and emotional health. Children and youth have had to adapt in ways that many adults also find difficu ..read more
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