To whom shall I give my love?
At the Brook's Bend Blog
by Brooklyn K. Biegel
1M ago
A Sonnet Written January 11, 2017 for a young man I did not know, in the faith that God could create him. To whom shall I give my love? My heart doth ask.No common man shall fill my soul’s desireFor him who’s single aim must be Christ’s noble taskOf loving Mercy and seeking Justice’s fire.Where more
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“The Spiritual Man” by Watchman Nee
At the Brook's Bend Blog
by Brooklyn K. Biegel
1y ago
BOOK REVIEW SERIES: PART 2 OF 3 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and more
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Down At the Potter’s House
At the Brook's Bend Blog
by Brooklyn K. Biegel
2y ago
Upon the wheels it turned and turned— The marred-up piece of clotted clay; Beneath the hand that pressed and burned With diverse touches day by day. Upon the stool he sat and sat— The Potter in the potter’s house; A quiet, patient, Sovereign act To shape that clod and smooth its doubts. “This marred-up clay more
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“The Spiritual Man” by Watchman Nee
At the Brook's Bend Blog
by Brooklyn K. Biegel
2y ago
BOOK REVIEW SERIES: Part 1 of 3 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of more
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Reflections on a Theme: 1 Corinthians 13
At the Brook's Bend Blog
by Brooklyn K. Biegel
2y ago
Should I with tongues of men and angles speak, And with my arms and hands uphold the weak; And though a prophet I should walk in fame, And garner all men’s praises to my name, But have not love— What am I? Should all my faith abound to shift a hill Into the sea, and more
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In Remembrance of Our Troops
At the Brook's Bend Blog
by Brooklyn K. Biegel
2y ago
Dedicated to the memory of WWII Veterans Mr. Roy Wingfield and Mr. Alex Grotkowski; And to the known and unknown soldiers of today who lay down their lives in loyalty to truth, justice, and freedom. The wind is cold and bitter is the blast That bows across these desolate plains, Where the Grim Reaper in more
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The Rod and the Lamb
At the Brook's Bend Blog
by Brooklyn K. Biegel
2y ago
It has been said that sometimes the loving shepherd must break the leg of his wandering lamb, and then carry him on his shoulders, that the lamb may bond to the shepherd, and learn to not stray again from the safety of the fold. "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every more
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At the Brook's Bend Blog
by Brooklyn K. Biegel
2y ago
Prologue: “The Mists of Darkness” Off the Coast of Ireland: March 1845 Lord God Almighty seems angry… angry at me. Dark clouds look like demon faces jeerin’ at me from a nightmare, an’ the shriekin’ wind lashes the icy salt spray of the Atlantic intae my eyes, addin’ tae the sting of my tears. My more
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At the Brook's Bend Blog
by Brooklyn K. Biegel
2y ago
Today I am thrilled to share with you the long-awaited cover reveal of my debut historical novel, THROUGH THESE DARK GATES. After years in the trenches of research, writing, and editing – and months of trotting through the long but exciting process of cover and interior design, galleys, and proofing with the assistance of my more
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What is Like the Sand?
At the Brook's Bend Blog
by Brooklyn K. Biegel
2y ago
What is like the sand? Stars are like the sand… They drop a voiceless truth On paths of trodden earth Along the desert’s dearth And forests rich with mirth. Yes; stars are like the sand. What is like the sand? Snow is like the sand… Its tiny sparkles left On towering mountain cleft To never more
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