Update on this Chemo!
Luppie Lesbian
by Luppie Lesbian
1M ago
Yes some of us take Chemo for autoimmune diseases. It is working however, this week I have side effects ..read more
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My little take on family members who are negative towards you during and illness.??‍♀️??‍♀️
Luppie Lesbian
by Luppie Lesbian
2M ago
I will dish the tea on this topic ..read more
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Update on my plastic surgery????‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️?
Luppie Lesbian
by Luppie Lesbian
2M ago
Update on my cryolesion removal from my face ..read more
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As a lupus warrior you will be tested to make tough decisions.
Luppie Lesbian
by Luppie Lesbian
2M ago
I am in a place to make tough decisions as my Lupus progresses. We all will have to make them ..read more
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Lupus and your skin….
Luppie Lesbian
by Luppie Lesbian
2M ago
Lupus can attack anything even your skin always get it checked out. Let’s talk about Cryrosurgery which I had on lesions on my face ..read more
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Do you know when you are starting a flare?
Luppie Lesbian
by Luppie Lesbian
2M ago
I can tell now when my body is off and going into a flare. We must pay attention to our bodies ..read more
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Here is a list of things to help you with a long long flare with a chronic illness.
Luppie Lesbian
by Luppie Lesbian
2M ago
Coming back from this flare has taught me so much. I hope I am able to share with others how to stay in your home and stay safe as you deal with your flare ..read more
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Sending prayers for my Luppie Listeners impacted by the storms in Texas.
Luppie Lesbian
by Luppie Lesbian
2M ago
Sending love ❤️ to the Luppie Warriors impacted by the storms in Texas ..read more
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I have had a rough few months. New diagnosis new debilitating symptoms but now better Yes!
Luppie Lesbian
by Luppie Lesbian
2M ago
I am feeling so much better. Thank you God……..I love life I truly do ..read more
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What is it like living with a disability,
Luppie Lesbian
by Luppie Lesbian
2M ago
How has being disabled affected my Love Life….Get in here to hear this ..read more
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