Adika Photography Blog
I'm Ben. Born in Norwich, now studying Business & Management at the University of Lincoln, I've been a photographer since 2006. Get inspiration for alternative and unique attractions alongside locations and photographs. Discover the stories behind sights and how they came to be at Adika Photography.
Adika Photography Blog
3y ago
Hammerkopfturm in Castrop-Rauxel.
The peak times of coal mining in the Ruhr valley of Germany saw collieries sprout up incredibly quickly. With the discovery of coal just under the surface of the land, much attention was gained from entrepreneurs across Europe. Castrop-Rauxel saw the creation of the Erin Colliery by the Irish entrepreneur, William Thomas Mulvany. An iconic site of the town is still a remnant of this mine, the Hammerkopfturm (Hammerhead tower).
Coal mining has a long history in the Ruhr area of Germany. Rich veins were found at the surface throughout the ..read more
Adika Photography Blog
3y ago
Zur kleinen Weile sits next to a block of trees, creating contrast between its dark appearance and nature.
The Ruhr valley was once a bustling industrial area with a major part to play in the industrial revolution. Coal mining was in full swing, with more efficient methods being developed in the Ruhr. Since coal mining has left the area, rejuvenation projects have been undertaken to rectify environmental and perceptive damages done to the area. These include major infrastructural changes and art projects to improve the image of the area.
The Emscher River
Lying a few kilometres north of ..read more
Adika Photography Blog
3y ago
Hardenstein Castle is accessible to the public via walkway, cycle path and ferry across the Ruhr river.
The Ruhr Valley has a vibrant and long history in relation to coal mining and conflict. Many wars have been won and lost along its banks, with many military installations to show for it. One of these, Hardenstein Castle, saw developments over a number of decades, in line with the increasing conflict of the tribes and factions in Prussia. Today it stands a memorial to this history as well as a tourist attraction along the winding route of the Ruhr.
Ruhr Valley History
The Ruhr Valley i ..read more
Adika Photography Blog
3y ago
The Cube sits within the ruins of Haus Weitmar, a once stately home on the outskirts of Bochum.
A building that rises from the remains of a stately home plays host to some expert conversations on creativity and how society is interacting with it in different ways. Schloßpark Bochum was once a place of religion, then morphing into a private residence. After destruction in WWII, the park was converted for public use. It now serves as a recreational space with the addition of contemporary art installations amongst the greenery.
untitled by Eric Reusch - 2015. One of Reusch’s exhibi ..read more
Adika Photography Blog
3y ago
Die Drei großen Herren (The Three Great Men) is an art installation on the site of an old coal mine.
Zeche Lothringen was a coal mine near the city of Bochum. One of many in Germany, these mines brought economic development for everyone. Jobs for the locals, money for the government and profit for the owners. Lothringen was known for its three chimneys, an easy landmark for those in the area. Today the chimney’s have been turned into steel pillars, keeping the iconic sight present, as well as memorialising the three founders of the site.
Zeche Lothringen opened in 187 ..read more
Adika Photography Blog
3y ago
The Steinhagentor once connected the south of Hattingen to the farmlands that provided for the inhabitants.
Hattingen has seen a decline in income since the loss of industry in the area during the seventies. Replacing this loss with tourism has been the best bet for the sake of the citizens, however, doing so has come in an obscure fashion. By adding many artistic pieces throughout the town, it has become a tourist destination. These tourists, coming from near and far, have found great pleasure in viewing the many art pieces in the medieval town.
History of Hattingen
Hattingen’s ..read more
Adika Photography Blog
3y ago
The Tetraeder dwarves the people, cars and landscape around it. A stunning structure from which the area can be viewed.
Standing near Bottrop, just off one of the main highways of Germany is something incredibly futuristic. What could be recognised as a military installation, a piece of art or even a UFO is in fact, a major landmark. Starting history as a coal mine, which was eventually one of the last in Germany, the area has seen a major change towards tourism and recreation in recent years.
The Tetraeder stands on a hill once used as a coal mining dump. Known as the Halde (hill), dumps lik ..read more
Adika Photography Blog
3y ago
The Treidelbrunnen (Towing Fountain) of Hattingen. Expressing the town’s history from the trading of land resources.
Known for its intricate medieval architecture, Hattingen has changed its priorities over the past half a century. From prosperity during the industrial revolution and German economic wonder of the 1950s, the town now sees many tourists visit from inside and outside of Germany. To increase its aesthetic appearance in the modern age, the town has installed many art pieces. One of these summarises the history of the town, whilst giving visitors something interesting to look at.
Ha ..read more
Adika Photography Blog
3y ago
The main Nordstern Colliery as it stands today. Slightly altered, it now functions as a museum and offices.
North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW) is not an area most would think of when Germany is mentioned. Yet, it has had strong links to the country’s successes over a century. Gifted with an abundance of coal, mining became an incredibly prosperous activity during the industrial revolution. Even after periods of loss and economic woe following both world wars, NRW prospered and even began to propel the economy through clever management.
Mining in NRW began in the late 1700s and continued for 250 yea ..read more
Adika Photography Blog
3y ago
Its name not only resembles its floorplan, but also its front facade.
An obscurely shaped structure in one of Germany’s more picturesque towns goes by a logical name: the iron building. Constructed in the medieval era by its owner, it has kept a similar appearance throughout its life. Once used as a residence and shop, the building has played host to many other uses, from commercial to charitable.
Hattingen’s history began in earnest in the 16th century when it joined a trading group known as the Hanseatic League. This group was formed of many cities in Northern Prussia (Germany ..read more