Canadian Baptist Historical Society Blog
The Canadian Baptist Historical Society traces its origins back to the nineteenth century when Baptists passionate about their heritage began a process of preserving critical documents and studying the Baptist presence in Ontario and Quebec. Its primary focus is on the history of all Baptists in the Canadian context, but the study of Baptists around the globe is also a part of its mandate.
Canadian Baptist Historical Society Blog
6d ago
By Taylor Murray Dealing with snow (and other forms of winter weather) is part of the Canadian experience. From November to April, many parts of the country have to deal with excessive snowfall amounts and freezing weather. Recently, I came across a letter from March 1904 written by a Baptist pastor in Ontario, P. K ..read more
Canadian Baptist Historical Society Blog
2M ago
By Gordon L. Heath The temptation of every preacher is to find famous preachers and try to imitate their style. The assumption is that we can only be successful if we imitate that special someone else—in other words, who I am is not really enough so I must try to be someone else. Of course ..read more
Canadian Baptist Historical Society Blog
3M ago
We were saddened to learn of the recent and sudden passing of Dr. Francis Kyle III. Although from the United States, Francis had connections to Canada and graduated from Prairie College (’96) and Toronto Baptist Seminary (’99, ’05). Francis had recently become involved in the activities of the Canadian Baptist Historical Society. He presented a paper at the ..read more
Canadian Baptist Historical Society Blog
5M ago
From our friends at the Acadia Centre for Baptist and Anabaptist Studies: Please join us at 7 PM ADT on Monday, September 16, for the Rawlyk Lecture. Dr. Cindy Aalders from Regent College will speak on “Becoming a Baptist Woman: The Social, Intellectual, and Religious Worlds of Mary Steele Tomkins (1793-1861).” The lecture, sponsored by ..read more
Canadian Baptist Historical Society Blog
6M ago
From our Presbyterian friends: Canadian Society of Presbyterian HistoryAnnual Conference 2024Saturday, September 28, 2024 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Please save the date for our annual conference. The Executive encourages as many as possible to attend in person at Knox College. Otherwise, we will be glad to provide a Zoom link for those who have paid their ..read more
Canadian Baptist Historical Society Blog
8M ago
From our friends across the Atlantic:
The William H. and Kathryn E. Brackney Angus Travel Bursary is aimed at assisting students, teachers, professors and researchers to be able to study at Regent’s Park College in Oxford, and take advantage of the considerable resources at the Angus Library and Archives located within the college.
Below is a PDF which gives details of this bursary, including application deadlines and instructions on how to apply.
brackney-bursary-june-2024Download ..read more
Canadian Baptist Historical Society Blog
10M ago
From our friends at the Acadia Centre for Baptist and Anabaptist Studies:
The Julian Gwyn Prize in Baptist and Anabaptist History and Thought, sponsored by the Acadia Centre for Baptist and Anabaptist Studies, will now be awarded for the best article-length essay (between 5,000 and 10,000 words) written by a doctoral- or masters-level student, in French or English. Essays do not need to have been previously published in an academic journal.
The prize amount has also been increased from $250 CAD to $500 CAD.
Please encourage students you know to apply before the June 30 deadline. More informati ..read more
Canadian Baptist Historical Society Blog
10M ago
From our friends at the Canadian Society of Presbyterian History:
Call for Papers
Canadian Society of Presbyterian History
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Knox College, University of Toronto
If you’ve been pondering presenting a Paper at this year’s conference, ponder no longer!
Isn’t it time to dive into that research topic that has been occupying memory space?!
The Canadian Society of Presbyterian History (CSPH) is dedicated to promoting and encouraging research on the history of Presbyterians in Canada and other topics related to the Reformed tradition.
The Society meets annually to hear pape ..read more
Canadian Baptist Historical Society Blog
10M ago
From our friends at the International Conference on Baptist Studies (ICOBS):
International Conferences on Baptist Studies have been held on a three-yearly basis since the first, hosted by Regent’s Park College, Oxford, in 1997. The upcoming conference at Westminster College, Cambridge, on 7-10 August 2024, is still open to bookings. For more information, see the prospectus below:
icobs-prospectus-4Download ..read more
Canadian Baptist Historical Society Blog
10M ago
On 20 April 2024, the Canadian Baptist Historical Society met for its annual general meeting (AGM) at Heritage College and Seminary in Cambridge. Those in attendance enjoyed paper presentations on a variety of topics.
President Paul R. Wilson opened the AGM with prayer and words of welcome. In his report, he talked about the newly revived Bulletin of the Canadian Baptist Historical Society, the Canadian Baptist Symposium, and the society’s book series. In particular, he highlighted the next volume in the series, The Black Baptist Experience in Canada, which is completed and slated for publica ..read more