Ruby Press
Ruby Press specializes in books on architecture, art, and other cultural practices engaged in the production of space in contemporary society.
Ruby Press
1y ago
Our latest publication “THE REAL DEAL – Post-Fossil Construction for Game Changers”, edited by Fabian Hörmann, is available now. The book marks the start of a multimedia project that aims to encourage decision-makers from the real estate, construction industry and politics to make their contribution to the urgently needed change in the construction industry. The sector must abandon “business as usual,” and everyone —architects, builders, investors, and users—has to play their part.
Using a global perspective, THE REAL DEAL presents economic, social, and ecological changes needed for the indust ..read more
Ruby Press
1y ago
“Besser als neu” (Better than New), edited by David Vaner and Ilka Ruby, with texts by Andreas Ruby and Charlotte Bofinger, was awarded by the German Architecture Museum as one of the best architecture books 2023.
From the jury statement: “The strikingly small-format volume delivers on what the sub-title promises. Not only is the important and highly complex topic rendered accessible for a broad readership by means of a real-life example, but it is also presented very vividly and in an appealing manner. Especially worthy of note are not just the intelligently positioned essays but also th ..read more
Ruby Press
1y ago
Together with a selected number of Berlin publishers, we participate in the SPINE book market. Come by to check out our new releases, some older Ruby Press treasures, have chat and a coffee.
SEP 17th
12-6 pm, Kühlhaus Berlin, Luckenwalder Str. 3.
4:30 pm Talk and book launch Berlin Maps
At 4:30 pm we will celebrate the release of the 2nd edition of Berlin Maps. Authors Sebastian Felix Ernst and Jonas Tratz will present the book and tell you about Berlin’s extraordinary features: artificial mountains and walled island, underground and enclaves, geology and morphology, and many more.
Berlin Maps ..read more
Ruby Press
1y ago
Besser als neu (German) please scroll down
How to not Demolish a Building:
The adaptive re-use of the Brussels World Trade Center(WTC) exceeds the scale of a building transformation. It is the first large-scale project dealing with the late modernist heritage of the Northern Quarter and the first step toward giving the neighborhood a new lease on life. An acknowledgment of the value of what is there, keeping in mind the trauma it caused by wiping out a whole part of the city to make way for a ‘new’ Brussels in the 1970s. The wave of protest triggered by the brutal reshaping oper ..read more
Ruby Press
1y ago
Download the german version of the preview here.
English version will follow soon ..read more
Ruby Press
1y ago
Was macht einen Platz aus? Sind Plätze Flächen einer überschaubaren Größe, die von baulichen Platzkanten gefasst werden? Oder entstehen sie durch soziale Interaktionen? Kann die reine Präsenz von Akteuren einen (Platz)raum jenseits baulicher Fassung bilden? Am Beispiel von 25 Orten weltweit analysiert der Plätzchenatlas einen erweiterten Platzbegriff und fasst die Erkenntnisse in Form eines Katalogs zusammen.
Und zu jedem Platz gibt es das passende Plätzchen. Zum Nachbacken gibt es zu jedem Buch zwei Ausstechformen aus Metall dazu. Und über einen Download-Link las ..read more
Ruby Press
1y ago
We celebrated the award for the Best German Book Design 2022 given to the “Chapters” series for its first two issues “Skanderbeg Square Tirana” and “Design in Dialogue“. Congratulations and thanks to editors Freek Persyn, Charlotte Lao Schmidt, Seppe De Blust, Charlotte Schaeben, all the contributors, and of course to designer Manuela Dechamp /Studio Otamendi.
Each year the Stiftung Buchkunst awards 25 books from Germany in the categories literature, textbooks, guides, art and photography, and children’s books. Of the total 645 books submitted this year, a jury selected 224 titles for the ..read more
Ruby Press
1y ago
We are unspeakably sad about the untimely passing of Edward Schwarz. Edi, as he was mostly called, was a marvel of a human being, passionate about his work, extremely generous to others and disarmingly humble about himself, even though he was one of the most hard-working and prolific people we have ever worked with. We were introduced to him by Marc Angélil in 2003 and saw him do his amazing logistical magic at the first Holcim Forum of Sustainable Construction “Basic Needs” in Zurich in 2004, coordinating hundreds of people, discussions, lectures, work groups, apéros, dinners, flight bookings ..read more
Ruby Press
1y ago
Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair brings together a wide selection of the most interesting artists/authors, artist periodicals and art publishers and is accompanied by a series of lectures, discussions, book launches and workshops exploring the boundaries of contemporary publishing and the possibilities of the book.
In conjunction, the annual Conceptual Poetics Day explores the imaginary border between visual art and literature.
Miss Read is Europe’s Art Book Festival, dedicated to community-building and creating a public meeting place for discourse around artists’ books, conceptual publicat ..read more
Ruby Press
1y ago
Everyday Matters, edited by Vanessa Grossman and Ciro Miguel. With photos by Ciro Miguel.
Beatriz Colomina and Mark Wigley write in their foreword: “That which literally happens every day is so ever present, ever repeated, that it paradoxically goes unnoticed. The everyday is in this sense environmental, like water to fish––which is precisely what makes it so crucial to architects but also what torments them.”
Featuring contributions by architectural designers, historians, and theoreticians, as well as scholars in fields such as cultural geography, environmental anthropology, political philoso ..read more