Are AI models plagiarism or synthesis? What does the New York Court think about artificial Intelligence and copyright?
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by Claudia Somovilla
2d ago
What does the New York Court think about artificial Intelligence and copyright more
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Majorities at general meetings of capital companies
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by Marta Marçal
4d ago
General meetings are fundamental bodies in the management and decision making of capital companies, such as limited liability companies (SL more
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What to do when faced with a problematic partner?
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by Alberto Zuñiga
6d ago
In business partnerships, it is not unusual to face friction between partners that can jeopardise the running of the business more
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Due Diligence in M&A transactions, main network flags
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by LetsLaw
1w ago
Due Diligence in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) operations is a fundamental process to evaluate the risks and opportunities of a transaction more
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New developments in cryptoasset advertising
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by Paula Ferrándiz
1w ago
Crypto-asset advertising has undergone changes in recent years with the aim of protecting investors and ensuring more transparency more
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Virtual general meetings in Limited Liability Companies (SL)
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by Marta Marçal
2w ago
In the realm of business digitalisation, virtual general meetings have emerged as a vital tool for managing Limited Liability Companies (LLC more
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Express capital increases: a key tool for businesses
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by Beatriz Núñez
2w ago
Capital increases have become a fundamental instrument for companies to finance new projects, expand in the market, or reduce their debt levels more
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Consumer protection in online sales
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by LetsLaw
2w ago
E-commerce has changed commercial transactions, allowing consumers to purchase goods and services from anywhere more
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Alternatives to third party cookies
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by Carmen Araolaza
3w ago
The elimination of third-party cookies has created new challenges and opportunities in the digital advertising space more
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What are SCCs or Standard Contractual Clauses?
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by Maria Manrique
3w ago
SCCs are pre-approved contract templates by the European Commission that companies can use to ensure that personal data transfers comply with the GDPR more
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