Ms. Lyric's Poetry Outlaws
Join poet Catherine Owen as she reads poems, talks about the poetry world and interviews poets.
Ms. Lyric's Poetry Outlaws
3M ago
Very early and in one case, underestimated, Canadian women poets plus a poem on Dorothy Wordsworth, chat about a good Netgalley review, the revelations of the ER, my new book and so much more ;) Enjoy more
Ms. Lyric's Poetry Outlaws
3M ago
Plus I introduce the last week of Season 8, read an excerpt from Ben Lerner’s essay-book The Hatred of Poetry and end with the poem A Minor Crush of Cells by Chase Twichell. Enjoy more
Ms. Lyric's Poetry Outlaws
7M ago
The final launch of Moving to Delilah at Delilah with some poems, audience reaction, and a reboot of an interview with Katherine Autio that I had to re-record due to the heat frying my phone. A beautiful afternoon with music, art, fiction and snacks and drinks and excellent conversation also. Enjoy more
Ms. Lyric's Poetry Outlaws
8M ago
The final installment of my Moving to Delilah book tour featuring a Toronto preamble, then 3 days in Kingston, Hamilton and back for 2 days in Toronto. Reading and gatherings and traveling and eating and conversations galore! Interspersed by a Bruce Kauffman reading of his poem “moon,” my piece from the Wolfe Island Graveyard, Li-Young Lee’s To Hold as one of my home poems we discussed and ending with a too-quiet but beautiful fragment of Robert Priest singing and playing the Home Song. Enjoy all you outlaws of poetry more
Ms. Lyric's Poetry Outlaws
8M ago
Of Edmonton, Calgary, Medicine Hat and Lethbridge. I chat all things road trip and performing, starting with a poem I wrote in a hotel. It’s a blast. Enjoy outlaws more
Ms. Lyric's Poetry Outlaws
8M ago
Plus bird songs and a poem from Yeats. Enjoy :) Goodbye BC! I love you more
Ms. Lyric's Poetry Outlaws
8M ago
In which I first walk in the woods, then read a poem by a Palestinian poet on lost homes, I grumble about empty virtue signalling without artistic substance and glory in the performance, friends and reviews. Enjoy more
Ms. Lyric's Poetry Outlaws
9M ago
Including a Gathering, a Conor Kerr poem, some poetry etiquette, a reading at Planet Earth and gratitude. Enjoy more
Ms. Lyric's Poetry Outlaws
9M ago
And elsewhere in the Lower Mainland at poetry readings and gatherings. Talking about the bookbox prior to leaving Edmonton. Reading The Hairbrush by Kayla Czaga. Grrrrring and glorying. Enjoy outlaws more
Ms. Lyric's Poetry Outlaws
9M ago
In which I read Shakespeare’s Sonnet 62 and speak about the vanity of the artist, the need to transcend for performance, and what my experience was like launching Moving to Delilah for the first time at the Olive series at the Rooster Kitchen for the Edmonton Poetry Festival. Enjoy more