![OET Online Practice](https://i1.feedspot.com/5336970.jpg?t=1635313765)
OET Online Practice
The latest OET exam updates, tips & tricks, important skills, and strategies. Oetpractice.net is an online practice & preparation website that provides OET online practice tests for Nurses, Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists, and Physiotherapists individually.
OET Online Practice
3y ago
If you are a medical professional looking to work overseas, then you are required to give the OET. The Occupational English language Test is an English language assessment that is designed specifically for healthcare professionals. The OET is used to assess professionals from 12 professionals of the ..read more
OET Online Practice
3y ago
If you are a medical professional or a healthcare worker then the chances are that you are familiar with or will have heard of the OET – Occupational English Test. It is the only English language assessment designed to test the English proficiency of professionals from 12 healthcare and medica ..read more
OET Online Practice
3y ago
The Occupational English Test is divided into four subtests, each test assessing your English skills related to the healthcare field. The writing subtest assesses the candidate's writing skills and is designed specifically for each profession. Usually, a candidate is required to write a referral ..read more
OET Online Practice
3y ago
The Occupational English Test is an English language test for healthcare professionals. This test is conducted to assess the English abilities of the candidates who wish to practice in a majority English-speaking country. The OET is divided into four sub-tests based on the most important English ski ..read more
OET Online Practice
3y ago
Listening is another important module in OET as it can give the best grade if we do it rightly. Listening test comes with 3parts(Part A with 1-24 Questions, Part B 25-30 Questions, Part C 31-42 Questions) so to answer these 42 questions students will have 40 mins total recording, where in it include ..read more
OET Online Practice
3y ago
A listening test in any English language assessment can be challenging and it is the same when it comes to the OET listening sub-test. The listening test contains 3 parts and has a total of 10 recordings. Based on the recordings there are 42 questions that you have to answer. The topics of the recor ..read more
OET Online Practice
3y ago
OET Speaking subtest is considered to be one of the hardest tests to take as you will be required to speak face-to-face with the examiner. However, it is not that tough to score a 350 or more on this test. All you need to do is practice your speaking skills well and follow the role play card duly. I ..read more
OET Online Practice
3y ago
The OET Reading test is one of the subtests that is conducted to assess a candidate's various English skills and proficiency in the medical field. This reading subtest consists of three parts and a total of 42 questions and all three parts take 60 minutes to complete. Before taking the OET readi ..read more
OET Online Practice
3y ago
Nurses play a bigger role when it comes to patient’s healthcare. It has to be aligned with the needs of the patients. A good nurse always understands what the patient may need in order to cope up with varied types of medical situations. A good nurse who is able to assess patient needs a ..read more
OET Online Practice
3y ago
OET Writing Task would require you to create a letter. You will be given case notes. You will have to read carefully and then answer accordingly. OET writing task will be aimed at analyzing your writing skills. The examiner would definitely want you to be perfect act writing. Your answer will ..read more