Reaching for New Heights: Adventuring in Colourful Colorado
Gone Camping Blog
by Oleksandra Budna
6M ago
For years we drove through Colorado on our way to visit my brother in California – always mesmerized by its captivating scenery, never failing to remark that one day we will add it to our road trip itinerary. Back in 2018, we made a couple of quick stops at the Great Sand Dunes and Mesa more
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The Many Ups and Downs of Backpacking La Cloche Silhouette Trail
Gone Camping Blog
by Oleksandra Budna
1y ago
Eighteen years ago, during our first visit to Killarney, as I was chasing our eighteen-month-old son around the park, I stumbled upon the La Cloche Silhouette Trail sign. Looking at it, I wondered what it would take to walk 100 kilometres. What kind of gear do you need to bring? How much food? What about more
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Hiking the Grand Canyon: Journey to the Bottom and Back in Time
Gone Camping Blog
by Oleksandra Budna
1y ago
The Grand Canyon is the kind of place that cracks your heart open and stays with you long after you leave its craggy outlines behind. I remember the first time I saw it from the Bright Angel Point Lookout on the North Rim. It was right after the sunrise. We arrived the night before, set more
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Road Trip 2023: Goblins, Canyons and Sands of Time
Gone Camping Blog
by Oleksandra Budna
1y ago
Between visiting my brother in California, exploring new parks in Utah, trekking down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and hiking in Colorado – our 2023 road trip promised to be epic. Unfortunately, we had to cut it short so the mountains of Colorado remain untouched by our hiking boots. And even though my more
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Walking in the winter wonderland: Yurt camping at Bruce Peninsula National Park
Gone Camping Blog
by Oleksandra Budna
3y ago
Winter often gets a bad rap and I can see why: cold, wind chill, snow storms, extra challenges of getting outside that come with slippery roads or impassable snow banks, short days and all-consuming darkness. We often talk about winter as something to get through, huddled at home waiting for the arrival of better days more
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Starting 2022 on a cliffhanger: Celebrating New Year’s arrival at Les Refuges Perchés
Gone Camping Blog
by Oleksandra Budna
3y ago
January 1st started with grey skies and a drizzle. As I drank my first coffee of the year on the balcony of our cabin perched on top of a cliff, I watched the opposite shore of Lac du Cordon drift in and out of sight. There was a certain, almost soothing rhythm to this game more
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Permanence of Change: Hiking at Boyne Valley
Gone Camping Blog
by Oleksandra Budna
3y ago
Today I realized it’s been almost two months since I posted anything on the blog. And sure, I could blame it on colder weather and fewer camping trips. But that, of course, is not the main reason. Connecting with nature, after all, doesn’t require days of paddling or backpacking. Nature can be experienced anywhere: during more
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The Poetry and Prose of Backpacking the Coastal Hiking Trail in Pukaskwa
Gone Camping Blog
by Oleksandra Budna
3y ago
“This trail has been described as challenging,” says the park ranger flipping through her orientation binder. We stifle a nervous laugh, still trying to embrace the enormity of what we are about to undertake – backpacking the entire 60-kilometre Coastal Hiking Trail in Pukaskwa National Park on the north shore of Lake Superior. There and more
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Celebrating my birthday in Killarney: a 45-year-long journey to Silver Peak
Gone Camping Blog
by Oleksandra Budna
3y ago
At 543 metres, Silver Peak isn’t the highest of mountains. Even the word “mountain” sounds like a bit of stretch. But it is the highest point in Killarney Provincial Park and offers breathtaking panoramic views of the La Cloche range, the closest we get to mountains here in Ontario. As I finish my hike from more
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Sunrise in the time of COVID: Part II
Gone Camping Blog
by Oleksandra Budna
3y ago
Last year, when the word ‘pandemic’ split our world into the before and after, I headed to Lake Ontario to watch the sunrise – my attempt to find an anchor, something to hold on to in the face of uncertainty. Last week, I found myself on the same spot at Humber Bay Park, next to more
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