Stay up to date with the latest news, interviews, workshops and announcements by the Women Nordic Music Technology.
WoNoMute has been founded by Anna Xambó and aims to promote and connect the work of women in music tech at local, national and international levels.
3y ago
Illustration by Oscar Martinez Castells.
For this year’s International Women’s Day, we have compiled some local events in Oslo for you that will take place today.
East European poems and Ukrainian and Russian folk music on Kafé Hærverk, click here
Concerts with Iron Bra, TwoMinutesHate and Ellis og Mina’s Dynamiske DJ-Duo on Vaterland, click here
Event on Melahuset with music,click here
Dance event on Riksscenen, click here
Documentary about nuns on Vega scene, click here
Debate about climate change politics in a gender perspective at Litteraturhuset, click here
Livecodera ..read more
3y ago
For this year’s International Women’s Day, we have compiled some local events in Oslo for you that will take place today.
East European poems and Ukrainian and Russian folk music on Kafé Hærverk: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/%C3%B8st-europeisk-fors%C3%B8string/695788571599927/
Concerts with Iron Bra, TwoMinutesHate and Ellis og Mina’s Dynamiske DJ-Duo on Vaterland https://facebook.com/events/s/kvinnedagen-vaterland/1257271181470806/
Event on Melahuset with music: https://www.mela.no/melahuset/events/8mars/
Dance event on Riksscenen: https://www.riksscenen.no/dansekompaniet-mameluk ..read more
3y ago
In this blog post I will report my experience as a WoNoMute delegate who had the opportunity to travel to Paris and represent the organisation at the event ‘Féminisme - Musique - Technologie’ which was part of the ManiFeste-2021 Festival in Paris.
Figure 1. A selection of women pioneers in mathematics, technology and beyond. Designed by Novaxxx.
In June 19 2021, the event ‘Féminisme - Musique - Technologie’ took place in Paris. As part of the ManiFeste-2021 Festival it was hosted by the Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM) in collaboration with Nova_XXX/ Centre ..read more
3y ago
The Pamela Z Award winner is the author team of the paper Gambiarra and Techno-Vernacular Creativity in NIME Research from João Tragtenberg, GG Albuquerque and Filipe Calegario. Our honorary mention goes to Abby Aresty’s Changing GEAR: The Girls Electronic Arts Retreat’s Teaching Interfaces for Musical Expression co-authored with Rachel Gibson.
Figure 1. A collection of past NIME logos. Source: nime.org.
The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) brings researchers and musicians together from around the world to exchange ideas on the design of new musical int ..read more
3y ago
26 April 2021 // 11:00-12:00 (GMT +2 ) // On Youtube // Join here
Vitamin Music.
Are you tired of working from home and the constant Zoom-meetings? Why not to take a musical break with us on 26th April at 11.00 (GMT +2, Norwegian Time)? It is a telematic concert between two locations in Norway.
Listening to music can have a lot of benefit to our bodies. It’s not a magic cure, and it doesn’t give your immune system an immediate boost. However, many researchers argue that your favourite tunes could actually be more effective than popping gummy vitamins in the long run, precisely because music i ..read more
3y ago
Workshops 2021
We are happy to announce that WoNoMute is back with our workshop series for people who identify as women or non-binary!
From our experience over the past two years, we have learned that there is a need for a safe space for women and girls to learn about music and technology. It’s not a secret that the field of music and technology (or technology in general) still is very dominated by men. I think many of those of us who identify as female experience a kind of lonesomeness as we often experience to be the only female in a group when we are about to learn about technology related ..read more
3y ago
For this years International Women’s Day, we have made an open call across our network and beyond and also reached out to individuals to find out what is going on at home in times of restrictions. We asked women and female identified persons to share and document their current work via short, self made DIY video clips. The participants were free to choose the format in which they present their work or tell about their projects. We are glad to have received eight submissions today and hope they’ll inspire you.
The Playlist: In order of appearance:
Sam Topley, Leicester UK
samantha-topley.co ..read more
3y ago
The winner of the NIME 2020 Pamela Z Award for Innovation is Doga Cavdir for her paper co-authored with Ge Wang entitled “Felt Sound: A Shared Musical Experience for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing”. In this paper, a musical interface is presented that connects technology, not only for people who are deaf and hard of hearing, but also for those who are not. This year’s conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2020 issued the theme of Accessibility of Musical Expression. The Honorary Mention this year is for Patricia Cadavid’s paper named “Knotting the memory// Encoding the Khipu ..read more
3y ago
The spring program for WoNoMute Oslo consists of seven workshops and the first ones were held at Popsenteret, Norway’s capital-based interactive museum of popular music.
Tejaswinee Kelkar held a workshop on live-coding in Gibber, a creative coding environment for audiovisual performance and composition. It contains features for audio synthesis and musical sequencing, 2d drawing, 3d scene construction and manipulation, and live-coding shaders. Ten participants came to join a fun and interesting lecture with Kelkar, working on making their own ideas into musical interactive pieces.
Juno Jensen ..read more
3y ago
We are devoting today’s celebration to the women who have fought for 100 years for equal rights, visibility and social justice across the globe.
Let’s keep up the struggle!
To promote the music of women composers, music technologists and more, we have taken the liberty of remixing the music from some of our WoNoMute network members along with some favorite tracks. We aimed for diversity and exchange, feel free to comment your favorite track of the day below.
The Playlist: Some of the tracks we wanted to include in the playlist are not on Youtube, but please check them out anyway:
#newwoman ..read more