Roy Einar Dreng & Friends
Read about the latest news, new album, new releases, video, and interviews by Roy Einar Dreng.
Roy Einar Dreng - Norwegian musician, songwriter, singer, and guitarist. He is a prominent figure in the Norwegian country blues, folk and ballad scene.
Roy Einar Dreng & Friends
2y ago
After the International Theater Day
and Saturday’s premiere of the performance „An Acting Lesson” by Gabriela Pewińska Jaśniewicz was crowned with the screening of the music video „Empty Stage”.
It is a ballad written by Roy Einar Dreng in tribute to Actor Ryszard Jaśniewicz.
The material was recorded on stage in Dom Zarazy in May 2022. Roy Einar Dreng (vocals, guitar, harmonica) was ..read more
Roy Einar Dreng & Friends
3y ago
I’m very honored for this presentation from Norsk Americana Forum – an association and aims to promote and safeguard Americana music and to promote public and media awareness of, and to contribute to the creativity and viability of all its many actors in this genre.
https://www.americanaforum.no/manedens-artist ..read more
Roy Einar Dreng & Friends
3y ago
photos: Roger Neumann
The album Awareness is drenched in Dylan – both the music and lyrics. One can feel that for Roy, Bob Dylan is an optimal reference point. At the same time, the artist makes his own impact on these melodious and neatly arranged songs.
This is Roy Einar Dreng’s second vinyl album. The Norwegian songwriter
has for years been fascinated with Dylan. Not only has Ray started ‘My
Dylan, your Dylan’ project, but has also many times participated in
Dylan Festival Beitostølen or other events dedicated to this American
bard. Listening to Awareness, one can definitely tell that Roy k ..read more
Roy Einar Dreng & Friends
3y ago
„My songs like trees get their strength from the earth” Photo: Michał Skrzypczak
Our planet gives us unconditional love. And it deserves such love in return – says Roy Einar Dreng, Norwegian musician and poet.
https://dziennikbaltycki.pl/roy-einar-dreng-zyje-blisko-natury-tak-zostalem-wychowany-moje-piosenki-jak-drzewa-czerpia-sily-z-ziemi/ga/c13-15626289/zd/49677367 ..read more
Roy Einar Dreng & Friends
3y ago
GJENFORENES FOR Å FEIRE BOB DYLAND BOBBAND: Det loves fullt trykk i Kurbadhagen når bandet skal heder selveste Bob Dyland. Her er noen av orginalbesetningen i aksjon under en tidligere konsert. f.v: Vigdis Andersen, (fele), Eldar Kyrkjebø, (vokal, gitar, munnspill), Frank Iversen, (bass, kor), og Roy-Einar Dreng, (vokal, gitar, munnspill). I tillegg skal Åge Thorvaldsen være med (trommer, perkusjon og kor). Foto: Olaf Akselsen
I anledningen av 80 års dagen til Bob Dylan, samles de gamle traverne i Bobband i Kurbadhagen lørdag 22. mai for å gjøre stas på sin store helt.
Special I ..read more
Roy Einar Dreng & Friends
3y ago
Et par låter på en pub åpnet et nytt marked: – Dette er et protestalbum
Roy Einar Dreng har ikke bare nærområdet som arena. I Polen får han mye oppmerksomhet.
Dreng, som tidligere alltid ble koblet til Bob Dylans musikk, har for lenge siden begynt å markere seg med eget stoff. Og det kommer ut både på vinyl, cd og digitalt. Men det er konsertene som gjelder. Konserter i Norge, noen turneer i Italia, der han har fått et publikum, og ikke minst i Polen.
At Polen er et av hans store markeder, konsertmessig, er nok en tilfeldighet. Og tilfeldigheter kan skape sterke bånd.
Fra pub til populær
– Je ..read more
Roy Einar Dreng & Friends
3y ago
„Dreng befinner seg i et musikalsk landskap hvor tekstene ofte forteller om mye hjerte og smerte, men da ofte på det personlige plan. Denne artisten oppfordrer oss til å tenke litt større. Som tittelen – «Awareness» (bevissthet) antyder så vil han gjerne at vi skal våkne opp. Det er hjerte og smerte her også, men på et helt annet, – og større plan”
https://kjerringrock.blogspot.com/2021/04/ny-vinyl-redreng-friends-awareness.htm ..read more
Roy Einar Dreng & Friends
3y ago
Pan Winyl: Why did you make this record?
Roy-Einar Dreng: I made this record because I wanted to make a statement.
Pan Winyl: What is the statement?
Roy-Einar Dreng: AWARENESS contains songs about my concern for the earth and how she is treated. About abuse of the wildlife, environment and the greed of the human being Take your time and listen to the lyrics. It might be you get some inspiration to do something for the environment and human beings.
Pan Winyl: Who did you make it for?
Roy-Ei ..read more
Roy Einar Dreng & Friends
3y ago
Big thanks to our sponsors for the support that made the recording of our new AWARENESS album a success.
photo: Roger Neumann ..read more
Roy Einar Dreng & Friends
3y ago
photo: Aleksander Domański
The inspired Dylan is my favorite Dylan.
You have just recorded your next album, „Awareness”. Please tell me about your musical path from the first contact with the scene until now.
I played, of course, guitar and sung mostly Dylan songs since I was 14-15 years old, but as an organized artist, my musical path, I must say, started out through a Norwegian tribute band ( Bobband) of Bob Dylan. That I formed with my friend Eldar Kyrkjeboe.
We played all kinds of places all over the south of Norway. From festivals to small clubs. Acoustic or e ..read more