Episode #38 - Susan Saunders - Refugees and small churches - stories you'll want to hear
This is Us Canadian small churches in action
by Ron Baker
2M ago
Susan Saunders served on a refugee resettlement committee, bringing refugees to Bridgetown, Nova Scotia.  Her stories are compelling and give a peek into the work a small church may undertake to bring refugees to Canada ..read more
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Episode #15 - Margaret Clarke - Clergy Resilience
This is Us Canadian small churches in action
by Ron Baker
2M ago
Margaret Clarke has just finished her Ph.D. on Clergy Resilience.  She relates a number of her findings and suggests considerations for clergy resilience.  The research was gathered in the midst of COVID ..read more
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Episode #55 - Wayne Neumiller - Second Time Around
This is Us Canadian small churches in action
by Ron Baker
1y ago
Wayne Neumiller has served a small church in Irma, Alberta – two times! Returning to the same church has meant assessing the viability of a return and preparing for a succession. Practical and principled advice is given by Wayne ..read more
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Episode #53 - Keith Shields - Small Church Networking is possible!
This is Us Canadian small churches in action
by Ron Baker
2y ago
Can small churches use networks to provide sustainability and vitality?  Keith Shields tells of three networks that he has studied recently in Canada.  These groups of churches (small groups or small churches) have shown another model for church in the 2020's ..read more
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Episode #52 – Rick Heimstra and Lindsay Callaway – Significant Churches
This is Us Canadian small churches in action
by Ron Baker
2y ago
Rick Heimstra and Lindsay Callaway have just completed the final report on the Canadian Evangelical Small Church Survey taken over these past few years. There findings are both predictable and unseen. In this episode we discuss a number of those findings ..read more
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Episode #51 – David Bradford – Why bother with the community?
This is Us Canadian small churches in action
by Ron Baker
2y ago
David Bradford has been pastor at the Brooks Alliance church since 2011. One of his great loves is seeing the church reach into their community. David offers practical advice along with principles that will steer a small church into community outreach ..read more
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Episode #46 - Margaret Cottle - Dignity conserving care means medical termination is unnecessary and unadvised
This is Us Canadian small churches in action
by Ron Baker
2y ago
Dr. Margaret Cottle works in the palliative care area of medical health.  Her own experiences show that the latest medical termination permission allowed by Canadian legislation falls far short of the vitality of a Christian worldview.  In this podcast she wisely corrects some troubling shifts in modern medicine with a view towards a loving and caring compassion for the humans who surround us ..read more
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Episode #48 - Kevin Roberts - Obstacles to long term ministry
This is Us Canadian small churches in action
by Ron Baker
2y ago
Kevin Roberts has spent a quater century in pastoral ministry. His own search to understand congregational wellness and long term stability has lead to a number of pertinent observations. Patience, forgiveness, context and other areas are discussed ..read more
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Episode #47 - John Scott - Relinquishing Life: Palliative Care in a MAiD Society
This is Us Canadian small churches in action
by Ron Baker
2y ago
Dr. John Scott has been a part of Palliative Care as a physician since the 1970's.  He feels strongly that helping people relinquish life is a gift that our society needs to embrace.  Canadian society has not done this well and has instead opted for MAiD.  Pastors and church leaders can call us into this ministry ..read more
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Episode #45 - Paul Charbonneau - What is MAiD in Canada?
This is Us Canadian small churches in action
by Ron Baker
2y ago
A local church pastor of 30 years, Paul Charbonneau, talks of his encounters with real life people dealing with MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying).  His own journey has led him to be pro-active in understanding and practising the culture of pro-living ..read more
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