Sound, Sight and Mind
Three brothers discuss, debate and dissect the classic series, "The Twilight Zone" - three episodes at a time.
Sound, Sight and Mind
1y ago
In this spooky episode, the calls are coming from BEYOND THE GRAVE! And also there's some Civil War mumbojumbo...We're celebrating All Hallow's Eve with three ghostly tales - "Long Distance Call", "Night Call" and "The Passersby". Are they SCARY good, or HORRIFYINGLY bad? Listen along and find out ..read more
Sound, Sight and Mind
1y ago
With great mental power comes great responsibility, so what do you do with it--blackmail your boss? Hit the craps tables? Wish away the entire human population but still go to your boring accounting day job for some reason? We get pretty chatty about these three tales of average joes who flirt with above-average power -- "A Penny For Your Thoughts", "The Prime Mover", and "The Mind and the Matter ..read more
Sound, Sight and Mind
1y ago
Am I crazy, or did we just drop a new podcast episode after 2 years away? Perhaps this is just a case of obvious mass hypnosis, like in "The Arrival". Maybe it's a deadly and slightly erotic fever dream, as in "Perchance to Dream"! Or maybe, just maybe you're not crazy...and we really are the furry gremlins in your "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet ..read more
Sound, Sight and Mind
3y ago
We're back from a looooong slumber, to scare up three episodes just in time for Halloween! Join us for a spooky journey into some of the darker corners of The Twilight Zone, where we discuss such horrors as Supertramp album covers, the film White Christmas, and just how exactly the entire population of an old-west, frontier town has so much F.U. money to spend? We're talking about "The New Exhibit", "Mr. Garrity and the Graves" and "The Masks ..read more
Sound, Sight and Mind
3y ago
It's the first SSM Quarantine-Cast! Recording live from lockdown, the Andrade brothers decided they had nothing better to do than pick apart some of the goofier alien invasion episodes. No morals or metaphors to study here - who needs that right now? Come along with us as we socially-distantly discuss, "Mr. Dingle the Strong", "The Fear", and "Hocus-Pocus and Frisby". As always, email us your episode requests at ssmpodcast@gmail.com ..read more
Sound, Sight and Mind
3y ago
WHAT'S THIS?? It's the long-lost, 18th Episode of Sound, Sight and Mind! In honor of Steve's birthday, our intrepid guest editor Ty rescued these recordings from the vault and gifted you with a brand new (old) episode! These three stories all have a touch of dark magic to them - some cast a spell, and others are maybe...uh, not good? Dive in with us as we break down "Jess-belle", "Still Valley" and "Queen of the Nile" and as always, let us know what you think by emailing ssmpodcast@gmail.com ..read more
Sound, Sight and Mind
3y ago
Three brothers are talking about three women who get put to the test when they find themselves in some very Zone-y situations. Usually for Rod's female characters, they just have to cope with some old-fashioned 1960's misogyny. This time, he's added sinister doubles, deadly nightmares, a climate crisis, and a super skeevy doctor to the mix. Join us as we chat about a pretty solid batch of episodes: "Mirror Image", "Twenty-Two", and "The Midnight Sun ..read more
Sound, Sight and Mind
3y ago
Saddle up, y'all - in this episode we're trading dummies and ray guns for chaps and whisky. What happens when we tackle a Twilight Zone sub-genre that is less-familiar and to be honest, we just don't like all that much? Well, Steve is still going to talk about poop, so there's that. We're looking at "Mr. Denton on Doomsday", "The Grave" and "Showdown with Rance McGrew". Don't forget to let us know your thoughts on Facebook, Instagram or email us at ssmpodcast@gmail.com ..read more
Sound, Sight and Mind
3y ago
What if one day you woke up and looked around and thought, "THIS ISN'T MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE! THIS ISN'T MY BEAUTIFUL HOUSE!" Frankly, you could argue a lot of the episodes of the Twilight Zone start this way. Well, in our first episode back in a looooong time, we're focusing in on three episodes that ask, "What is reality?" Chris does some deep investigation into some French-American, Jazz-Folk fusion. Steve tackles "This Week in Feces". Ken barely makes it to the end of the episode before his computer bursts into flames. Welcome back to S/S/M ..read more
Sound, Sight and Mind
3y ago
In this episode, we travel to parts unknown with some interstellar explorers who, when it comes to having "The Right Stuff", seem especially lacking. Join us on these three outer-space journeys where we'll encounter all different forms of alien life, and discover whether or not "People Are Alike All Over" (and we're talking "The Little People" and "Elegy" too ..read more