ACSV Legal
News, Legal Updates, and Information about the laws and legal issues in Vietnam. ACSV Legal is a Vietnam-based corporate law firm, with an emphasis on Corporate / M&A and Private Equity.
ACSV Legal
1y ago
To fulfill the role of the trade unions in labour dispute resolution procedures, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour has issued Guidance Number 92/HD-TLD. This guidance will provide instructions for the trade union regarding complaints and participation in civil proceedings in relation to labour disputes at the court more
ACSV Legal
1y ago
Circular 12 regulates various matters on foreign borrowing and debt repayment, such as the registration procedure of the enterprise’s foreign loan without a Government guarantee, opening and use of accounts for foreign borrowing and debt repayment, and reporting regime related to the enterprise’s foreign loan more
ACSV Legal
1y ago
On 10 February 2023, the Government issued Decree No. 3/2023/ND-CP (Decree 3) providing for the functions, rights and duties, and organisational structure of the Vietnam Competition Commission (VCC). Decree 3 will take effect on 1 April 2023. In this update, we set out some remarkable points of Decree 3 more
ACSV Legal
1y ago
Circular 2 issued introduces new methods of inspecting and assessing the compliance of foreign investment activities in Vietnam with relevant laws. The new Circular gives the responsible authorities the right to run discretionary audits on foreign-invested entities more
ACSV Legal
1y ago
Decree 35 brings many positive changes to the legal framework for IPs and EZs, addresses various shortcomings of Decree 82 and is expected to attract more investment in IP and EZ development. For example, the requirement of a minimum 60% occupancy rate no longer applies and housing accommodation for employees working in IPs and EZs more
ACSV Legal
2y ago
Foreign investors can invest under varying conditions depending on the free trade agreement they rely on. Some investments are allowed without restrictions under one free trade agreement but not under another. Others are allowed under WTO commitments but are restricted under the EVFTA, UKFTA or RCEP; or the other way around more
ACSV Legal
2y ago
Circular 21 introduces new domain names:, and The first is for individuals only and the other for both individuals and organisations. Upon expiration of a domain name, it will be suspended immediately but it can be renewed within 25 days more
ACSV Legal
2y ago
Decree 15 has reduced the VAT rate for many goods and services from 10% to 8%. However, the implementation of this has resulted in some additional burden for companies as it is not possible to include different VAT rates in one VAT invoice. The draft decree addresses this issue more
ACSV Legal
2y ago
The decree results in changes of decisions related to the suspension or temporary reassignment of official duties, the definition of extremely serious cases of corruption has been changed and the periodic relation of office will be applied to more positions more
ACSV Legal
2y ago
Due to COVID-19 the courts in Vietnam had to move to virtual hearings. In this update, you can find more information on the requirements. There are rules for pre-hearing plan, scope, and logistic issues, technical specifications and requirements, online etiquette and due process more