Ts'uyya Farm: Reyna Banteah
The Farmers I Know
by Carolyn Hirshon
10M ago
Hear from Reyna Banteah about farming in New Mexico and promoting cultural continuity for young people in Zuni--a pueblo in the Western part of New Mexico. Check her out on instagram @tsuyyafarm ..read more
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The Farmers I Know
by Carolyn Hirshon
1y ago
Hear guests talk about how water connects to food and farming. Learn more about the community building work the guests do below: 1. Andre Strong Bearheart - No Loose Braids, IG: @no_loose_braids 2. Grace Oedel - Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont, IG: @nofavermont 3. Rayna Benteah - Ts'uyye Farm, IG: @tsuyyafarm 4. Ron Boyd - Rio Grande Grain, IG: @riograndegrain 4. Clara Sandino - El Porvenir, IG: @elporvenir_nica ..read more
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Brown Girl Farms: Ashlee Johnson-Geisse
The Farmers I Know
by Carolyn Hirshon
2y ago
Join me out in Hayward, California at Brown Girl Farms, and hear from the founder and farmer, Ashlee Johnson-Geisse about her journey of creating an incredible intentional farm space that brings her family and community together ..read more
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New Roots Community Farm: Susanna Wheeler
The Farmers I Know
by Carolyn Hirshon
2y ago
New Roots Community Farm in Fayetteville, West Virginia works to build a vibrant, just, and equitable local food system. Listen to Susanna Wheeler reflect on her journey as the Farm Director and describe how they use agriculture as a tool for community building and economic development ..read more
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Peasant Parcel: Sharon Briggs
The Farmers I Know
by Carolyn Hirshon
2y ago
Sharon Briggs talks fungus! Learn about Sharon's journey to running an off-grid, sustainable mushroom farm in rural West Virginia ..read more
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The Farmers I Know
by Carolyn Hirshon
2y ago
What will the future hold for seeds? In the past century, we have lost over 90% of seed diversity. Seeds tell us stories. They give us abundance. Guests in this episode help us understand the power of a seed. Hear from Maebh Aguilar from Truelove Seeds, Reana Kovalcik from the Share a Seed Initiative, Jeanette Hart-Mann from Seed Broadcast, Ron Boyd from Rio Grande Grain, and Andrea Carter from the Native Seed Search ..read more
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Niyi Balogun & Tope Fajingbesi
The Farmers I Know
by Carolyn Hirshon
2y ago
The owners of Dodo Farm talk about their experience running a farm that prioritizes the health of the planet and their customers ..read more
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Max Hart
The Farmers I Know
by Carolyn Hirshon
3y ago
Max Hart is the director of agricultural education at Calleva Farms in Dickerson, Maryland. Max tends to crops and animals and uses the farm as an educational tool for running the kids' program that emphasizes experiential learning. Max’s passion and eagerness to evolve as a farmer pushes him to experiment with growing methods and understand the true history of regenerative agriculture ..read more
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Indigenous Peoples' Day
The Farmers I Know
by Carolyn Hirshon
3y ago
On the first federally recognized Indigenous Peoples' Day--October 11, 2021-- activists marched from Freedom Plaza to The White House demanding elected officials take action to protect the environment and put an end to expanding fossil fuel projects such as Line 3. Keshia Lawrence explains this movement and draws connections between environmental protection and food and land sovereignty ..read more
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Curt Canada
The Farmers I Know
by Carolyn Hirshon
3y ago
Curt Canda runs an incredible school garden program at Stoddert Elementary--where kids learn about being a steward of the earth and take part in a sustainable food system. He holds a master's in Elementary Education from American University and a master's in Social Work from the University of Iowa ..read more
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